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 Apocalypse landscape. Source: ErenMotion / Adobe Stock.

Apocalypse 536 AD: The Catastrophic Event That Plunged the World into Darkness (Video)

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In the year 536 AD, a mysterious event plunged the world into darkness for a year and a half. Constantinople writers of the time described the sun as dimmed and blotted out, causing crop failures, famine, and social upheaval across the globe.

Recent research suggests that a massive volcanic eruption, or series of simultaneous eruptions may have caused the catastrophic event, which created a volcanic winter and drastically changed the Earth's climate. The event is suggested to have been everything from the collapse of empires to the Plague of Justinian. However, the source of the eruption remains unknown, leaving scientists to unravel the mystery of one of the most significant environmental events in human history.

Top image: Apocalypse landscape. Source: ErenMotion / Adobe Stock.

By Robbie Mitchell



Mid-20th century climate alarmism in the media focused on catastrophic cooling exactly because such cooling has happened in the past.

However, this was only setting the scene for the global warming scare. Global warming as an existential threat was always too fake, for the reasons you have outlined. It needed the credibility of global cooling to get it going.

The media switch was aided by the faked 'conservative' credibility of Margaret Thatcher, she who covered up her predecessor's gross paedophilia and even serial infanticide. Global cooling would not have seen the masses shun coal or petroleum, rather the opposite, again for the reasons you have outlined.

Global warming was needed to implement energy poverty. It is a truly Machiavellian ploy. I was 'groomed' to be part of this inside Australian politics in the late Hawke/Thatcher era. Which 'side' of politics I was on didn't much matter. Labor and Tory luminaries were equally controlled and active in Luciferian religion.

However, I manipulated the manipulator instead and somehow walked away uncompromised and alive, a near impossibility.

If I criticise historians, it is because the discipline is grossly compromised, particularly through funding. I also criticise farmers, tradesmen, Christians and a whole heap other categories that are also compromised in various ways for that matter, irrespective of the fact that I may fit into them rather better.

I particularly criticise conspiracy theorists for failing to see the difference between a reactionary theorist and an actual resilient witness. The former is easily led astray.

I don't expect others to believe my personal history. I simply expect them to question how their own fits into a world of deceit; one where Machiavelli isn't just a vaguely-relevant long-dead author and one where a new Dark Age is seen as an opportunity to implement that which makes Machiavelli's ideas, ultimately, second-rate.

If I had simply wanted to be popular and famous, I could have joined them. Had I done so, some political historians would now, at times, be writing about me, after reading my fake biography published by the Luciferians and promoted in the Luciferian media.

All I had to do was sell my soul. It is a transaction many history-makers have made.

I agree with you about global warming. What history has shown is that climate changes constantly. Always from natural causes. And as this episode illustrates, sometimes quite violently. The Xicxulub event at the end of the Cretaceous for example was quite violent and resulted in the immediate destruction of all life forms over about 1 kg.

As to extreme cold, again, I agree with you. Our only defense as a species for thousands of years was artificial heat by burning, limiting the impact of cold by inventing shelter and garments. Without these developments, humans would have remained as a tropical species unable to live in temperate climates. For humans naturally, much warmer temperature than prevail now are how our species evolved.

What the historians do agree on quite strenuously is that the ‘dark ages’ were times of shrinking agriculture, shrinking populations except in a few places with highly advanced pre-industrial civilizations, and general starvation. This cycle of misery only came to an end with the advent of modern fossil fuels, first coal starting in the 1400s and then petroleum starting in the late 1800s.

Sun-dimming is back. It is already under way, brought to us ironically by the elite devotees of Lucifer, the Shining One.

The excuse is fake anthropogenic climate change. The anti-warming sun-dimming from aircraft is real anthropogenic climate change. A new Dark Age shall result where the sun won't shine.

All those Dark Age historians and not one mentions this...

Global warming is a clever strategy, where most of the public resistance is spent arguing that anthropogenic climate change is not happening, when it is in a more sinister and much, much less discussed form, with temperatures to be plummeting instead of rising.

Extreme cold is a proven cause of population reduction, causing famine, civil unrest and disease, yet one modern elites believe they can shelter themselves from.

Historians tend to have read Machiavelli. I read it at fifteen and learnt that I understood a lot of it beforehand from instinct, observation and experience. Is it not possible for adult historians to understand it too? Or do they not want to?

The video is not very well researched. 536 was only the beginning of the misery of the Roman Empire. It was followed in 540 by a massive plague that moved through the Empire in about two years and killed about 1/3rd of the population. These two events can be considered the real beginning of what is now known as the Dark Ages.

Moreover, this kind of ‘sun-dimming’ effect has been repeated several times since 536. There was a very large volcanic explosion in Iceland in the 14th century which brought an end to the Medieval Warming Period and ushered in decades of bitterly cold weather and famine. It too was accompanied by a massive plague, in this case the Black Death of 1348, which again killed about 1/3rd of the population.

More recently, the explosion of Mount Tambora in 1815 introduced the “year of no summer” in 1816. Again massive crop failures were experienced on a global basis. A smaller event but still of global implication was the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883 which also resulted in cooler temperatures for about a decade.

This is a much fuller explanation of the events of 536.

Sixth-Century Misery Tied to Not One, But Two, Volcanic Eruptions | Science| Smithsonian Magazine


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I’m a graduate of History and Literature from The University of Manchester in England and a total history geek. Since a young age, I’ve been obsessed with history. The weirder the better. I spend my days working as a freelance... Read More

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