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 The mummies at St Michan that have been burned in the fire.

Devastating Attack on Ancient Mummies at St Michan's Church

In a shocking incident that has stirred both historical and public outrage, St Michan's Church in Dublin has released graphic photographs showing extensive damage to its precious mummified remains...
Tourist Defaces Roman Wall in Herculaneum

Dutch Tourist Defaces Ancient Roman Villa in Herculaneum

A 27-year-old tourist from the Netherlands has been accused of defacing a frescoed wall in the ancient Roman city of Herculaneum, located near Naples, Italy. The vandalism occurred at a historic site...
Fort Pearce protected heritage site Sign.	Source: Jacqueline Russell/BLM Utah/ Public Domain

Irreversible Damage Caused at Fort Pearce Puebloan Site

A historically rich area, Utah has had a long history of vandalism and theft across archaeological and paleontological sites. Newly added to this list is the digging of a 2-foot wide and 15-foot-deep...
Some of the figures at Adamkayalar. Source: Oleg Znamenskiy/Adobe Stock

Treasure Hunters Damage Ancient Rock Carvings After Non-existent ‘Hidden Treasures’

The Adamkayalar reliefs, located in Mersin Province’s southern region, near the southern coast of Turkey, have recently suffered damage from treasure hunters and need urgent protection to avoid...
Broken Roman statue. Source: Dmitry / Adobe Stock.

Tourist Smashes ‘Blasphemous’ Roman Statues Citing Jerusalem Syndrome as Defense

A violent American tourist has been arrested for destroying ancient Roman statues at a museum in Jerusalem. In his defence, the man is claiming he suffered from “Jerusalem Syndrome,” an alleged...
Mynydd Eglwysilan, the hill near the location of the damaged stone. Source: Colin Smith / CC BY-SA 2.0

Attention Seeker Destroys Ancient Monument And Posts Act On Facebook

It is disheartening to read about another Bronze Age cup and ring marked stone being destroyed in Wales. However, this story reaches a new level of repugnancy, because the 52-year-old-vandal filmed...
The statue of pharaoh Senwosret III, who ruled from 1878 BC to 1839 BC, is another in a long line of missing Egyptian noses. Source: Public domain

Why Are So Many Ancient Egyptian Statues Missing Their Noses?

The missing noses on ancient Egyptian statues have been a topic of discussion and curiosity within art history circles for many years. It is a common question that many people ask: why are the noses...
200-year-old sculptures marked with blue crayon at Croome Court. Source: National Trust

Historic Croome Court Sculptures Marked Up By Crayon-Wielding Miscreants

On Saturday, April 8, tour guides at the historic Croome Court estate in Worcestershire were stunned to find crayon markings all over a statue and memorial plaque located on the court’s sprawling...
Ancient Egyptian graffiti, in this case Coptic graffiti, at the Temple of Isis in the Philae Temple Complex in Egypt. Source: Warren LeMary / CC0

3D Mapping Brings 2,000 years of Ancient Egyptian Graffiti into Focus

The oldest known graffiti in the world dates back to the ancient Egyptian civilization. It was carved and painted over 4,000 years ago on the walls of the temples and tombs. Ancient Egyptian graffiti...
Photo of the Parthenon Marbles, East Pediment. The Elgin Marbles have been controversial ever since they were taken from Greece. Source: Justin Norris / CC BY 2.0

Are the Controversial Elgin Marbles Finally Destined for Athens?

For over a decade, staff at The British Museum refused to even discuss returning the controversially procured Elgin Marbles to Greece. Now, they’re sitting around a table with Greek heritage...
A man destroyed these Greek artifacts (Dallas Museum of Art) at the Dallas Museum of Art. (KeithJonsn / CC BY-SA 3.0)

Man Angry at His Girlfriend Smashes Ancient Greek Artifacts Worth $5 Million!

A man “mad at his girl” broke into The Dallas Museum of Art in Texas and destroyed three Greek artifacts, estimated to be worth up to $5 million and faces years in jail. The destructive attacks...
The vandalized Moche phallic statue of Peru will be repaired, and more provocative statues will be added to the landscape around Trujillo.		Source: Radio Yaravi

Fiberglass Moche Phallic Statue Damaged by Vandals in Peru

Just a few short days after its controversial installation, vandals have damaged a unique Moche phallic statue that was erected outside the city of Trujillo in northern Peru. The 9-foot (2.7-meter)...
Part of the Upper Tote Cairn that has been destroyed by the landowner.	Source: Crown Office

Scottish Farmer Fined For Destroying Prehistoric Burial Cairn

A Scottish island farmer has been charged for ripping apart a Neolithic burial tomb to build a new shed. You might think the judge’s £18,000 fine sounds quite stiff, but the cairn is damaged beyond...
“Accidental” Destruction of Aboriginal Stone Arrangement in Australia

“Accidental” Destruction of Aboriginal Stone Arrangement in Australia

A private landowner has damaged a 1,500-year-old stone eel arrangement near Lake Bolac, Australia . The Kuyang stone monument was shaped into an eel and created before the Europeans arrived in...
Native American History Destroyed In Georgia’s Track Rock Gap

Native American History Destroyed In Georgia’s Track Rock Gap

The U.S. Forest Service has announced that vandals have systematically destroyed important pre-Colombian petroglyphs at historic sites in the southeastern Chattahoochee–Oconee National Forests,...
2,000-Year-Old Limestone Pyramid Tomb Discovered in Lebanon

2,000-Year-Old Limestone Pyramid Tomb Discovered in Lebanon

An ancient pyramid-shaped megalithic burial has been discovered in North Lebanon dating back to 2,000 years before the pyramids of Egypt. What’s more, it is speculated that this, and other similar...
Latvia’s Enigmatic Virtaka Cliff and Mysterious Gauja River Petroglyphs

Latvia’s Enigmatic Virtaka Cliff and Mysterious Gauja River Petroglyphs

Petroglyphs, cave paintings , and different rock carvings are some of the earliest forms of expression of early man. In the Baltic, Pomeranian, and Scandinavian regions of Europe, petroglyphs have...
The dolmen of Faldouet is one of several Neolithic Jersey dolmens. It is a Neolithic passage grave located near St. Martin and a highlight for visitors to the island. Source: Lux / Adobe Stock

Vandals Drill into Neolithic Jersey Dolmen Looking for Quartz

A famous dolmen on the Channel Islands has been damaged. Vandals drilled into one of the supporting stones of the 6,000-year-old Stone Age monument. It is believed that they were looking for quartz...
During a mysterious German museum attack, at least 70 priceless artifacts have been damaged on Museum Island in Berlin, a UNESCO World Heritage Site which is made up of the Altes Museum, the Bode-Museum, the Neues Museum, the Pergamon Museum and the Alte Nationalgalerie, seen here. Source: Anna Pakutina / Adobe Stock

German Museum Attacks Seem Inspired by Conspiracy Theorists

Authorities are stunned, after a series of German museum attacks on priceless historic artifacts and artworks. A liquid has been smeared on famous exhibits at three renowned Berlin museums. It is...
A new report by the local council has highlighted problems being caused by hikers and tourists along the Devil’s Dyke in Cambridgeshire. Source: Rob Mills / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Stunning ‘Devil’s Dyke’ Under Threat in Britain

In Britain, a mysterious monument has become the subject of controversy. There are claims that the ancient Devil’s Dyke, a vast defensive earthwork, has been damaged by walkers and has been fouled by...
Representative selfie taken at the Colosseum , Rome  Source: Davide Angelini / Adobe Stock

Man Arrested For Vandalizing Rome’s Flavian Colosseum

The Flavian Amphitheater, better known as “The Colosseum,” is the world-famous ancient structure located in the center of the city of Rome, Italy, and it represents the largest Roman amphitheater...
Damaged 19th century sculpture of Paolina Bonaparte by Antonio Canova      Source: Gypsotheca Antonio Canova Museum (Inset, Carabinieri Treviso)

Tourist Damages A Valuable Italian Sculpture And Just Walks Away

CCTV in an Italian museum has captured the moment a tourist snapped two toes off a 200-year-old sculpture’s model. This horrendous act of vandalism followed by sheer negligence of all adult...
Michael McDonagh, Head of National Monuments, inspecting the damage at Ballygawley, a famous Irish Neolithic site.          Source: Sligo Neolithic Landscapes

Irish Neolithic Sites At Risk From Vandals and Treasure Hunters

Irish Neolithic sites , and Stone Age monuments are being destroyed by treasure hunters , vandals, and visitors. Some of the tombs date back 5000 years and are among the oldest of their kind in...
Screengrab from video showing vandals in Pakistan destroying Buddhist statue

Vandals Destroy Priceless Buddha Statue for Being Un-Islamic

In Pakistan , a group of construction workers destroyed a priceless Pakistani Buddha , smashing the figure to pieces. The almost 2000-year-old figure was vandalized because it offended local...
