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United States

View of Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site. Source:  Zack Frank / Adobe Stock   By Nathan Falde

Ancient Cahokia of North America Reveals 900-Year-Old Treasures

While carrying out excavations at the site of North America’s first great city, which is called Cahokia by historians, a team of archaeologists and students from Saint Louis University unearthed a...
A typical bottomed sinkhole

The Curious Case of Mel's Hole - Did it Ever Exist?

In 1997 a resident of Ellensburg, Washington called Mel Waters rang into a local radio station with a fairly outlandish claim. He stated that he’d found a bottomless pit in the region that had a host...
Comanche Feats of Horsemanship (1834-1835) by George Catlin. Source: Public Domain

The History of the Comanche Tribe is One of Conquest

The history of the Native American Comanche tribe includes their move from ancestral homelands in Wyoming to more southerly parts - and conquering new lands. They were then in turn conquered, after...
As part of the groundbreaking $40 million Mansion Revitalization Project funded by private donors, archaeologists unearth two intact, sealed 18th-century glass bottles at George Washington's Mount Vernon estate. Source: Mount Vernon Ladies' Association

George Washington’s Refurbished Manor Has Sealed Bottles from 18th Century

As part of the $40 million Mansion Revitalization Project, archaeologists have unearthed two sealed, 18th-century European glass bottles at George Washington’s Mount Vernon mansion. Analysis has...
An 1845 painting of a group of people from the Sioux tribe by Charles Deas. Source: Public domain

The Ancient Sioux Tribe, A Ghost Dance, and a Savior That Never Came

“ In the old, old days, before Columbus ‘discovered’ us, as they say, we [the people of the Sioux tribe] were even closer to the animals than we are now. Many people could understand the animal...
Artists impression of the scene at White Sands National Park 23,000 years ago when teenagers left their prints in the mud. Source: © Davide Bonadonna and Bournemouth University

Humans Got To America 7,000 Years Earlier Than Thought, New Research Confirms

Matthew Robert Bennett & Sally Christine Reynolds /The Conversation When and how humans first settled in the Americas is a subject of considerable controversy. In the 20th century, archaeologists...
Representational image of gold coins in the ground. Source: QuietWord / Adobe Stock

Civil War Surprise as Kentucky Farmer Unearths Valuable Coin Hoard

A Kentucky farmer was digging in his corn field earlier this year when he discovered over 700 coins. About 95% of the unexpected stash dated back to the American Civil War. This chance finding of a...
Egyptian Symbols Found in the U.S. Source: YouTube Screenshot / History.

Unearthing Ancient Egyptian Glyphs in America (Video)

An extraordinary discovery has left experts perplexed—a 500-pound rock slab adorned with an ancient Egyptian symbol found in the U.S. desert. For two years, researchers have been grappling with its...
The success of Dr. James Marion Sims, the so-called father of gynecology, was achieved thanks to the suffering of enslaved African American women. Source: annne / Adobe Stock

Exploiting Enslaved Women Propelled the Father of Gynecology to Fame

A monument of Dr. James Marion Sims stands in front of the State Capitol in Montgomery, Alabama, eulogizing him as the “father of modern gynecology” and a “benefactor of women.” But Sims has also...
Image of the effigy mound found near Lebanon, Wisconsin. Source: Chuck Werth

Retired Historian Uncovers Native American Effigy Mounds in Wisconsin

In a patch of woods on a homestead in southeastern Wisconsin, a recent aerial survey revealed the presence of a pair of hidden historical gems. These were two Native American ceremonial (burial)...
An illustration of a torture horse of the Spanish Donkey or Wooden Horse variety. (Public domain)

The Spanish Donkey: Medieval History’s Most Horrific Torture Method

Throughout history, two things have remained constant. First, the intermingling of cultures has produced countless local variations of original ideas, be it cuisine, or language, or fashion. Second,...
Some of the ancient ghost footprints marked with pin flags discovered in Utah. Source: R. Nial Bradshaw / US Air Force

Almost 100 Human “Ghost Footprints” Found in Utah Dating Back to the Ice Age

88 human “ghost tracks” dated to the erstwhile Ice Age more than 12,000 years ago, have been discovered in Utah’s Great Salt Lake Desert. Mystical in nature, they appear when just the right amount of...
Human skull discovered in Minnesota River in September is believed to be about 8,000 years old. Source: Renville County Sheriff's Office

Debacle Over 8,000-year-old Human Skull Posted On Facebook

Believed to be about 8,000 years old, two US kayakers recovered the human skull last September in a river about 110 miles west of Minneapolis. After they spotted the unnatural shaped object on a...
Judaculla Rock in Western North Carolina. Source: Onmountain / CC BY-SA 3.0

The Indecipherable Judaculla Rock

In the mountains of Jackson County in North Carolina lies a large mysterious rock covered in petroglyphs that have yet to be deciphered. For the Cherokee Indians, the rock and and surrounding area is...
Petroglyphs visible at Little Petroglyph Canyon, or Renegade Canyon, in California. Source: Terry Feuerborn / CC BY-NC 2.0

Remarkable Rock Art at California’s Big and Little Petroglyph Canyons

Within the Mojave Desert, in southeastern California, those interested in ancient rock art are in for a treat. Hidden on a military base is an area with thousands of documented Native American...
Petit Jean State Park.           Source: Mitch / Adobe Stock.

Petit Jean State Park, Where Natural Beauty Meets Legend

Petit Jean State Park is a state park in Arkansas, USA. In addition to its beautiful natural landscapes, the park is also known for its many archaeological sites, especially rock art sites. Moreover...
Petroglyphs of Scotland, found in Lurgan by George Currie. Source: George Currie

Comparing the Prehistoric Stone Symbols of Scotland and the Judaculla Rock

Within the rolling green hills of Scotland, slumber thousands of ancient stones bejeweled with mysterious glyphs. Across the proverbial pond, hidden in the great Appalachians of America’s North...
Fence surrounding the largest mound at Aztalan State Park. Source: Good Free Photos

Aztec Pyramids in Wisconsin? Welcome to Aztalan State Park

The enormous earth mounds which can be visited at Aztalan State Park in Wisconsin are remnants of an ancient culture that first settled the area around the 11th or 12th century AD. These massive...
Latter Day Forgeries: The Hoax of the Kinderhook Plates

Latter Day Forgeries: The Hoax of the Kinderhook Plates

In the 19th century, golden plates were discovered in Kinderhook in the United States. They were meant to reveal an ancient pharaoh’s lineage, but all was not as it seemed. The first week in May 1843...
Sybil Ludington rode through the night to warn Patriots that the British were coming. Source: Cattallina / Adobe Stock

Sybil Ludington: Unsung Heroine of the American Revolutionary War

Sometimes we fail to notice the greatest heroes . Courage and daring can hide even in the smallest of characters, springing up unexpectedly and just in the nick of time. Sybil Ludington was just...
Upcoming UFO Report and its Implications for Human Origins Theory

Upcoming UFO Report and its Implications for Human Origins Theory

Last year, the United States signed into law 5,500 pages of legislation, most of which dealt with economic stimulus. But it dealt with something else too – UFOs! The revelations have explosive...
Illegal Climbing Route Set Over 1000-year-old Petroglyphs in Utah

Illegal Climbing Route Set Over 1000-year-old Petroglyphs in Utah

While climbing near Sunshine Slabs north of Utah’s Arches National Park in the United States, climbers discovered illegal climbing bolts fixed into petroglyphs that are said to be 1,000 years old...
Snow Snake, The Ancient Native American Winter Sport, Gets Popular

Snow Snake, The Ancient Native American Winter Sport, Gets Popular

On Friday, February 26 2021, a city park in Madison, Wisconsin will host a unique sporting competition . Newcomers and experienced practitioners alike will be given the opportunity to play snow snake...
Illustration of the NASA Perseverance rover firing up its descent engines as it approaches the surface of planet Mars. Source: JPL-Caltech / NASA

Age-Old Obsession with Planet Mars Culminates in Multiple Missions

In an extraordinary confluence of events, three nations from three separate regions of the globe—the United States, China , and the United Arab Emirates —launched spacecraft headed for planet Mars...
