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A copper torc was excavated from a prehistoric necropolis in southern France. Source: Denis Dubesset / INRAP

2,600-Year-Old Prehistoric Necropolis in France Reveals Treasures

A prehistoric necropolis used between 900 and 600 BC in Aubagne in southeastern France has revealed a first millennium BC individual, bedecked in copper jewelry, after two rounds of excavations in...
The rare wooden haniwa statue found in the Osaka Prefecture, Japan. Source: HABIKINO BOARD OF EDUCATION / VIA KYODO

Rare, Giant-Sized Haniwa Funerary Statue Found in Japan

Archaeologists excavating a burial mound at the Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Osaka Prefecture in southern Japan, have found the remains of a rare wooden haniwa statue...
Mycenaean Cult Of The Dead And Burial Architecture

Mycenaean Cult Of The Dead And Burial Architecture

Tholos and the grave circles in the ancient citadel of Mycenae, located on a small hill, nestled between two larger hills on the fertile Argolid plain in the Peloponnese, Greece, exemplify a synergy...
The mounds on the Isle of Pines have remained a mystery for years.   Source: Daniela Photography/Adobe Stock

The Isle of Pines Mounds: A South Pacific Mystery Solved?

A small, picturesque, island in the French territory of New Caledonia hides a mystery that continues to defy rational explanation. More than 400 grass-covered mounds, averaging two or three meters in...
Example of an Adena mound in Mound Cemetery at Marietta Ohio. Unfortunately the Spearhead Mound was destroyed in 1940 for gravel operations.

The Spearhead Mound: Interpretation of a Forgotten Adena Burial Site

The people of the Adena Culture were some of the first to construct burial mounds and earthworks in the Ohio River Valley. Early Adena sites date to between 1000 and 200 BC and usually consist of...
The visibly arched portal of Cairn 2 in Maulbronn, Germany. Source: Author provided

Two of Europe’s Biggest Cairns are About to Be Buried in Trash

Two of the biggest European cairns are facing destruction in the World Heritage city of Maulbronn, Germany. If it happens, the prehistoric monuments would be lost and scientific investigation...
There are many legends of ancient hauntings at prehistoric burial mounds.

Ancient Hauntings in the Hills

It was a worldwide phenomenon during Prehistoric times for people to bury their dead under mounds (which are also known as tumuli ). The dead were buried along with their worldly possessions and...
Inside the planned mid-England Barrow.

A Return to Ancient Burial Traditions: Want to Be Buried in a Barrow?

Humanity has buried their dead in a variety of ways, down the ages. In the distant past the dead were often buried in barrows. It has been many millennia since one of these burial sites has been...
The Százhalombatta Archaeological Park

Százhalombatta: Largest Bronze Age Tell in Europe is Home to Countless Archaeological Treasures

While the plains of Hungary have been settled by many fascinating societies throughout history, the area of Százhalombatta is particularly rich in archaeological finds and monuments. One of the most...
The grave of the unusually tall Bronze Age man found in Bulgaria. (Primorsko Museum of History/Nova TV) Representative image of the entrance to a tumulus near the town of Strelcha, Bulgaria.

Bulgarian Looters Couldn’t Get Their Hands on the Grave of an Unusually Tall Bronze Age Man Buried with a Severed Arm

Archaeologists in Bulgaria are fighting a battle against looting in the Black Sea town of Primorsko. Unfortunately, it seems grave robbers are getting ahead of the experts in the number of graves...
Interior of Etruscan Tomb of the Reliefs, Cerveteri, Italy

The Cerveteri Necropolis, Etruscan City of the Dead

Prior to the rise of Rome, Italy was inhabited by a number of different peoples. The coastal region of southern Italy and Sicily, for instance, was colonized by the Greeks, whilst the interior of...
Shows Dr. Catherine Frieman in a field in Cornwall with survey equipment. Credit: ANU.

Property Owner Reports ‘Lump’ on His Land – Archaeologists Find 4,000-Year-Old Burial Mound

An Archaeologist at The Australian National University (ANU) has discovered a prehistoric Bronze-Age barrow , or burial mound, on a hill in Cornwall and is about to start excavating the untouched...
Tumulus F at the Neolithic Tumulus of Bougon necropolis.

The Outstanding Megalithic Necropolis that is the Tumulus of Bougon

The Tumulus of Bougon (known also as the Necropolis of Bougon) is a group of barrows dating to the Neolithic period. This site is located in Bougon, a commune in the Deux-Sèvres department of the...
In Search of The Lost Testament of Alexander the Great: Excavating Homeric Heroes

In Search of The Lost Testament of Alexander the Great: Excavating Homeric Heroes

The ancient city of Aegae in Greece, where the royal tombs are located, dates back to the 7th century BCE; it became Macedonia’s first capital after it was conglomerated from a collection of villages...
Newgrange: A Home for Magicians, Fairies, Gods, and Kings

Newgrange: A Home for Magicians, Fairies, Gods, and Kings

The Newgrange (New Grange) tumulus is found in County Meath, Ireland. This ancient site is connected to stories about magic, fairies, and incredible excavations. Newgrange is a part of the impressive...
An Iron Brew: 2,500-Year-Old Drink Recreated by Archaeologists and Brewers

An Iron Brew: 2,500-Year-Old Drink Recreated by Archaeologists and Brewers

In some of the latest news in archaeology, a bronze cauldron was discovered inside a burial plot from 400 or 450 BC in Germany. The walls of the vessel contained precious remnants of an old drink...
5,000-Year-Old Unlooted Tomb of Thracian Warrior is Biggest Find of the Year in Turkey

5,000-Year-Old Unlooted Tomb of Thracian Warrior is Biggest Find of the Year in Turkey

The intact tomb of a Thracian warrior dating back some 5,000 years has been excavated in Turkey, the Istanbul Archaeology Museum announced. Experts are calling it the biggest archaeological find so...
The clay vessel that contained balsam and had written on a fragment of Solon’s poem “Prayer to the Muses.”

Thracian tomb of a princess, child, and a spiritual man saved from looters at last minute

Treasure hunters have plundered many of Bulgaria’s thousands of archaeological sites, but the tomb of an ancient Thracian family containing the remains of a princess, a child and what researchers...
An artist rendering of how the burial mound of Asuka originally looked

Moat ruins found in Japan may be part of a burial mound for an ancient emperor

Archaeologists in Japan have unearthed a huge stone-paved moat in Asuka, Nara Prefecture, which they believe is part of a burial mound for an ancient emperor. The finding adds to a string of...
Chariot in Serbia

4,000-year-old Thracian chariot unearthed in Serbia

Archaeologists in Serbia have unearthed the remains of a beautifully decorated chariot , which is thought to be as old as 4,000 years. It is believed to have belonged to a member of the Thracian...