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Tattooed Sorceress Queen

Tomb of the Tattooed Sorceress Queen, The Lady of Cao

The day had been spent in ritual battles, and a group of individuals who were vanquished, naked, and tied-together were marched up the long stairs to the top platform of the great pyramid where there...
Face of a woman adorned with intricate facial tattoos a blend of traditional and contemporary styles. Source: Old Man Stocker/Adobe Stock

Why Are Humans So Vain Compared to Other Animals? (Video)

Across the expansive chronicles of human history, the pursuit of beauty and adornment has been a deeply ingrained aspect of our collective identity. Dating back to prehistoric times, early humans...
A mummified body of the Gebelein man in the British Museum. Source: Jack1956/CC BY-SA 3.0

The Gebelein Man, an Ancient Tattooed Murder Victim (Video)

Delving into the story of the Gebelein Man unravels a fascinating tapestry of ancient lore. Discovered in Luxor in 1896, this remarkably preserved mummy stands as a testament to the enduring...
Representational image of ancient healing medicinal practice. Source: dimensdesign / Adobe Stock

Ancient Healing Methods Offer an Alternative Paradigm in Health

As long as life has existed on earth, so have issues associated with maintaining health and the remediation of disease. Today, when many of us get sick, our first course of action is to call the...
The mummified Gebelein Man formerly known as "Ginger" in a reconstructed Egyptian grave-pit in the British Museum, photographed in 2008.

Egyptian Mummy ‘Gebelein Man’ Was Knifed in The Back!

In 1900, the British Museum exhibit known as the Gebelein Man was acquired along by Sir Wallis Budge, then keeper of the British Museum’s Egyptian Department. All six bodies were excavated under...
Nicole Wilson had Ötzi the Iceman’s tattoos replicated on her body. Source: TJ Proechel / Nicole Wilson. Inset: Two tattooed bands can be seen around Ötzi the Iceman’s wrist. (South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology)

Artist Recreates Tattoos of Ötzi the Iceman in Her Own Blood

In an unusual performance, even by today’s standards of contemporary, process-driven art, artist Nicole Wilson has been replicating on her own body and in her own blood the tattoos discovered on the...
Even Viking warriors used body modification to stand out. Source: Fotokvadrat / Adobe Stock

From Tattoos to Elongated Skulls: A History of Body Modification

Since emergence of humankind, people have been fascinated by art. They began by painting intricate pieces upon cave walls, and then carved statuettes and symbols out of stone and antler. Soon after,...

Pointed Turkey Bones Are Oldest Native American Tattoo Kit, Says Study

A group of researchers now think they’ve discovered and identified what might be the world’s oldest tattoo kit - a set of pointy, ink-stained needles that were carved out of wild turkey bones and...
The coast of the Visayas islands, Philippines, today.               Source: attiarndt / Adobe Stock

Did Visayan Raiders Plunder the Coast of the Song Dynasty?

Roughly between the Song Dynasty years of 1174 AD to 1189 AD there were little-known accounts of ferocious tattooed bandits that terrorized the south-eastern shores and islands of China. As the Song...
2,300 year old Pazyryk culture house has been reconstructed in the Altai Mountains. Source: Nikita Konstantinov / Siberian Times.

2,300 Year-Old Log Cabin Dug Out Of Permafrost Rebuilds Perfectly

By The Siberian Times reporter Timber from a potentate’s log cabin was superbly persevered in permafrost , allowing us to see how ancient man lived. The house itself, that has been extracted from...
Otzi reconstructed

Evidence From Ötzi Tells Us He Came From a Caring Bunch Who Dabbled in Medicine

There has long been speculation about the purpose of the tattoos on the body of Ötzi the Iceman, a 5,300-year-old mummy, who was discovered by some German tourists in the Oetz Valley, Austria, in...
Moai Statues

Photos Reveal Giant Easter Island Moai Statues are Covered in Mysterious Symbols

Images from the 2012 excavation of Easter Island’s iconic statues reveal the renowned heads are not only connected to giant bodies, but the bodies are covered in mysterious designs and symbols, which...
2,500-Year-Old Tattooed Ice Princess Wears Fur to Go on Public Display at Next New Moon

2,500-Year-Old Tattooed Ice Princess Wears Fur to Go on Public Display at Next New Moon

By The Siberian Times reporter An ancient mummy preserved by permafrost is dressed up for her debut 21st century appearance despite calls for solemn reburial from native peoples. The well-preserved...
Leaving a Mark: Elaborate Tattoos Found on 3,000-Year-Old Egyptian Mummy

Leaving a Mark: Unique and Elaborate Tattoos on 3,000-Year-Old Egyptian Mummy

A bioarchaeologist studying mummies found in Deir el-Medina, Egypt has discovered a special kind of ancient tattoo. While most Egyptian mummies with tattoos only have patterns of dots and dashes,...
A mannequin - an exact replica - is displayed in the museum but on 'special occasions' VIPs would be 'provided the opportunities to see the real mummy'.

Legal Bid Fails to Rebury Remains of 2,500-year-old Tattooed Ice Princess

By The Siberian Times reporter, The Siberian Times An appeal will be launched after a court this week rejected a demand by the leader of the Teles ethnic group in the Altai Mountains to order the...
Researchers take a sample from Iceman's hip in 2014.

5,300-Year-Old Otzi the Iceman Yields Oldest Known Human Blood

Researchers have found blood cells in the famous 5,300-year-old mummy found by hikers in the Austrian Alps years ago. A detailed analysis of his remains has also revealed that he would have died a...
New tattoos on 5,300-year-old Otzi the Iceman mummy

Scientists discover new tattoos on 5,300-year-old Otzi the Iceman mummy

Scientists have discovered four more tattooed lines on ‘Ötzi the Iceman’, a 5,300-year-old mummy, bringing the total number of tattoos to 61. Researchers are still divided over whether the tattoos...
Siberian elders vote to rebury 2,500-year-old mummy with angry spirit

Siberian elders vote to rebury 2,500-year-old mummy with angry spirit to prevent more disasters

The Siberian Ice Maiden, also known as the Princess of Ukok and the Altai Princess of Ochi-Bala, is a 2,500-year-old mummy of a woman found in 1993 in a kurgan (mound) of the Pazyryk culture in the...
Scythian Warriors

Tattooed Scythian Warriors, Descendants of the Amazons? - Part Four

( Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 ) Just as the Pazyryk culture greatly resembled the Scythian culture to their west, I think we can also see cultural similarities in the Norse and Celtic peoples to the...
Scythian Warriors

Tattooed Scythian Warriors, Descendants of the Amazons? Part Three

( Part 1 and Part 2 ). The origin of the word Amazon may have come from the Iranian language. The work ha-mazan (phonetic pronunciation) meant warrior and the nomadic Scythians that migrated into the...
Scythian Warriors

Tattooed Scythian Warriors, Descendants of the Amazons? Part Two

(Go to Part One) . The ancient Scythians, the ones who predate the nomads, worshiped as their main deity not a god but a goddess, the half snake half woman deity known as Tabiti, who coincidentally...
Scythian Warriors

Tattooed Scythian Warriors, Descendants of the Amazons? Part One

Herodotus describes the Scythians living in the area north of the Black Sea about three thousand years ago. According to him they traced their ancestry directly from Zeus and the river nymph...
Goddess Hathor

The Tattooed Priestesses of Hathor

She was known as the mother of god and the daughter of god, the eye of god, the creatrix of the rays of the sun, the embodiment of the circular essence of life. She was the Lady of the Limit or the...
Tattooed Maori head

Tattooed Maori head returns to New Zealand from British Museum

It’s not every day that someone receives a tattooed mummified head as a gift, but this is exactly what happened when Maori elders and New Zealand officials met with officials from Guernsey museum in...