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Archaeologists have unearthed an adorned stela at Las Capellanías complex in Cañaveral de León, Spain.       Source: University of Durham

Newly Discovered 3,000-Year-Old Stela in Spain Upends Gender Stereotypes

Archaeologists performing excavations at the 3,000-year-old Las Capellanías funerary complex in southwestern Spain have uncovered a decorated stela (standing stone slab) that features a unique and...
The Sphinx of Apries, dated to between 589 and 570 BC. Like the Egyptian stele found in the farmer's field, this sphinx is dedicated to the pharaoh Apries of the 26th dynasty of Egypt. Inset, stele of Apries in situ at find site.

Farmer Digs Up Stone Egyptian Stele Saluting Sixth Century BC Pharaoh

Recently, a farmer ploughing his field in Egypt’s Ismailia Governorate dug up something massive and historically significant. The unnamed farmer was shocked to realize the heavy object he’d uncovered...
The National Museum of Iraq. Many of the pieces discovered at the ruins of Ur, arranged and labelled by Ennigaldi-Nanna, can be found here. Source: Jdx / CC BY-SA 4.0.

Hidden Women of History: Ennigaldi-Nanna, Curator of the World’s First Museum

“It belongs in a museum.” With these words, Indiana Jones , the world’s best-known fictional archaeologist , articulated an association between archaeologists, antiquities , and museums that has a...
An etched pot sherd with an image of a scribe holding an ink palette. Found near an ancient Egyptian amethyst mine.

3,900-Year-Old Lost Inscriptions Surface at the Ancient Egyptian Amethyst Mines

Archaeologists working in the timeworn deserts of Egypt have uncovered more than ‘100 ancient inscriptions' at Wadi el-Hudi, where ancient miners once collected amethysts which were believed to be...
Bible paper. Insert: Mesha stele.

This 2,800-Year-Old Stele Tells A Bible Story From A Different Point Of View

As soon as you fit the words “Bible” and “history” into the same sentence, people start reacting. Most people are in one of two camps: either every word of the Bible is completely, literally true, or...
2,000-Year-Old Carving and 16th Century Manuscript Reveal Some Maya Came from Across the Sea

2,000-Year-Old Carving and 16th Century Manuscript Reveal Some Maya Came from Across the Sea

The Popol Vuh, a corpus of mythological and historical narratives according to the Quiché-Maya people, and Izapa Stela 5, a carved stela found at the ancient Mesoamerican site of Izapa in Mexico,...
Birds, Stones, and Jaguars: Piecing Together the Multifaceted Ancient Olmec Religion

Birds, Stones, and Jaguars: Piecing Together the Multifaceted Ancient Olmec Religion

The Bilingual-Mayan inscription of Comalcalco and decipherment of the La Venta celts and Olmec iconography allows one to understand much about the ancient Olmec religion and its cult associations...
Archaeologists Uncover a Symbolic Code Hidden in the Crater-Filled Plaza of the Moon in Teotihuacan

Archaeologists Uncover a Symbolic Code Hidden in the Crater-Filled Plaza of the Moon in Teotihuacan

For weeks, archaeologists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) of Mexico have been digging and exploring, for the first time, the bowels of the Plaza of the Moon at...
Hieroglyphic panel discovered at La Corona's Palace, El Petén, Guatemala

Discovery of Hidden Mayan Stela and Panels Give Hints to the Importance of History in the Preclassical Period

Archaeologists working for the La Corona Regional Archaeological Project who discovered the ‘end-date’ of the Maya calendar in 2012, have now discovered a Mayan stela dating back to the 5 th century...

Archaeologists find 12,000-year-old pictograph at Gobeklitepe

Excavations being conducted at the ancient city of Göbeklitepe in Turkey have uncovered an ancient pictograph on an obelisk which researchers say could be the earliest known pictograph ever...
Göbekli Tepe - oldest known sculptural workshop

Excavations reveal Gobekli Tepe had oldest known sculptural workshop

Göbekli Tepe is a very ancient archaeological site located at the top of a mountain ridge in south-eastern Anatolia region of Turkey. Dating back at least 12,000 years, it is home to the oldest known...