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An illustration of various planetary technosignatures, including artificial atmospheric gases. Source: Sohail Wasif / UC Riverside

Scientists Identify Greenhouse Gases Which Could Signal an Inhabited Planet

While we have yet to identify life on any other planet or anywhere else in space, a new study has revealed the telltale signs which could indicate a planet being inhabited . Researchers at the...
The fossil fragments in a carbon fiber tube with Professor Lee Berger, Timothy Nash and Mathew Berger.	Source: University of the Witwatersrand

Fossils from Two Ancient Human Ancestors Complete Trip into Space

When Virgin Galactic’s private spaceship, the VSS Unity, was launched into orbit on September 8, it was carrying a most unique cargo. These were two fossilized bones that belonged to two different...
Images of one of the tiny metal fragments that came from a meter-size object that crashed off the coast of Papua, New Guinea in 2014.            Source: Avi Loeb/Medium

First Metals from Outside Our Solar System Recovered from Pacific Ocean!

In the last week of June, a Harvard physicist made the claim that the world’s first ‘interstellar hook’ developed by him to hunt for alien material, had struck gold (not literally). The alien-hunter...
Representational image of satellite launch into space. Source: wasan / Adobe Stock

Space Company Tests Giant Satellite-Launching “Slingshot”

A company called SpinLaunch has developed a new system for sending satellites and other heavy payloads into space. The engineers at this U.S-based startup designed and built a gigantic outdoor...
A topographic reconstruction from satellite photos of the Richat Structure with false coloring. False coloring as follows: Brown: bedrock; Yellow/white: sand; Green: vegetation; Blue: salty sediments. Source: NASA/JPL/NIMA / Public domain

What Do Astronauts, Atlantis, and Africa Share? The Richat Structure!

Tucked away in Mauritania, surrounded by the imposing, shifting dunes of the Sahara Desert, lies the Richat Structure. A spectacular rock formation of many names, the “Eye of the Sahara” has guided...
In a recent breakthrough study, scientists have proven that meteorites carry all the building blocks of life, which is to say every chemical necessary for the formation of DNA and RNA. This photo is of the world famous Perseid Meteor Shower that occurs annually in Utah, US.		Source: UtahHome

New Study Proves ALL the Building Blocks of Life Found in Meteorites!

So where exactly did the building blocks for life (DNA and its chemical precursors) come from? This is a question that has both puzzled and fascinated scientists for decades, and a couple of possible...
Planet X

Planet X – Is there Scientific Evidence?

In 1976, in his book “The 12th Planet”, the late author Zecharia Sitchin (1920-2010) introduced the controversial hypothesis that modern humans did not evolve naturally, but instead they were...
Tile 107, or “the Outlier” as it is known, is one of 256 tiles of the Murchison Widefield Array observatory located 1.5km from the core of the telescope that detected the radio wave.	Source: ICRAR

Unknown Space Object Bombarded Earth With Strong Radio Wave

Astronomers were both puzzled and delighted to discover a mysterious deep space object that had been sending out powerful radio waves that were detectable on Earth. Designated with the catchy title...
The Statue of Socrates at the Academy of Athens. Work of Leonidas Drosis (d. 1880). (C messier/CC BY SA 4.0) Background: This NASA image shows Earth from space. The image is a combination of data from two satellites.

Was Socrates in Space? A Question of Ancient Spaceflight

The ancient Greeks are credited with having made many early advancements in science and mathematics which influenced later western civilization. Aristarchus of Samos proposed an essentially...
Illustration of the NASA Perseverance rover firing up its descent engines as it approaches the surface of planet Mars. Source: JPL-Caltech / NASA

Age-Old Obsession with Planet Mars Culminates in Multiple Missions

In an extraordinary confluence of events, three nations from three separate regions of the globe—the United States, China , and the United Arab Emirates —launched spacecraft headed for planet Mars...
This illustration depicts NASA's Perseverance rover operating on the surface of Mars. Source: NASA / JPL-Caltech

Promising Signs For Perseverance Rover’s Quest for Martian Life

New research indicates river delta deposits within Mars' Jezero crater - the destination of NASA's Perseverance rover on the Red Planet - formed over time scales that promoted habitability and...
Representative image of the comet Atlas in the night sky.      Source: Tryfonov / Adobe stock

Ancient Comet ‘Atlas’ Measures Half the Size of the Sun and it’s Back!

A huge icy space rock, comet ‘Atlas’, is currently in the constellation Ursa Major in the northern sky passing through the orbit of Mars , but it’s on a trajectory with our Sun and it will get...
Does the unique nature of our evolution mean we are alone in the universe? Source: CC0

Evolution Tells Us We Might Be the Only Intelligent Life in the Universe

Nick Longrich / The Conversation Are we alone in the universe? It comes down to whether intelligence is a probable outcome of natural selection, or an improbable fluke. By definition, probable events...
Deriv; Stone statue of Gilgamesh (CC BY 2.0), used here as a representation of an ancient Mesopotamian man. Background: Solar event. (CC0) Information provided by ancient Assyrian astrologers can help modern scientists predict future solar storms.

Ancient Assyrian Astrologers Teach Us About Solar Storms

What exactly goes on high above our heads? Why do the stars and celestial spheres seem to dance around the sky? What is the sun up to when it seems to “randomly” disappear in the day, or when it...
A representation of what human teleportation could look like.

One Step Closer to ‘Beam Me Up’? Teleportation is Possible…At Least at the Quantum Level

Have you ever seen Star Trek? If so, you must be familiar with characters being ‘beamed’ from one spacecraft to another, or to a planet. While Star Trek is fictional, there are some concepts...
Exoplanet “K2-18b” is 50% water could possibly harbor alien life. Source: Sergey Nivens / Adobe Stock.

First Ever Find of Water on ‘Potentially Habitable’ Planet Gives Hope for Finding Alien Life

For the first time ever, astronomers have identified water trapped in the atmosphere of a remote planet orbiting a distant star. When Gillian Anderson played Dana Scully she famously said, “The truth...
Only 31 light-years away from Earth, the exoplanet GJ 357 d – the recently discovered ‘super-Earth’ catches light from its host star GJ 357, in this artistic rendering. Source: Jack Madden/Cornell University

‘Signs of Life’ Picked Out As TESS Satellite Uncovers Its First Nearby Super-Earth

An international team of astronomers has characterized the first potentially habitable world outside of our solar system discovered by NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), a mission...

What Would Happen to Earth if our Moon Were Obliterated?

One of the most fascinating things about the evolution of life on Earth is its connection to the sky above. Only under the most precise conditions could tiny molecules have burst forth into life, and...
Commercial Moon Base

Are We about to See Commercial Development of the Moon? Bigelow Aerospace Says ‘Yes’

If some of the wealthiest and most powerful individuals on the planet have their way, human beings will soon—very soon, in fact—be returning to the Moon. Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos are...
Chinese space exploration

China Joins the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Life

­­ For many years, space exploration seemed to be largely an American obsession. NASA was the only space agency on the planet with ambitious plans and the consistent financing to carry them out. But...
Harvest Moon 2014, Coal Harbor, Vancouver.

Footprints on the Moon and Cemeteries on Mars: 50 Years Evidence of Human Activity In Space

There is a lot of documentation about what’s been left on the Moon – but it’s amazing how much we don’t know. There are things that have gone missing, like part of a thermal blanket that got ripped...

Teleportation: Will Quantum Physics Make Star Trek Tech a Success?

Most of us have seen the science fiction series Star Trek and are familiar with their concept of teleportation, in which characters are ‘beamed’ off the ship to another spacecraft or to the surface...
The astronomical ceiling at the Pronaos, Detail of the first Band west from the center. From left to right: two wind creatures (the winged ram with four heads personifies the south wind), the snake- and frog-headed eight goddesses and gods of the Ogdoad who ruled the cosmos before the creation of the world and Osiris seated on a throne sails across the sky as personification of the full moon accompanied by the seated goddesses Nephtys (left) and Isis on the right (Maat stands near the bow of the ship). Siri

Changing Colors and Scampering Across the Night Sky: What Did the Ancients Say about Sirius?

In Egypt, Sirius was the Star of Isis, Isis being the companion and rescuer of the god Osiris. In a very deep way, Osiris was Egypt. His body was believed to be the body of Egypt, an actual overlay...
Superflares From Young Red Dwarf Stars Imperil Planets. The Nemesis star may be a dim Red Dwarf star.

Lost Star of Myth and Time: Nemesis – Our Sun’s Missing Death Star Companion

The great issue facing the binary theory today is, well, the absence of an obvious candidate for the part. In the visible realm, we do not appear to have any stars near enough that fit the bill,...
