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Sir Walter Raleigh

Painting by Englishman John White. Sir Walter Raleigh’s 1590 Expedition to Roanoke Island to find the Lost Colony uncovered 'Croatoan' carved on a tree. This may be in reference to the Croatan island or people. Source: John White / Public domain

Do Artifacts Found at Lost Roanoke Colony Solve 400-Year-Old Mystery?

The fate of the mysterious vanishing Roanoke Colony is becoming clearer as archaeologists have continued to find evidence on Hatteras Island . As historical mysteries go, there is perhaps none so...
Golden vitives figures (known as tunjos), Muisca-Chibcha culture — pre-columbian culture in the territory of modern Colombia

The Search for El Dorado – Lost City of Gold

For hundreds of years, treasure hunters and historians alike have searched for El Dorado, the lost city of gold. The idea of a city filled with gold and other riches has a natural appeal, drawing the...