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  1. Ancient Samos and the museum of mysterious artifacts

    ... and the origin of the artifact is believed to be from Syria in about the 7 th century BC, hence the similarities ...

    johnblack - 02/02/2014 - 06:16

  2. Uncovering the Language of the First Christmas

    ... today by the Assyrian people of northern Iraq, northeast Syria, southeast Turkey and northwest Iran. I’m not the ...

    ancient-origins - 26/12/2017 - 22:50

  3. The Mighty Deeds of King Shulgi of Ur, Master of Mesopotamian Monarchs

    ... wives included a princess of the important city of Mari in Syria , while his concubines likely included beauties from Ur ...

    Carly Silver - 11/03/2019 - 14:00

  4. The Anchorite Tradition of Voluntary Incarceration and Devotion to God

    ... ascetics found refuge in the deserts of Egypt and Syria, where they lived in caves and tombs . Initially, the ...

    dhwty - 17/01/2019 - 18:55

  5. Heaven on Earth: The Ancient Roots of The Backyard Garden

    You don’t have to be an avid gardener or know all the Latin names of plants to appreciate the opportunity for reflection that a stroll in the garden can afford us. The explosion of colors, shapes, and textures in the garden, the tenacity and ingenuity of the plants, so determined to claim their right to life and beauty, can suspend for us the troubling aspects of everyday life.

    ancient-origins - 27/01/2019 - 13:58

  6. The sacred symbol of the Djed pillar

    ... the coffin washed up on the shores of Byblos, in Syria. A sacred tree grew rapidly around the coffin, encasing ... the importance of the trees that were imported from Syria. This also ties in with the story of Osiris, where his ...

    mrreese - 14/11/2014 - 00:34

  7. Immense 1,900-Year-Old Slab Found Underwater Names Forgotten Roman Ruler During Bloody Jewish Revolt

    ... any mention of its name. The province was united with Syria to form a single province called Syria-Palestine. So what we have here is an inscription dated ...

    Theodoros Karasavvas - 22/12/2016 - 14:15

  8. Scythian Priesthood of Fierce Fighting Eunuch Shamans of the Snake Goddess

    The Scythian goddess Argimpasa was half-human, half-snake with a priesthood of powerful shamans, who despite their self-inflicted castration, seemed to still personify the reputation of fierce warriors. The culture of the Scythians, a group of ancient tribes of nomadic warriors who lived in what is now southern Siberia, flourished from around 900 BC to around 200 BC.

    MartiniF - 18/07/2019 - 03:53

  9. The Sins and Glories of the Pharaoh Ay

    ... in Egypt, which may suggest that he could have come from Syria, but this is uncertain. With his wife Tuya (Tjuyu), he ... the young prince was killed during his travel through Syria. It is very likely that he was murdered by Egyptians. ...

    Natalia Klimczak - 27/02/2016 - 00:53

  10. Corpse Recycling at Gobekli Tepe: The True Purpose of its Ancient Stone Circles?

    ... included the earlier Assyrian empire and what is now Syria, Turkey and Iran. The prophet Daniel may have been one ...

    Stephen Childs - 23/10/2021 - 18:49

  11. 1,600-Year-Old Pottery Workshop Has First Known Rock-Hewn Kiln in Israel

    ... the Iron Age inhabitants of what is modern-day Palestine, Syria, Jordan and Israel ( ). Archaeological ...

    Sam Bostrom - 27/07/2016 - 21:46

  12. Ancient Underwater Trade Secrets at the Cape Gelidonya Shipwreck

    ... region consisting roughly of modern-day Israel, Palestine, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon. The Phoenicians were organized in ...

    Caleb Strom - 31/10/2023 - 14:00

  13. Qanat Firaun, the most spectacular underground aqueduct of the ancient world

    ... Roman-Hellenistic Decapolis, which now lie in present-day Syria and Jordan.  Although the Arabic name ‘Qanat ... for the following 120 years. It started above ground in Syria, where they made rapid progress. However, as they ...

    aprilholloway - 14/04/2014 - 13:32

  14. 1,400-year-old medicinal treatise of Galen found hidden under hymns in ancient manuscript

    A 6th century translation of a work of one of the most important ancient Greek doctors has been discovered in an animal-hide manuscript, hidden underneath text of 1,000-year-old hymns. A researcher told The New York Times that Galen's ideas on medicine were “completely bonkers,” but the palimpsest text holds important clues on how the ancients treated patients.

    Mark Miller - 03/06/2015 - 00:42

  15. The Works of Old Men: Geoglyphs of the Middle East

    Stretching from Syria to Saudi Arabia, thousands of ancient geoglyphs built ... an estimated 2000 kite structures across the deserts of Syria, Jordan, Southern Israel and Saudi Arabia illustrating ...

    mrreese - 11/11/2014 - 12:03

  16. The Mysterious Didanum People

    ... Tidnum in Akkadian) were a group of people from ancient Syria who lived around 2,000-3,000 BC. The Syrian region ...

    johnblack - 04/10/2013 - 08:40

  17. Books Bound in Human Skin – The Practice Isn’t As Rare As You Might Think!

    Anthropodermic bibliopegy refers to the practice of binding books in human skin. According to folk legend, the binding of books (or more appropriately manuscripts, as they were hand-written) in human skin can be traced all the way back to the Middle Ages.

    dhwty - 12/01/2019 - 23:03

  18. Legends of Mount Shasta: “The Abode of the Devil” Part 3 – Prehistoric Traditions of Giants and Mysterious Beings, Part One

    There are countless Native American legends describing prehistoric giants, flood myths, lost civilizations, cataclysms, the star people, and other mysterious beings who belonged to some remote and forgotten era in California’s past, suggesting a radically different chronology and ancient history than what is generally known today.

    D.W. Naef - 26/10/2016 - 03:44

  19. Ancient Babylonian Tablet Provides Compelling Evidence that the Tower of Babel DID Exist

    Half the world seems to say the Bible is pure bunk, while the other half says it’s, well, the word of God. Now comes a professor who isn’t religious to say that a baked tablet from ancient Babylon gives evidence that the biblical tower of Babel was real. And his evidence is quite persuasive.

    In linguistics, there is a theory that there was a single, original language spoken by humankind. The Bible’s book of Genesis, Chapter 11, hews to that line too, in the passage about the tower of Babel.

    Mark Miller - 08/05/2017 - 22:59

  20. The Guennol Lioness and Her Secrets: An Enigmatic Figure in Ancient Iran

    The world of the ancient past is undoubtedly filled with many mysteries. The knowledge of the ancients escapes us today: we are not fully aware of the extent of their wisdom and their ability to comprehend the world around them in incredible detail. To that end, several millennia later, researchers find themselves puzzled by some enigmatic discoveries. One such ancient mystery is the so-called “Guennol Lioness.” This remarkably well-made limestone figurine has proven to be quite a conundrum in the scholarly world.

    Aleksa Vučković - 24/01/2022 - 14:00
