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  1. Did Mankind First Exit Africa 100,000 Years Ago?

    Recent archaeological evidence indicates that between 130,000 to 100,000 years ago there was an exit of anatomically modern humans out of Africa into the Americas and Eastern Eurasia. This view is supported by the discovery of African artifacts in the Middle East, Brazil, and Crete, and 80,000-100,000-year-old human teeth in China. The findings suggest that humans left Africa much earlier than originally believed.

    Clyde Winters - 29/05/2017 - 13:56

  2. Caribbean Animal Extinctions Began With The Conquistadors, Says Study

    The beautiful, inhabited archipelago of islands in the south of the Caribbean, called Guadeloupe, was sighted by conquistador Christopher Columbus, in 1493, and the Caribbean became part of the “New World.” A recent study shows that Caribbean animal extinctions were non-existent until Europeans began “cultivating” their new territories.

    Sahir - 24/05/2021 - 23:02

  3. Nueva Cádiz and the Pearls of Venezuela

    South America is famous for many reasons and amongst history lovers, for its many lost and abandoned cities. Since they have been rediscovered, they are among some of the most remarkable archaeological remains in the world.

    One of the most important historic sites in Venezuela is the ruined town of Nueva Cádiz, one of the first Spanish urban centers in the Americas.

    Ed Whelan - 30/08/2019 - 01:29

  4. The Mound Builders' Moon Goddess: Grandmother of the Eastern Woodlands

    “With the Uncanny one has reached the fringes of the Numinous.”

    --C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain

    Jason Jarrell - 31/05/2020 - 01:50

  5. A Step Closer to the Mysterious Origin of the Viking Sword Ulfberht

    ... traces of which presumably came from the mines in India. Forging of Damascus Steel in Solingen ( Wikimedia ... But, the Ulfberht had nothing to do with the mines of India or the Wootz steel or the milkweed or the forges of the ...

    ancient-origins - 16/12/2014 - 00:45

  6. Archaeologists Uncover Tantalizing Evidence of the Lost Colony of Roanoke

    Archaeologists have discovered possible evidence of the lost colony of Roanoke, North Carolina, in the form of two European pottery pieces near a site where the colonists settled in the 1580s.

    Mark Miller - 24/06/2016 - 14:43

  7. Fact or Fiction? The Obscure Origins of the Greek Alexander Romance

    ... True? Ptolemaic Egypt fostered trade eastward as far as India with the help of Arabs and Nabateans, and the resulting ...

    David Grant - 04/11/2021 - 13:02

  8. Evidence Mounts in Favor of Early Inhabitants of the Americas Over 20,000 Years Ago

    A recent article in the journal Antiquity suggests that prehistoric people were hunting giant sloths in eastern Brazil about 23,000 years ago. This adds to an ever-growing body of research questioning the textbook presentation of when and how the Americas were populated.

    Alicia McDermott - 06/09/2017 - 23:02

  9. Discoveries of Ancient Underground Cities Around the World

    ... Longyou caves. Source:  Zhangzhugang   / CC by SA 4.0. India, with its rich and ancient history, is also home to a ... purpose and full extent of these subterranean networks in India remain subjects of ongoing archaeological exploration ...

    Joanna Gillan - 13/05/2023 - 23:01

  10. Do Your Eyes Fool You? Ancient Vision and a New Reality — How to See and Draw Like the Ancients

    ... Beautiful Dynastic Artistry Shaped the Face of Modern India Raphael: A Renaissance Artist More Versatile than ...

    Chris Morgan - 27/06/2017 - 22:53

  11. Did Ritual Use of Cinnabar Cause Mercury Poisoning in Ancient Iberia?

    ... published on NCBI showed that about 2,000 years ago in India, mercury was believed to be “a drug of longevity, prior to alchemy.” Alchemy in India later peaked with the production of blood red ...

    ashley cowie - 18/11/2021 - 17:57

  12. The Shocking Ancient Greek Origins of the Eugenics Movement

    Eugenics, the science of selectively choosing human genetics, is most synonymous with the modern world and the horrors of Hitler’s ‘final solution’, in which millions of Jews and other ‘undesirable’ groups were gassed or lethally injected at concentration camps during World War II. However, eugenic practices can also be traced back to the ancient times, where they were first pondered by Plato and Aristotle and even put into practice by the Spartans.

    Jake Leigh-Howarth - 05/06/2022 - 18:58

  13. Merv: In Ruins Today, How Does the Eternal City of the East Live on?

    ... of west Central Asia and to begin their infiltration of India. 1913 image of a mosque in Merv. ( Public Domain ) In ... in the East from Armenia and Mesopotamia to Bactria and India . Vol. 54. Univ of California Press, 2013. Harris, D. ...

    Caleb Strom - 27/07/2017 - 13:57

  14. The ‘Myth’ of the Plumed Serpent: Revealing the Real Message Behind the Feathered Snake

    The Plumed (or Feathered) Serpent is a Mesoamerican myth that has fascinated modern people for quite some time. Among the Aztecs and Toltecs this divinity went by the name of Quetzalcoatl and to the Maya it was known as Kukulcan. It was a much-revered god who was believed to bring good tidings and civilization to humankind. His preeminent role in ancient times is evident from the fact that not only whole temples, but in fact whole cities were built as centers of worship for this entity.

    Carl Johan Calleman - 27/11/2017 - 18:57

  15. Rare Bones and DNA of tiny children surprise scientists, support ideas about migration into the Americas 11,000 years ago

    The small bodies of infants buried in an ancient campsite in the wilds of Alaska have given researchers a surprising and unprecedented look into the lives of prehistoric peoples and the ancient lineages of Native Americans. These rare bones are said to be the earliest human remains found in northern North America.

    lizleafloor - 27/10/2015 - 20:45

  16. Unexpected Iron Age Settlement and Roman Villa Found in Oxfordshire

    ... of England ended in the fifth century. Archaeologist India Jago at the excavated corn dryer which would have been ...

    Nathan Falde - 23/02/2021 - 13:42

  17. The History of Shipbuilding As We Know It

    ... flourishing maritime trade. Around this time ancient India was taking a different approach to shipbuilding.  ...

    Robbie Mitchell - 26/02/2024 - 21:51

  18. 8 Ancient Cultures Practicing Cannibalism Through the Ages

    ... Taboo The Aghoris are a mystical and ascetic sect from India who have long been associated with some incredibly ... both fascinate and challenge prevailing societal norms in India. An Aghori carrying a skull and alcohol circa 1875. ( ...

    Robbie Mitchell - 05/01/2024 - 14:13

  19. Words from the Ancient Past: The Sogdian Ancient Letters

    The Sogdians were a people of Iranian origin who lived in the fertile valleys of Central Asia between the sixth century BC and tenth century AD. The secret to the Sogdians’ success was their knack for commerce. Building cities in what is today Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, the Sogdian merchants became vital go-betweens for trade on the Silk Road. The legacy of these people is also preserved in the fragments of writings that remain with us today. Many of the documents are translations of Buddhist scriptures.

    Kerry Sullivan - 24/10/2016 - 21:53

  20. The Radhanites: A Glimpse into the Trade Networks of the Middle Ages

    ... and further east to al-Sind ( Pakistan), al-Hind (India), and al-Sin (China). From China they brought back ... and modern day Israel, Syria, Iraq, and again to Pakistan, India, and China. In his work, Ibn Khordadbeh also describes ...

    Aleksa Vučković - 19/06/2020 - 13:58
