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  1. 3000-year-old bronze sword discovered in China

    ... which is the world’s longest artificial waterway with a history of more than 2,400 years.  Archaeological ...

    aprilholloway - 08/09/2014 - 03:10

  2. Rare Ancient Dutch Castle is Bigger and Better than Expected!

    ... castle with towers.” Radzyn Chelminski: The Captivating History of a Castle of the Teutonic Order Defenders of the ...

    ashley cowie - 22/07/2021 - 02:00

  3. Wreck discovered in Panama identified as Spanish ship from 1681 treasure fleet

    It is not every day that a team of divers and investigators stumbles upon the wreck of a 17th century Spanish merchant ship. The Encarnación ( Incarnation’) was part of a fleet of Merchant Ships that crossed between the New World and Spain along the various trade routes which fuelled the Spanish economy during a time of exuberance and wealth. Built in Veracruz, Mexico, for the Spanish empire, the Encanación was assigned to the Tierra Firme (meaning firm land) treasure fleet.

    ancient-origins - 17/05/2015 - 22:29

  4. One of the Oldest Islamic Holy Sites in the World Discovered in Israel

    ... in a statement that during this “turbulent period of history the mosque hints at the cultural and ...

    ashley cowie - 24/07/2019 - 06:30

  5. Tomb Could Be That of Tutankhamun’s Wife and Egyptian Leading Lady Ankhesenamun

    ... or shortly after Ay’s reign, as she disappears from history shortly after his period.” If this is true, the ...

    Alicia McDermott - 18/07/2017 - 21:42

  6. A Daring 14th Century Nun Faked Her Death To Avoid A Sexless Life In A Convent

    ... However, a clue about the nun’s fate might be found in A History of the County of York  which details that in 1301 ...

    ashley cowie - 13/02/2019 - 17:51

  7. 5,000-Year-Old Jewelry and Eyeliner Highlight the Power of Ancient Jericho

    ... heard of Jericho primarily due to its presence in biblical history . This is the first town which the Israelites, led by ...

    Alicia McDermott - 22/12/2017 - 22:55

  8. Oneiromancy: Dream Predictions in Ancient Mesopotamia

    ... [Online] Available at: Moss, R., 2015. Questioning dreams in ...

    dhwty - 17/03/2020 - 18:40

  9. Secrets of Ancient Scroll of En-Gedi are Digitally Unraveled

    ... technology we are now able to zero in on the early history of the biblical text, as the En-Gedi scroll has been ...

    ancient-origins - 22/09/2016 - 21:45

  10. UK Government Redefines the Meaning of “Treasure”

    ... “that we pursue plans to protect more of our precious history and make it easier for everyone to follow the ...

    ashley cowie - 04/12/2020 - 21:59

  11. Futhark: Mysterious Ancient Runic Alphabet of Northern Europe

    ... alphabet and its origin begins further back than the pre-history of Northern Europe. The earliest Futhark inscriptions ...

    Bryan Hill - 29/08/2019 - 19:11

  12. Odin’s Women – Goddesses Ignored, Forgotten and Denied Valhalla

    ... that Society. Cornell University Press. Jones, G. 1984. A History of the Vikings. New York: Oxford University Press. ... Society. [Online] Available at: Sturluson, S. 2005. ...

    B. B. Wagner - 31/03/2020 - 14:45

  13. Bluetooth: Why Modern Tech is Named After Powerful King of Denmark and Norway

    Harald “Blåtand” Gormsson was a King of Denmark and Norway who lived during the 10th century AD. He was responsible for the unification of Denmark. Following this feat, Harald set his sights beyond the borders of his own kingdom, and conquered Norway. Whilst the majority of his subjects were followers of paganism, Harald was favorably inclined towards Christianity. He did what he could to promote this foreign faith within his kingdom.

    dhwty - 20/01/2017 - 00:52

  14. Khutulun: The Undefeated Bad-Ass Mongolian Warrior Princess

    ... At Wrestling. Available at: TheFamousPeople, 2018. ...

    dhwty - 14/10/2018 - 13:59

  15. Ancient Peruvian Queen Mummy and her Sacrifice Victims to Undergo DNA Analysis

    ... in these tombs probably would have been remembered in history as wives, regents, or concubines. A separated, ...

    Mark Miller - 27/05/2016 - 14:44

  16. Center of Ancient Kingdom of Judah Found in Jerusalem

    ... Israeli site has been dated to a turbulent period in the history of Judah when King Hezekiah had to defend Jerusalem ...

    Ed Whelan - 23/07/2020 - 14:00

  17. Vast Temple Complex Found at Navan Fort in Northern Ireland

    ... transforming expert knowledge of Navan and shows that the history of the site reaches back further into the Iron Age ...

    Ed Whelan - 17/07/2020 - 01:03

  18. The Monastery of Saint Catherine: A Controversial Agreement Across Faiths

    ... at: Watson, J., 2013. A History of St. Catherine's Monastery In Egypt's Sinai. ...

    dhwty - 02/08/2018 - 18:20

  19. This Musical Instrument Still Works 1,700 Years After a Hun Nomad Crafted it!

    ... have a terrible reputation as “demonic savages” in history, but the story may have been altered by the Romans, ...

    Alicia McDermott - 12/01/2018 - 22:56

  20. Nabopolassar: The Rebel Ruler of Babylonia Who Had the Gods on His Side

    Nabopolassar was the founder of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, which existed between the 7th and 6th centuries BC. But the Neo-Assyrians that were losing power at the time didn’t make his rise easy. If the rebel ruler wanted to gain control he’d have to fight for it. Thankfully for him, the gods were apparently on his side.

    dhwty - 22/08/2018 - 14:00
