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Roman legions

AI generated Roman centurion leading a legion of soldiers in a military formation.

The Centurion: Backbone of the Roman Army (Video)

The centurion played a crucial role in the success of the Roman army, serving as the backbone of both military operations and broader Roman society. Tasked with commanding a century, a unit of 80 men...
One of the text from Roman centurions.        Source: K. Braulińska/PAP

Roman Centurions Leave Mark in Egypt With Papyrus Letters and Pet Cemetery

Polish archaeologists in Berenike have discovered papyruses listing Roman centurions stationed in Egypt, found alongside pottery from Italy, Roman coins, and a distinctive coat buckle, possibly...
An AI generated Roman Legion, representative of Legio X Fretensis. Source: Noel Cook/ Adobe Stock

Coins Dug Up in Georgia Expose Dirty Work of Legendary Legio X Fretensis

Archaeologists in Georgia have discovered a hoard of ancient coins, which had symbols punched into their faces long after they were created. When the researchers learned the nature of the symbols,...
Prehistoric Spanish Massacre Rewrites the History of War in Europe

Prehistoric Spanish Massacre Rewrites the History of War in Europe

A study of victims of a Spanish prehistoric massacre is providing researchers with new insights into the evolution of warfare . Archaeologists have found evidence of a sacked settlement and the...
Some of the finds from the Northgate construction site, Chester, near the site of an important Roman legion camp.     Source: Oxford Archaeology

New Finds Made Near Famous Roman Legion Base in Britain

Archaeologists have made some impressive new finds at an important Roman site in Britain. The finds are in an area that was once part of a large, Roman legionary camp and barracks. These discoveries...