The struggle for Scottish independence spans centuries, marked by pivotal conflicts that shaped the nation's identity. Three significant wars stand out in this ongoing battle against English...
The film "Braveheart," lauded for its cinematic achievements, takes considerable liberties with historical accuracy. Released in 1995, it garnered acclaim, earning 31 out of 61 award nominations,...
Guerrilla warfare is a particular type of combat that is generally fought by trained civilians fighting for freedom from oppression and independence, rather than an official military unit. History is...
Robert the Bruce is one of the most, if not the most famous Scotsmen to have ever lived. Infamous for the 14th-century reign that saw him taking on England’s much bigger and better-equipped army and...
Urquhart Castle, overlooking Loch Ness from a rocky outcrop, is strategically placed in terms of defense and saw a great many conflicts during its 500 years as a medieval fortress , embroiled as it...
Ancient governmental terminology such as monarchy, oligarchy and democracy have been used for more than 2,000 years and have Greek and Roman origin, but in Early Germanic societies, right up to the...
Even if school’s history class was a bit of a drudge, historical movies and television series delivered the same old stories with much more passion and intrigue than tweed wearing professors...
Many brave leaders stepped up for the Battle of Bannockburn and answered the call of the pleading Scottish folk - leading the brave in a fight against the oppressor. One such man was Robert the Bruce...
Scotland is famous for, amongst other things, tartan, the breathtaking highlands, its national animal, the unicorn , and of course the beautiful landmarks. Perhaps the best known of the ancient sites...
Every country in the world has a handful of mountains which demand central roles in tales of lost treasures and mysteries of a supernatural nature, but only Scotland can claim to have a mountain so...
A controversial new history book called Traitor, Outlaw, King, written by eminent medieval historian Dr Fiona Watson, a former lecturer of history at Stirling University with a PhD from the...
Braveheart is a 1995 epic war movie directed by Mel Gibson, who stars as the legendary late 13th-century Scottish rebel warrior, William Wallace, who led the Scots in the First War of Scottish...
One of the two oldest surviving copies of 'The Brus' – a medieval poem famous for its vivid, early description of the Battle of Bannockburn – has been restored in time for the battle’s 700th...
The Blarney Stone is a block of stone which was built into the battlements of Blarney Castle in 1446 AD. The legendary stone is shrouded in myth and mystery and according to tradition, kissing the...