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Representational image of a sunken shipwreck. Source: bayazed / Adobe Stock. Inset: Saffron, peppercorns, and almonds found aboard the Gribshunden ship. Credit: Larsson, M. and Foley, B.

Tasty Treasures: 3,000 Plants, Spices, and Fruits Found on 15th Century Norse Shipwreck

A remarkable discovery has been made by archaeologists of preserved plants, spices, and fruit aboard a sunken Norse ship from the 15th century. The ship, named Gribshunden , had belonged to King Hans...
The autopsy of Xin Zhui, Lady of Dai. Source: Hunan Provincial Museum.

Lady of Dai Mummy is So Well Preserved That Blood Remains in Her Veins

The 2,200-year-old mummified body of a Chinese noblewoman known as Xin Zhui , or The Lady of Dai, is an anomaly. When her body was discovered, it was so incredibly well preserved that it equalled...
Preserved Butterfly Accidentally Found In a 390-year-old Insect Book

Preserved Butterfly Accidentally Found In a 390-year-old Insect Book

A perfectly preserved butterfly specimen was discovered pressed between the pages of a 390-year-old book found on the endless Cambridge University Library shelves. The find has generated much...
A modern-day lemming. Credit: Jon Anders Wiken / Adobe Stock

Schoolgirl Finds 41,000-Year-Old Mummified Lemming in Permafrost

By The Siberian Times reporter Angelina Sadovnikova, then aged 11, came across a mummified Pleistocene rodent in a cavity left by woolly mammoth tusk diggers . The girl, now 14, was with her mother...
The mummified remains of the woman and boy found in the tomb. Credit: Ministry of Antiquities

Ancient Egyptian Tomb to be Cut Up and Moved to Tourist Hotspot, Sparking Fury

A well-preserved Ancient Egyptian tomb is being relocated to a museum sparking a wave of resistance among archaeologists who are concerned that it might get damaged in the move. And of course,...
The ruins of León Viejo. Source: CC BY-SA 3.0

León Viejo, The Lost City of Nicaragua That Emerged From The Ashes After 400 Years

The city of León Viejo has been rediscovered and is now open to visitors. The ruins of the city are very important in the history of the Central American nation as it has some of the oldest Spanish...
The remarkably well-preserved Medieval sword found in the ruins of a Spanish castle.

Medieval Sword from the War of the Two Peters Unearthed In Spanish Castle

Archaeologists have made a rare discovery during their second season of work at a Medieval castle in Aín, Castellón, Spain. The have unearthed a 700-year-old sword that is in a remarkable state. The...
Photo of “Hell Ant” in amber. Profile view of a Linguamyrmex vladi worker head. Paleontology Department of the American Museum of Natural History, United States.

Scientists Discover an Ancient Bio-Metallic Vampire Ant

A 98-million-year-old amber specimen collected from an excavation in Myanmar, formerly Burma, has yielded a new species of 'hell ant' with a spiky metallic mouth which it used to suck its victims’...
2,000-Year-Old Scorched Scrolls of Herculaneum

Secrets in 2,000-Year-Old Scorched Scrolls of Herculaneum to be Revealed with New Tech

An enormous wealth of knowledge locked within hundreds of ancient papyrus scrolls scorched by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, may now be revealed thanks to new technology which may enable...
The Holy relic, St. Francis Xavier’s arm.

Sacred Mummified Arm Traverses Canada on a Holy Relic Road Show

A highly-venerated sacred arm and hand once belonging to St. Francis Xavier is being displayed on Canadian soil for the first time ever, and Angèle Regnier, co-founder of Catholic Christian Outreach...
Unravelling the Mystery of the Maronite Mummies: Why Were Medieval Mummies Hidden in a Cave?

Unravelling the Mystery of the Maronite Mummies: Why Were Medieval Mummies Hidden in a Cave?

When archaeologists found a cache of medieval mummies in a Lebanese cave, the amazing discovery took their breath away. The remarkably well-preserved bodies of eight people who were buried in Qadisha...
World First as Feathered Dinosaur Tail is Found Preserved in Amber

World First as Feathered Dinosaur Tail is Found Preserved in Amber

Researchers from China, Canada, and the University of Bristol have discovered a dinosaur tail complete with its feathers trapped in a piece of amber. The finding reported today in Current Biology...
Yesterday in Yakutsk, the coldest city on Earth, the pre-historic specimens were revealed to the media in a permafrost cave, perhaps reminiscent of their natural habitat when they roamed Siberia.

Whiskers still bristling after more than 10,000 years in the Siberian cold

By The Siberian Times reporter Two extinct cave lions - dug from the permafrost – have made their first appearance since Pleistocene times. The ancient cubs, the best-preserved ever seen of this long...
The calcified uterus resting in the pelvic bone of a skeleton.

Seven-Pound Calcified Uterus Unearthed in British Cemetery

Archaeologists carrying out excavations at a cemetery in southeast England discovered an unusual object resting in the pelvis of an old skeleton, which they first believed to be a skull that had...
Noblewoman buried with her husband’s heart - France

Fully clothed body of 17th Century noblewoman buried with the heart of her husband unearthed in France

The well-preserved and fully clothed body of a French noblewoman, thought to be Louise de Quengo, has been discovered among 800 other graves in the city of Rennes in Brittany, North West France. The...
German Knight. Source: nullplus / Adobe

The Mummy of Christian Friedrich von Kahlbutz, the Not So Chivalrous Knight

There are not many who would mourn the death of Christian Friedrich von Kahlbutz, a German knight who is known to have frequently exercised droit du seigneur , a legal right in late medieval Europe...
Britain's oldest brain

Decapitated Skull Holds Remarkable Find - Oldest Preserved Brain in Britain

Archaeologists stumbled upon a surprising find in 2009 when they uncovered a preserved brain in a skull, buried in an Iron Age pit in Yorkshire, England. Known as the Heslington Brain, the find has...
Egyptian mummy with peculiar skull containing brain imprint

Archaeologists find Egyptian mummy with peculiar skull containing brain imprint

Archaeologists are trying to unravel a mystery surrounding the discovery of a 2,000-year-old Egyptian mummy whose skull contains imprints left by the brain, said a report in Live Science . The...
Ancient Bog Mummies

Ancient Bog Mummies Reveal Secrets of their Identity

Over the past centuries, the remains of more than 500 men, women, and children have been unearthed during peat cutting activities in north-western Europe, especially in Ireland, Great Britain, the...
Otzi the Iceman

Otzi's non-human DNA: Opportunistic pathogen discovered in ancient Iceman

Ötzi the iceman, as he has come to be known, is a 5,300-year-old mummy who was discovered by some German tourists in the Alps in 1991. He was originally believed to be the frozen corpse of a...
8,000-year-old skull with preserved brain in Norway

The discovery of an 8,000-year-old skull believed to contain preserved brain matter in Norway

Earlier this year, archaeologists in Norway made an extremely rare discovery when they found an ancient skull believed to date back 8,000 years at a dig site in Stokke, southwest of Oslo. According...
Tollund Man

Tollund Man – the preserved face from Prehistoric Denmark and the tale of ritual sacrifice

Tollund Man is the naturally mummified body of a man who lived during the 4th century BC, during the period characterised in Scandinavia as the Pre-Roman Iron Age. He was hanged as a sacrifice to the...
Village in Alaska

Archaeologists rescue 700-year-old melting village in Alaska

A group of archaeologists from the University of Aberdeen have been racing to save the remains of a 700-year-old village site in Quinhagak, Alaska, which has been preserved under ice for centuries,...
Abydos - Buried Dogs

Most Unusual Dog Burial Ever Unearthed in Egypt

A leading expert on animal mummies has released the results of a new analysis on a discovery made in 2009 in Egypt where archaeologists found a highly unusual canine burial in a large mud-brick...
