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Drawing of male Pict. Source: Public Domain

The Picts, the Scottish Tribe That Gave the Romans Hell (Video)

The Picts , a group dwelling north of the Forth–Clyde isthmus, in what is now Scotland, remain shrouded in mystery despite their historical notoriety. The term "Pict" emerged around the third century...
Stone carving of Pictish warriors. Source: David Matthew Lyons / Adobe Stock.

The Picts, the Scottish Tribe That Gave the Romans Hell (Video)

The Picts , a mysterious group of people who inhabited the regions now known as northern England and southern Scotland , left an indelible mark on Roman history during the early centuries AD. While...
Pictish carvings in Wemyss Caves. Source: SCAPE Trust.

Carved in Stone: Exploring Wemyss Caves' Pictish Symbols (Video)

Hidden within the depths of Scotland's Fife lies a secret world of mystery and artistry, tucked away in the Wemyss caves . These ancient caverns hold a remarkable treasure trove of symbols etched...
Singular Roman soldier gazing over the glens ( serpeblu / Adobe Stock)

Remnants Of Roman Roads And Fortresses In Scotland

The Romans occupied what is today Britain between the late first to mid-fifth centuries. To move their legions from one place to another, they built over pre-existing trackways to form the...
Ancient Pictish Cross Stone Slab ‘Complicates History’

Ancient Pictish Cross Stone Slab ‘Complicates History’

A rare stone carved around 1,500-years-ago has been discovered in a Scottish cemetery. Showing a bull, pelicans and script from a bygone alphabet, cross-slab was created by the ancient “painted...
A rare Pictish stone discovered near the site of the Battle of Nechtansmere in Scotland. Source: University of Aberdeen

Rare Pictish Stone Uncovered in Scotland’s Birthplace

Archaeologists in Scotland have unearthed a carved Pictish stone which might be associated with the formation of the nation in what has been dubbed “the find of a lifetime.” When describing the...
The reconstruction of the Pictish fort. Source: University of Aberdeen

Bringing History to Life: Immense Pictish Fort is Reconstructed in 3D

Scottish archaeologists have released a mind-boggling 3D reconstruction of the largest royal Pictish fort ever discovered. Burghead Fort was the largest settlement of northern Picts in what is today...
King of One Hundred Battles: The Story of Drust I, Ruler of the Picts

King of One Hundred Battles: The Story of Drust I, Ruler of the Picts

From all the ancient inhabitants of the British Isles, the Picts remain the most mysterious and continue to be a crucial focus for many researchers, archeologists, and historians. The history of...
The Wemyss Caves: Ancient Pictish History and the Writing on the Walls

The Wemyss Caves: Ancient Pictish History and the Writing on the Walls

The Ancient Picts were amongst the most enigmatic inhabitants of ancient British Isles. Still a big puzzle to scholars around the world, the Pictish culture was filled to the brim with unique aspects...
The six-headed chief was discovered within a medieval Scottish burial. Source: FAS Heritage

Six-Headed Scottish Burial Is Actually One Genetic Mass

Scientists in Scotland have analyzed DNA samples from a bizarre 14th-century Scottish burial and have made headway in solving the mystery of the “six-headed chief.” Over the last two years, several...
The medieval ruins of St Anthony’s Chapel

Hidden Hillfort Revealed in Scotland on Summit of Arthur’s Seat

Archaeologists excavating on the legendary Arthur's Seat summit in Scotland’s capital city have discovered the foundations of an ancient Edinburgh hillfort. The discovery was made on the north face...
Representation of Hengist and Horsa.           Source: Brambilla Simone / Adobe stock

Invasion of Britain by Brothers Hengist and Horsa: Truth or Legend?

Hengist and Horsa were a pair of brothers mentioned in British history. According to legend, they were the leaders of the first Germanic settlers (or Anglo-Saxons ) of Britain. They are believed to...
Left: Archaeologists at the Pictish King's Seat Hillfort last year. Right top: A fragment of Anglo-Saxon drinking vessel. Right bottom: A decorated spindle whorl, which was used in textile production.       Source: AOC Archaeology Ltd / Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust

Ancient Pictish Hillfort Unearthed In Scotland Helps Kill Dogma

Archaeologists digging at an ancient Pictish hillfort, near Dunkeld in Scotland , prove it was an important power center for an elite class. The 7th to 9th century King's Seat Hillfort, “ the Fort Of...
Forse Wag drone photograph showing extent of the ancient site Wag of Forse.          Source: Iain Maclean, Caithness Broch Project

Britain’s “Best Preserved Pictish Homes” Studied in Caithness

Ancient dwellings in the far north of Scotland, called “wags”, are thought to be the best preserved Pictish homes in Britain. While to many the term ‘Wags’ refers to footballers’ “wives and...
Outline of a Pictish burial found near Muir of Ord, Black Isle, Scotland.           Source: Tarradale Through Time

1,400-year-old Pictish Remains Finally Unearthed in Scotland

Human remains found at what is thought to be a Pictish-era cemetery near Muir of Ord on the Black Isle in the north east of Scotland, have led archaeologists to believe they belong to an ancient...
Large Pictish cemetery in The Black Isle. Credit: NOSAS/Tarradale Through Time / Andy Hickie

Huge 1,400-Year-Old Pictish Burial Ground Found in Scotland

In Scotland, one of the largest Pictish cemeteries ever found has been uncovered by archaeologists. It is believed to be at least 1400 years old. The find is expected to throw new light onto the...
Modern Scots Share DNA With Dark Age Picts. Source: Peter Atkins / Adobe Stock.

Modern Scots Share DNA With Dark Age Picts

Scientists reveal modern Scots have strong genetic links with their Dark Age ancestors. “ We're a' Jock Tamson's bairns” (We are all Jock Tamson’s children) is an old Scottish phrase meaning all...
Prehistoric well and steps recently uncovered at Mither Tap Hillfort, Scotland Source: Northern Picts /University of Aberdeen

Prehistoric Well Uncovered At Ancient Hillfort Might Be A Time Capsule Of Archaeological Gold

An ancient fresh water well with elaborate spiraling stone steps has been re-discovered on one of Scotland’s most mythologized mountain peaks near Aberdeen, and archaeologists were keen to peer into...
The Celts had many female warriors

Eight Surprising Things You Should Know About the Celts

The Celts were a distinct ethnic group made up of tribes spread across Europe. They shared similar languages, traditions, religions , and cultural practices and were known for their fierceness in...
Aberlemno Pictish Stone, Scotland

Signed, Sealed and Delivered: ‘Savage’ Pictish Warriors of Scottish Highlands Had Written Language

The Picts were an ancient race of people that inhabited the northern territories of what is known today as Scotland. Recorded as uncultured savages in defamatory Roman accounts, new findings suggest...
Apollo and the Muses by Robert Sanderson

Demystifying the Nine Sorceresses at the Center of Time

Myths, folklore ancient songs and poems present the number ‘nine’ as being connected with the underworld, and this has been extended into modern pop culture. There were ‘nine circles of Hell’ in...
Picts, Gaels, and Scots: Exploring their Mysterious (and Sometimes Mythical) Origins

Picts, Gaels, and Scots: Exploring their Mysterious (and Sometimes Mythical) Origins

When the tribe of Chatti arrived in Scotland at the beginning of the Christian era and became the embryonic clan Keith, they assimilated with the people known to us by their Roman name, the Picts...
Saint Columba converting King Brude of the Picts to Christianity, Scottish National Portrait Gallery

Does the Fierce Reputation of The Picts Reflect Reality?

It’s not that the Picts, a group of British Isle inhabitants, were that different from native Britons around the fourth century, a historian suggests in a new book. It’s just that Julius Caesar didn’...
Face of a Pictish Male Who was Violently Murdered 1,400-Years-Ago is Reconstructed in Incredible Detail

Face of a Pictish Male Who was Violently Murdered 1,400-Years-Ago is Reconstructed in Incredible Detail

A team of Archaeologists excavating a cave in the Highlands of Scotland, were amazed to discover a superbly preserved skeleton of a Pictish man at the entrance. With the help of technology,...
