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Ancient Cave Art at Mfangano Island, Kenya. Source: Avi Kumar

Ancient Cave Art at Mfangano Island Kenya, Revered For Generations

Mfangano Island in Kenya’s Lake Victoria hosts some ancient rock art that is an estimated to be 4000 years old. It consists of concentric circles built by a culture long gone but still revered. Lake...
Predynastic rock art - with ruler boat procession, ca. 3200 BC, Wadi al Agebab. Source: © Mohamed Abdel Hay Abu Baker

Plea to Protect Predynastic Rock Art to Save the Deep Past of Egypt

In some of the harshest landscapes found anywhere in Egypt, archaeologists have discovered a stunning collection of petroglyphs (rock art) and inscriptions that date from the fifth millennium BC up...
The Bjørnstad Ship carving, Norway. Source: Sarpsborg Turist as/Visit Norway

The Bjørnstad Ship: A Rare Window into the Nordic Bronze Age

Situated near Sarpsborg, Norway, the enigmatic Bjørnstad ship is a fantastic glimpse into the prehistoric, pre-Viking age of Scandinavia. Such ancient carvings are few, and often hard to discover -...
The stone, now known as the Nessglyph, has a circular cup shape and is marked with straight lines carved with a metal implement, looking like a horned deity from the Roman army. Source: Shropshire Council

Mystery Nessglyph Riddle Alludes to Roman Military's Horned Deity Cult

The mystery of the Nessglyph riddle continues to elude archaeologists, and they’ve now requested public intervention and help. The curious rock carving on a piece of red sandstone, found last summer...
This composite photograph shows the bison herd with one of the newly discovered petroglyphs overlaid on the sky. Source: Wanuskewin Heritage Park

Bisons Help Find Rare Petroglyphs at First Nations Site in Canada

Rare rock art was discovered by an indigenous archaeologist ‘with help from bison,’ at Wanuskewin Heritage Park near Saskatoon in Canada. According to a report in Smithsonian Magazine , the park’s...
Magical landscape within the Arctic Circle. Source: Feel good studio / Adobe Stock

Arctic Circle Anomalies: Archaeological Insight Under the Permafrost

The Arctic Circle is the farthest northern of the five major circles of latitude on the planet. It marks the northernmost point at which the center of the noon sun is just visible on the winter...
The Curious Case of the Rocky Valley Labyrinths

The Curious Case of the Rocky Valley Labyrinths

Located between Boscastle and Tintagel , Rocky Valley is a small valley in northern Cornwall , England, carved by the Trevillet River. A site of mystic and historical fascination, it is home to two...
Petroglyph of the archaeological landscape of Tamgaly         Source: victor21041958 / Adobe Stock

Tamgaly Petroglyphs: Rituals, Shaman and Nomad’s Treasures

Tamgaly in Kazakhstan, now a UNESCO World Heritage site, provides evidence of the rich history and diverse cultural heritage of Central Asia. The area has been traversed by countless nomadic...
Left; Danigala Chithra Lena, Sri Lanka Petroglyphs - Linear chamber entrance and left wall representing sections of the Petroglyphs, includes anthropomorphic figures, Image © EASL | CCF-Polonnaruwa. Right; Left side wall at the middle of linear chamber representing anthropomorphic figures like human and bind code of mastermind.  Image © EASL | CCF-Polonnaruwa

Exo-Geologist Reveals Neolithic Petroglyphs In “Alien Mountain” Caves

A highly-driven and groundbreaking Astrobiologist & Exo-Geologist in Sri Lanka has written about “unique Neolithic petroglyphs” that match nothing else ever discovered on Sri Lanka, carved on...
Petroglyphs at boca de Potrerillos, Nuevo León México. Source: theneonjaguar /Adobe Stock

Boca de Potrerillos: Mysterious Rock Art in a Mexican Desert

More than 4000 pieces of rock art, the majority being petroglyphs, have been recorded at the site of Boca de Potrerillos in Nuevo León, Mexico. This is considered one of the most important rock art...
Assortment of the Aboriginal rock art found at the Yilbilinji site in Limmen National Park, Australia.    Source: L.M. Brady / Antiquity Publications Ltd

Study Reveals Rare Aboriginal Rock Art’s Link With Sorcery and Magic

In Australia , a team of researchers have made some dramatic new findings regarding one of the world’s most important rock art assemblages. This Aboriginal rock art is among the very few examples of...
The Squatter / Mantis-Man petroglyph found in Teymareh rock art site, Iran. Right A praying mantis, Empusa hedenborgi.      Source: Dr Mohammad Naserifard / Mr Mahmood Kolnegari

Iranian Petroglyph Study: Human-Mantis or Plasma Burst?

A unique six limbed-rock carving has been identified in Central Iran as part human, part mantis, but other much more controversial theories exist. The Teymareh rock art site contains the country’s...
Main: Cliff Palace in Mesa Verde, ruins of an Anasazi Pueblo people, near where the rock art was found. Source:  Dietmar / Adobe stock.             Inset: The spiral patterns that appear prominently in the rock carvings are thought to be a symbol among ancestral Pueblo people for the sky or the sun. Source: Jagiellonian University

Rock Art Puzzle of Pueblo People Solved

A mysterious series of petroglyphs made by the Pueblo people of southwestern United States have been deciphered. These beautiful examples of rock art have been proven to record the passage of the...
The Primordial art of the Lascaux Cave. Source: Public domain

Lascaux Cave and the Stunning Primordial Art of a Long Lost World

Glimpsing into the mind of the Paleolithic man is by no means an easy task. The veil of time is a continuous mystery, a fog that envelops the early history of humans and covers it with a shadow of...
Carvings of hippopotamus, horses, and antelopes in the Vredefort impact crater.        Source: Dr. Matthew Huber / University of the Free State

8,000-year-old Petroglyphs Found in the World’s Biggest Meteor Crater

Scientists in South Africa have made an amazing discovery in the globe’s biggest meteor impact crater, the Vredefort Crater . While experts were studying the unique geology of the crater a number of...
A Sámi family  in front of goahti and lavvu housing, early 1900s, Norway

The Sami People: Reindeer Herding and Cultural Survival in the Far North

The Sámi are the northernmost indigenous people of Europe. For thousands of years they have lived in an area called Sápmi - the northern sectors of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Kola Peninsula...
 Image of the findings with a tracing of the engraved figures on the piece.

Archaeologists in Spain Unearth Rare Paleolithic Art Featuring Bird and Human Interaction

Science Daily It is not very common to find representations of scenes instead of individual figures in Paleolithic art, but it is even harder for these figures to be birds instead of mammals such as...
Glösa rock art.

The Glösa Rock Art in Sweden Provides a Peek Into the Lives of Stone Age Hunters

One of the most interesting and enjoyable historic sites in the Scandinavian country of Sweden is Glösa. This is an area with remarkable prehistoric petroglyphs, excavated hunting pits, and a center...
Peterborough Petroglyph

Petroglyphs Provincial Park: Home to Canada’s Greatest Collection of Rock Carvings

In Petroglyphs Provincial Park, Vancouver Island, Canada, rock art is generally divided into two categories. Pictographs are painted onto rocks using a variety of natural colors such as red, brown,...
The Great Spirit petroglyph at Petroglyphs Park Woodview

Petroglyphs Park Woodview in Ontario, Canada Has Over 1,000 Petroglyphs

The First Nation peoples of Canada have left many remains of their long and varied history on the Canadian landscape. In the Peterborough Park Woodview, Ontario there is a series of their petroglyphs...
A prehistoric human face stone carving, which is believed to be over 7,000 years old, discovered in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, North China.

Discovered! An Ancient Mongolian Stone Selfie!

Somewhere, deep in prehistory a human being gazed at their reflection in rock-pool, and was struck with an urge to carve what he saw. Subsequently, the first selfie was created! Now, in Inner...
Archaeologists have found 3,500-year-old rock art depicting bulls, donkeys and sheep in the Eastern Desert.

New Site is Found in an “Archaeological Oasis” of the Egyptian Eastern Desert

Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered 3,500 year old rock art demonstrating the interaction of Eastern Desert and Nile Valley artistic styles. They believe that this and other finds at the site...
A carving of an extinct deer in the Asphendou Cave on Crete.

Greek Art Goes Palaeolithic: Cretan Cave Art Includes an Animal Extinct for 11,000 Years

More than 11,000 years ago, an Ice Age artist carefully carved the images of deer into the floor of a cave on Crete. Others would follow this person’s lead and soon the engravings became a jumble of...
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Kanopolis Lake recently discovered vandalism to an ancient petroglyph and is seeking information from the public.

Vandalism at Ancient Sites, Who Really Cares Anyway?

Sometimes it doesn’t rain, but it pours. This month has seen two vandals, separated by thousands of miles, completely destroying a range of ancient carved animals. But does anybody really care...
