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Close up of the 44,000-year-old wolf from Siberia.

Perfectly Preserved 44,000-Year-Old Wolf Discovered in Siberian Permafrost

A remarkably well-preserved ancient wolf has been unearthed from the Siberian permafrost, stunning researchers with its intact teeth, fur, bones, and even internal organs. Discovered in the Abyi...
Preserved hairy mammoth. Source: YouTube Screenshot / BBC.

The Perfectly Preserved Yuka Wooly Mammoth Mummy (Video)

The perfectly preserved mummified Yuka Mammoth Mummy is a remarkable archaeological discovery that has captivated the world with its exceptional state of preservation. Unearthed from the permafrost...
The prehistoric Siberian bear. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Reuters.

3,500-Year-Old Bear Found in Siberian Permafrost Dissected (Video)

A unique discovery was made in early 2023, that has no known precedents worldwide: the fully preserved carcass of a 3,460-year-old brown bear , found in the Siberian permafrost. Before this, only...
Dangerous virus emerging from permafrost. Source: lukjonis / Adobe Stock.

The Permafrost is Melting, Releasing Deadly Viruses (Video)

The Arctic's permafrost is thawing due to human-induced climate change , resulting in dire consequences. In Siberia, a mysterious anthrax outbreak claimed lives and led to the burning of thousands of...
Preserved snout of an adult Ice Age bear found in Russia in 2020 (this is not the bear discovered on Bolshoi Lyakhovsky Island. Source: North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk (NEFU)

3,500-Year-Old Mummified Bear Found in Siberian Permafrost

As the permafrost in Siberia melts, it has revealed a mummified brown bear that lived more than three millennia ago. Scientists are now planning to conduct an autopsy on the bear, with the hope of...
Top image: Colony of microbes, representational image. Source: iarhei / Adobe Stock

What Could Go Wrong?! 48,500-Year-Old Siberian Virus is Revived

The world’s oldest known frozen and dormant virus has been revived in a French laboratory leading many to express concerns about the dangers of bringing to life ancient microbes. The virus was...
Mammoth DNA Breaks Record for World’s Oldest Sequence

Mammoth DNA Breaks Record for World’s Oldest Sequence

Researchers have sequenced the oldest known DNA in the world. Using material from the Early and Middle Pleistocene sub-epochs, the ancient DNA analysis shatters the record for the world’s oldest...
Best Preserved Ice Age Woolly Rhino Discovered in Siberia

Best Preserved Ice Age Woolly Rhino Discovered in Siberia

In 2011 the BBC reported on the discovery of the “oldest known” woolly rhino fossil that was found on the cold Tibetan plateau in the Himalayas. That creature was dated to an astonishing “3.6 million...
Mummified wolf-cub found in Yukon

Miners Strike Ice Age Gold Finding a Mummified Wolf Cub

A new study has revealed exciting information about a mummified wolf cub that was found in the Canadian permafrost. Scientists say the little creature that was discovered by miners in the Yukon is “...
In this photo you can see a collapsed block of ice-rich permafrost along Drew Point, Alaska. Ancient diseases released from such rapid change pose a dire threat to 21st-century human populations.            Source: Benjamin Jones, U.S. Geological Survey / Public domain

Ancient Diseases Released By Rapid Permafrost Meltdown Threaten Europe

“Another” scientist has warned about ancient diseases released by melting permafrost in the Arctic Circle and the potential harm that could result. Adding to the list of scientists warning that...
This massive 10,000-year-old skull was just a small part of the Siberian mammoth remains discovery. Source: Artem Cheremisov / Siberian Times

Amazing New Siberian Mammoth Remains May Lead to Cloning Breakthrough

Russian scientists have retrieved the nearly complete remains of a woolly mammoth in Russia. The Siberian mammoth remains are so well-preserved that they still have flesh and hair. These remains are...
A modern-day lemming. Credit: Jon Anders Wiken / Adobe Stock

Schoolgirl Finds 41,000-Year-Old Mummified Lemming in Permafrost

By The Siberian Times reporter Angelina Sadovnikova, then aged 11, came across a mummified Pleistocene rodent in a cavity left by woolly mammoth tusk diggers . The girl, now 14, was with her mother...
The cave lion cub now known as ‘Sparta.’ Source: Siberian Times

Uniquely Preserved Cave Lion Cubs: Stunning Photos and Secrets Revealed

By Valeria Sukhova / Siberian Times At first, scientists believed they had found male cave lion cub siblings that were born 44,000 years ago and found ten meters (32.8 ft.) apart in Yakutia, but the...
Siberian puppy frozen in permafrost for 14,300 years gives scientists major RNA breakthrough. Source: Siberian Times

Siberian Puppy Frozen for 14,300 Years is a Major RNA Breakthrough

By Svetlana Skarbo/Siberian Times Never before has RNA - Ribonucleic acid - sequencing been carried out from so far back in time. Finding RNA on the puppy found preserved in permafrost in Tumat in...

Ancient Plants Revive After Being Trapped in Ice for 400 Years

Scientists visiting Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic discovered something remarkable and fascinating . Led by Catherine LaFarge, a geologist from the University of Alberta in Edmonton (Canada...
Ellesmere Island Canada where researchers are reviving frozen lifeforms. Source: James / Adobe Stock.

Long Frozen Organisms in the Arctic Awakened, Hinting at Life on Other Planets

In recent years, researchers have reawakened life in frozen organisms in the Arctic permafrost, bringing them back to life. These studies are now challenging accepted ideas as to the resilience of...
The Pleistocene wolf’s head discovered in Yakutia. 	Source: Albert Protopopov / Fair Use.

Still Snarling After 40,000 Years, a Giant Pleistocene Wolf Discovered in Yakutia

By: The Siberian Times reporter Reports of a the sensational find of head of a toothy beast with its brain intact that has been preserved since prehistoric times in permafrost , have been a delight...
The 42,000-year-old foal. Scientists hope the discovery of the animal’s liquid blood can help resurrect the Ice Age species.

Liquid Blood Extracted from 42,000-Year-Old Extinct Horse Sparks Cloning Hopes

By The Siberian Times reporter Permafrost preserved the ‘oldest blood in the world,’ boosting hopes of bringing an extinct species back to life. The blood comes from an Ice Age foal that is arguably...
Prehistoric men hunting a young mammoth

New Discovery Shows Prehistoric Humans May Have Hunted Mammoths to Extinction

It has long been debated as to how our ancient ancestors were able to kill mammoths . In Poland, a discovery has been made that should throw more light how prehistoric hunters killed these giants,...
Clipety-clop! The Upper Paleolithic foal held by Semyon Grigoryev, head of the Mammoth Museum.

The Foal That Came in From the Cold After 40,000 Years

By The Siberian Times reporter A sensational find has been made of the world’s only completely preserved ancient baby horse, aged just three months when it died in the Palaeolithic period. This is...
The Woolly Mammoth at the Royal BC Museum, Victoria, British Columbia

Could Resurrecting Mammoths Help Stop Arctic Emissions?

If you managed to time travel back to Ice-Age Europe, you might be forgiven for thinking you had instead crash landed in some desolate part of the African savannah. But the chilly temperatures and...
Mummy of a 900-year-old Russian "polar princess"

Viruses Sleeping in Mummies—Could Ancient Corpses Lead to Modern Epidemics?

Mummies fascinate historians, archaeologists, and anyone with antiquarian leanings. Mummies allow scientists to learn more about the diets, clothing, appearance, genetics, and general lifestyle of...
A cocoon with a mummy of an adult was covered with copper plates head to toe. Picture: Alexander Gusev

1,200-Year-Old Mummies of Adult and Baby Found Cocooned in Copper, Fur and Bark in Siberian Permafrost

By The Siberian Times reporter Mummified members of an unknown bygone civilization have been dug up from a permafrost necropolis on the edge of the Arctic. The discoveries at the Zeleniy Yar burial...
2,500-Year-Old Tattooed Ice Princess Wears Fur to Go on Public Display at Next New Moon

2,500-Year-Old Tattooed Ice Princess Wears Fur to Go on Public Display at Next New Moon

By The Siberian Times reporter An ancient mummy preserved by permafrost is dressed up for her debut 21st century appearance despite calls for solemn reburial from native peoples. The well-preserved...
