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Amazons, ancient roman warriors in a battle.	Source: neurobite/Adobe Stock

“Vaginas Have Received You, And You Know Of Nothing Else!” - Finding The Amazons

Feminist Amazons? In the conclusion to her essay in the Feminist Theology magazine Olga Papamichali writes: “The independent and radical nature of the Amazon spirit changed the way men used to see...
Famous phalluses in history. Source: Hannes Wiedmann, CC BY-SA 4.0, saiko3p / AdobeStock, Dorset Council / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0, Vindolanda Charitable Trust, Árbore Arqueoloxía S.Coop.Galega, David Perez / CC BY 4.0

8 Famous Phalluses from History and What They Represent

When it comes to phalluses, a lot of people think it’s the size that matters. Others think it’s how the phallus is used. But any archaeologist or historian worth their salt knows the truth, it’s the...
Viking Era phallic stone and burial globe from Tystberga. Source: (Uppdrag arkeologi)

Viking Era Phallic Stone Discovered During Excavation of Burial Site

During the excavation of Viking burials in Tystberga, Sweden, archaeologists made a surprising discovery that both astonished and amused them. Among the ancient graves and residential structures, the...
Archaeologists uncovered a medieval stone phallus they believe may have been used to sharpen weapons. Source: Árbore Arqueoloxía S.Coop.Galega

Stone Penis Found in Ancient Ruins in Spain Had Violent Purpose

A bizarre artifact has been uncovered in ancient ruins in the northwestern region of Spain: a six-inch stone penis. The relic stands out, not just for its phallic form, but for its violent purpose –...
The 2,000-year-old silver penis pendant was discovered by a metal detectorist. Source: The Portable Antiquities Scheme

Roman Penis Pendant Found in Britain Declared a “National Treasure”

A Roman “penis pendant,” or more accurately a phallic amulet, found in England 18 months ago, has been declared a national treasure. Described as a first-of-its-kind find, it was discovered by metal...
Brown bear penis bones. Source: Didier Descouens / CC BY-SA 4.0

What Do Dogs and Other Mammals Have That Humans Don’t? A Penis Bone

In a place before time, life somehow emerged on Earth. It grew and flourished. It changed. It split, and some of it went its different ways. There was life in the water and life on the land. Some...
The millstone with an ancient Roman phallus engraving. Source: Highways England

Rare Ancient Millstone Found Decorated With A Roman Phallus Carving

When archaeologists pieced together a broken millstone they were shocked to find an ancient Roman phallus carving. Experts say that the Roman phallus decoration is both “highly significant” and rare...
Theseus (center) invented wrestling

The Real Reason That Men in Classical Portrayals Were Given Small Manhoods

Today, bigger is widely regarded as better. But was this always the case? This article sheds some light on how the Western culture changed in its phallic preferences. Over the past few decades,...
Painting of Priapus found at Pompeii.

Priapus Fresco Tips the Scales in Pompeii

An archaeological dig at a prestigious residence on the slopes of Regio V, overlooking Via del Vesuvio in Pompeii , has unearthed “in elegantly decorated rooms” a fresco of Priapus, a god of Graeco-...
A curse tablet wrapped around a chicken bone.

Ancient Sex Curse Revealed: May Your Penis Hurt When You Make Love!

Curse tablets in the ancient world are like Facebook posts today—they were everywhere, created by almost everyone, and can still be found in the strangest of places. They could be broadly vague or...
Is this ‘Temple of Fertility’ in Peru Really a Giant Collection of Stone Penises, or is it a Phallic Fallacy

Is this ‘Temple of Fertility’ in Peru Really a Giant Collection of Stone Penises, or is it a Phallic Fallacy?

The megalithic Fertility Temple also known as “Chucuito” on the edge of Lake Titicaca in Peru is special and at the same time controversial basically for a single reason: its “sexuality”. Whether the...
The outline of the phallus can be faintly seen in the left image. It is from Roman times, was found in Lincolnshire in 1995, and will go on display in a Lincoln, England, museum. The object is also thought to depict a vagina or an evil eye.

Ancient Roman Garden Ornament of a Phallus Revealed to the Public

The ancient Romans were obsessed with phallic images in art and architecture. Now, The Collection , a museum in Lincoln, England, will put on display a Roman phallus carved in stone that a family in...
The riverbed rock carvings also show Nandi, Shiva’s bull mount. The lingam in this photo is the protuberance, and the figure that encircles it is the yoni, or feminine symbol.

Incredible Shiva Lingas Carvings Emerge from the Shalmala River as Dry Weather Lowers the Water

Dry weather has caused a drop in the level of the Shalmala River in Karnataka State, India, revealing thousands of carvings in the rock bed of male and female sexual symbols – linga and yoni – and of...
Priapus fresco at the House of Vettii in Pompeii

Pompeii fresco depicts hapless Priapus with a painful condition

Maybe Priapus, the ancient Greek and Roman god with the enormous phallus, was not so lucky after all. An Italian doctor and researcher says one of the most famous paintings of the rustic divinity...