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Deriv; Solar Eclipse and Milky Way, and Mary Magdalene

The Celestial Snow White: Mary Magdalene, Moon Goddess – PART II

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The fairytale of Snow White was written by the Brothers Grimm during the mid-19 th century, and like all of their fables it was written as a parable and therefore infused with layers of hidden meaning. Were ancient parables codes used to convey secret messages? What does the tale Snow White communicate to inner circles of disciples and trusted followers? Guest author Ralph Ellis reveals the hidden cypher in the tale.

(Read Part I here)

The Zodiacal Seven Companions

But Orion-Hercules, the great huntsman, took pity upon the young and radiant Snow White Selene, and rather than killing her he allowed her to go to a small house in the forest, which was home to seven dwarfs. And so the cosmic foundations of the continuing story are quite plain to see. The seven small companions of Selene, the Snow White Moon, are the seven planets that trail in a long line behind Selene-Moon as they appear to orbit the Earth. So the seven dwarfs are the seven known planets of that era.

And if the great forest was the cosmos, then this house in the forest must be one of the twelve houses of the zodiac constellations. And if the seven dwarf-planets were all in one zodiacal house, then this represents a rare conjunction of Selene-Moon and all the planets within a small quadrant of the heavens. And since Venus-Aphrodite was one of the seven dwarf-planets, then this rare conjunction with the Moon must have taken place in the morning or evening, because Venus is the morning or evening star. And if Selene-Moon had joined the planets in a dawn or dusk conjunction then the Snow White goddess must have been waning, as she always does when she approaches Helios the Sun.

And this is exactly what the fairytale of Snow White says. The evil queen, Nut the Milky Way, looked into her Mediterranean mirror and saw that Snow White Selene was still alive - the great huntsman Orion-Hercules had deceived her. So Nut dressed as a peddler and sold Selene a beautiful lace corset, which she did up so tightly that Snow White Selene grew pale and fainted. And this is exactly what happens in the heavens above. When Selene the Moon approaches a conjunction with Venus (and the other six planets in this particular case), by the very nature of the planetary orbits she is waning and her waist is getting thinner and thinner as each day passes. It is almost as if someone is tightening a corset around her waist, until Snow White Selene becomes just a thin sliver of her former self.

When Snow White Selene Moon approaches the Sun she gets thinner and paler, as if someone had pulled a corset tightly around her waist and made her faint.

Fig 5. When Snow White Selene Moon approaches the Sun she gets thinner and paler, as if someone had pulled a corset tightly around her waist and made her faint. (OERCommons/CC BY-SA 3.0)

When the seven dwarf planets returned from their labors and saw Snow White Selene so thin and faint, they thought she was dead. And within a few more days she did indeed die, turning from her usual brilliant Snow White radiance into a black and lifeless husk. The Snow White princess-goddess was dead and a great sorrow fell upon the seven dwarf planets, who adored her and followed her in long line in the night sky. But the evil Nut Milky Way was jubilant, because with Selene-Moon now black and lifeless, she was once again the most radiant goddess in the heavens above. And her Mediterranean mirror confirmed this, because everywhere she looked in her great watery mirror the only reflection she could see was of herself.

The seven faithful dwarf-planets all follow each other in a long line behind Snow White Selene Moon, as they orbit the Earth.

Fig  6. The seven faithful dwarf-planets all follow each other in a long line behind Snow White Selene Moon, as they orbit the Earth. (Public Domain)

Death of The Moon

Despite the gloom that now pervaded the heavens help was at hand, because a planetary conjunction involving Venus and Selene-Moon has to be at dawn or dusk. And so Selene-Moon was a New Moon at this time, she was dark and lifeless as if entombed in a crystal casket and lost from this world. But a dawn or dusk conjunction must be adjacent to Helios the Sun, the prince or king of the heavens, and when the handsome Prince Helios looked down upon the dark and lifeless Selene-Moon, he thought she was the most beautiful princess in the heavens. And so as Helios-Sun approached Selene-Moon he kissed her lifeless body. And then, being conveniently the exact same apparent size, they formed a cosmic diamond marriage ring in the heavens above as they consummated their love for one another. Two celestial bodies merging in flagrante delicto. A marriage made in heaven. As above, so below.

Helios-Sun first kisses Selene-Moon to awaken her. Then he gives her a diamond ring and they consummate their marriage.

Fig  7. Helios-Sun first kisses Selene-Moon to awaken her. Then he gives her a diamond ring and they consummate their marriage. The prince and princess of the heavens in flagrante delicto in the heavens above. A marriage made in heaven. (Wikipedia)

Following this celestial marriage, Snow White Selene Moon gradually came back to life. Her corset was slackened, her image began to swell again, and the newly pregnant Snow White Selene once more became the most radiant princess-goddess in the night sky. And so when Nut Milky Way looked down upon her Mediterranean mirror once again, she was aghast to see Snow White Selene alive and radiant once more. Snow White shone in all her radiant glory, while Nut could only manage a ghostly glimmer in comparison. All the scheming and plotting had been for nothing because the celestial royal couple, Helios and Selene, reigned supreme once more.

Mary Magdalene, Moon Goddess

This was the celestial story that the Brothers Grimm wished to convey. The fairytale of Snow White was actually a story of a cosmic wedding between the Sun and the Moon. And the reason why this story was deemed to be heretical, was that it also told the story of the biblical royal family. This is why the son and daughter of Queen Cleopatra of Egypt were named Helios and Selene, the Sun and Moon. As above, so below. And since the biblical royal family were descended from Queen Cleopatra, as is explained in Cleopatra to Christ, later Renaissance artists closely identified both Mary the Virgin and Mary Magdalene with Selene, standing upon the Moon and wearing a halo of stars.

Mary as the goddess Selene, with the Moon beneath her feet and the twelve stars of the constellations around her head.

Fig 8. Mary as the goddess Selene, with the Moon beneath her feet and the twelve stars of the constellations around her head. This image is from the Mary Magdalene church in Gornji Grad, Slovenia, which indicates that the famous imagery from Revelations 12:1 can refer to Mary Magdalene as much as Mary the Virgin. Although this Mary wears the blue and white robes of Mary the Virgin, rather than the green and gold of Mary Magdalene, the church is dedicated to the Magdalene. (Image Ralph Ellis)

Both of the biblical Marys were icons of Snow White, sacred royals who were venerated as incarnations of Isis-Selene, the Snow White celestial goddess. While Jesus was seen as an incarnation of Helios, the Sun of God (sic).  And this assertion is confirmed by the imagery on the Lady Mary zodiac at Beit Shean, a sixth century monastery just south of the Sea of Galilee. Here we see what can only be Jesus and Mary surrounded by the twelve disciple-constellations of the zodiac, who are depicted here as calendrical months of the year. But the layout of the Beit Shean mosaic is clearly astrological, as it is almost exactly the same as the Hamat Teverya zodiac which lies a few kilometers to the north at Tiberias.

And yet Jesus and Mary are portrayed here as Helios-Sun and Selene-Moon in a cosmic conjunction - an impending eclipse. Snow White Mary and her Prince Charming Jesus consummating their love for each other - as above, so below.

Fig 9. The Lady Mary zodiac at Beit Shean, a sixth century monastery just south of the Sea of Galilee. The calendrical zodiac depicts Jesus and Mary at the center of the twelve constellations, which are marked here as disciple-months.

Fig 9. The Lady Mary zodiac at Beit Shean, a sixth century monastery just south of the Sea of Galilee. The calendrical zodiac depicts Jesus and Mary at the center of the twelve constellations, which are marked here as disciple-months. (Image Stephanie Hagan)

© Ralph Ellis  Feb 2016

The King Jesus Trilogy includes “Cleopatra to Christ”, “King Jesus”, “Jesus, King of Edessa”, and now “The Grail Cypher”, plus “Mary Magdalene, Princess of Orange”.

Featured image: Deriv; Solar Eclipse and Milky Way (Wikipedia, Hdwallpaper), and Mary Magdalene (CC BY-SA 3.0)

By Ralph Ellis



The article states that "Snow White was written by the Brothers Grimm", but my understanding was rather that these tales were "collected" by the brothers. Perhaps you didn't mean to imply otherwise? Nevertheless, I wonder how did they come to compose the tales? Were the published tales syntheses of a number of collected tales? Or were they published in whole from a single source? If not, are the original collected tales still extant?
Very interesting article, btw! One wonders how these myths traveled from ancient Egypt to rural nineteenth century Europe.

That's useful information about the five loaves and two fishes being in zodiac opposition. Thanks!

This article is the first time I have seen that gets close to the (my) truth related to Snow White and the Jesus story and others. It is also my contention that the Bible is mainly Astrology bound. My understanding is that brothers Grimm did not write the SW story they were collectors/collators  of ancient German (european) myths (stories to maintain and pass down peoples history). The story of SW is far, far older than brothers Grimm. What walks on water? The Sun (son of God).  What turns water into wine? Via grapes, the Sun (son of God) What resurrects in December? The Sun (son of God). I could go on and on.    

Mick: and 5 loaves and two fishes is Virgo (holding a sheaf of corn) opposite Pisces (two fish). oppositions have great significance in Astrology. 


Astrology as the root of many folklore and gospel tales also fits with the claim of a Jewish rabbi - I forget his name and his book title - who said most if not all bible tales can be explained by astrology.

He said the story of Samson and Delilah fits perfectly with the constellations of Leo and its opposite in the zodiac, Aquarius. Leo is where the idea of Samson killing a lion and his hair flowing hair like a mane comes from. This prominent constellation is the reason why lions are associated with royalty, and its bright star Regulus is the root of the word regal. When Samson first saw Delilah she was carrying water; Aquarius has few bright stars and in mythology is considered lacking, [of scruples etc].


Ralph Ellis was trained in surveying and computer science. He has been touring the Mediterranean and researching Egyptian and biblical history for over 30 years, and his comparisons between the two have greatly assisted our understanding of biblical history. In addition,... Read More

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