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All the latest news on finds, advancements, and research in archaeology and ancient history, from the No 1 Ancient History website in the world


Hoard of 22,000 Roman coins in Britain

Hoard of 22,000 Roman coins is among largest collections found in Britain

An amateur treasure hunter has unearthed one of the largest and best preserved collections of Roman coins ever found in Britain. The hoard of 22,000 copper-alloy coins, which date back around 1700...
Cosmology and the Great year

Cosmological discoveries lend support for legendary Great Year

Ancient cultures around the world believed that consciousness and history move in a vast cycle of time with alternating Dark and Golden Ages - Plato called it the Great Year. Today we know it as one...
Amazon warrior women

Scholars decipher names of Amazon warrior women from ancient pottery

A new study published in the journal Hesperia claims to have deciphered the names of ancient warrior women from Greek pottery dating back 2,500 years. According to the National Geographic , linguists...
Amphipolis caryatids

Amphipolis caryatids may hint that Olympias lies within

A heated guessing game has been taking place around who is buried under the colossal mound currently being excavated at Amphipolis in Greece’s northeastern Macedonia region. Theories range from...
Ancient geoglyphs in Kazakhstan

Over 50 ancient geoglyphs, including swastika, discovered in Kazakhstan

Archaeologists are calling them the Nazca lines of Kazakhstan – more than 50 giant geoglyphs formed with earthen mounds and timber found stretched across the landscape in northern Kazakhstan. They...
British soldiers at Amphipolis Tomb

Did British soldiers plunder Amphipolis Tomb in 1916?

A photograph has emerged depicting soldiers from a regiment of the British Army, proudly holding skulls found around the Amphipolis Tomb in Greece, raising questions about whether they may have...
Ten Cities from the Ancient World

Ten Amazing Cities from the Ancient World

From cities that lay hidden for millennia under desert sands, to Bronze Age metropolises, jungle cities, and entire complexes constructed on coral reefs, giant rocks, underground caverns, or carved...
Ancient Wine Press and Monastery

Ancient industrial-scale wine press and monastery discovered

Archaeologists have discovered an ancient compound in Ramat Bet Shemesh near Jerusalem, where monks engaged in oil and wine production, according to a report in Live Science . The extent of the...
Bronze Age microscopic gold work from around Stonehenge

The astounding Bronze Age microscopic gold work from around Stonehenge

Archaeologists have revealed the process utilized by highly-skilled craftsmen to create the magnificent gold artifacts that were found around Stonehenge. According to Discovery News , the gold work...
Tiny pharaoh-branded amulet - Sheshonq I

Tiny pharaoh-branded amulet may prove fabled military campaign of Sheshonq I

An archaeological student has discovered a tiny Egyptian scarab in an ancient copper mine in southern Jordan, which carries the name of Sheshonq I, powerful pharaoh of Egypt’s 22 nd Dynasty,...
This skull was unearthed from a lake bed in central Sweden

New study reveals third group of ancient ancestors of modern Europeans

It has long been thought that modern Europeans descended from both indigenous hunters and Middle Eastern farmers. However, a new study published in the journal Nature , shows that a third population...
Ancient Pazyryk nomads - Cranial Surgery

Ancient Pazyryk nomads carried out highly advanced cranial surgery in Siberia

Russian neurosurgeons, anthropologists, and archaeologists are working together to reconstruct the way in which ancient nomads from the Pazyryk tribe in the Altai Mountains of Siberia managed to...
3,300-year-old Egyptian woman with hair extensions discovered in Armana

3,300-year-old Egyptian woman with hair extensions discovered in Armana

Archaeologists carrying out excavations at Tell el-Amarna in Egypt, the capital city built by Pharaoh Akhenaten in c. 1330 BC, have found a number of human remains containing well-preserved elaborate...

Is this the creature that inspired tales of the legendary Kraken?

Captain John Bennett and his crew were stunned when they dragged onto their fishing boat a creature with tentacles like fire hoses and eyes like dinner plates, while fishing in Antarctica’s remote...
The third chamber of Amphipolis Tomb

Archaeologists enter third chamber of Amphipolis Tomb

Archaeologists have now entered the third chamber of the Amphipolis Tomb, a monument which has captured worldwide attention since the discovery of two marble sphinxes guarding its entrance...
Ancient bog body found in Ireland

Ancient bog body found in Ireland may be Iron Age sacrifice

Archaeologists in Ireland made an amazing discovery this week when they unearthed another ancient bog body in County Meath, adding to the collection of ancient human remains, some incredibly well-...

Ancient People of Teotihuacan Drank Alcohol as Nutrient Booster

Archaeologists have found evidence that the ancient people of Teotihuacan in Mexico, one of the largest and most important sacred cities of ancient Mesoamerica, made and drank a traditional alcoholic...
Massive 5,000-year-old monument dedicated to Moon God in Galilee

Massive 5,000-year-old monument dedicated to Moon God found near Sea of Galilee

Archaeologists have discovered an enormous 5,000-year-old stone monument shaped like a lunar crescent near the Sea of Galilee in what is now Israel, according to a report in Live Science . Its...
Dalai Lama

Chinese government says Dalai Lama must reincarnate to respect tradition

The Dalai Lama has said that he may choose not to reincarnate inside Tibet if it is not free, and that no one has the right to choose his successor for political ends. However, the Chinese government...
Antikythera Mechanism

Daring new search of ancient Antikythera wreck begins today

The Antikythera wreck in the Aegean Sea is a world-famous underwater archaeological site thrown into the spotlight in 1900 when researchers discovered an incredible mechanical device, now known as...
Icelandic legendary monster

Icelandic government commission announces legendary sea monster exists

A government investigation carried out by the Fljotsdalsherao municipal council in Iceland has ruled that a legendary sea serpent named Lagarfljotsormurinn, which is rumoured to inhabit Lake...
Spanish Armada

In Search of the San Marcos of the Spanish Armada

On the afternoon of September 20, 1588, the San Marcos – one of the jewels in the crown of the Spanish Armada – sank after hitting rocks close to Mutton Island, off the coast of Ireland. Four men out...
Tomb of Alexander the Great - Siwa Egypt

Tomb of Alexander the Great already found, archaeologist claims, but findings have been blocked by ‘diplomatic intervention’

The final resting place of the Macedonian king, Alexander the Great, has been one of the biggest mysteries of antiquity, but is it one that has already been solved? Archaeologist Liana Souvaltzi...
20 monumental tombs dating back 6,500 years in France

Archaeologists discover 20 monumental tombs dating back 6,500 years in France

A team of archaeologists in France have unearthed a Neolithic necropolis containing at least twenty monuments and some intact burials, according to a report in Past Horizons . The monumental...
