Cosmological discoveries lend support for legendary Great Year
Ancient cultures around the world believed that consciousness and history move in a vast cycle of time with alternating Dark and Golden Ages - Plato called it the Great Year. Today we know it as one "precession of the equinox," an obscure astronomical motion, and most consider the Golden Age to be just a myth.
But are we correct? An increasing amount of scientific evidence suggests that long before the Dark Ages, mankind had a deep understanding of astronomy, mathematics, holistic healing, and a profound ability to live in tune with nature."
I hope that by calling attention to new research more people will become aware that the ancient teachings of the Yugas, cycles of time that affect our earth and human history, are increasingly supported by scientific discovery.
The cycles of time referenced in the Vedic scriptures, with alternating Dark and Golden Ages. Image source
Restructuring the Solar System
One recent discovery of interest is 2012VP113, nicknamed Biden, a dwarf planet about 450 km in diameter found to be orbiting our sun in a pattern quite similar to Sedna, one
of the largest dwarfs, discovered in 2002. Mike Brown, an astrophysicist at Caltech, famed for killing Pluto by his discovery of so many of these minor planets, was the first to note that Sedna cannot exist in its current position without the gravitational help of some unseen body. The discovery of Biden only underlines this point and heightens the quest for a large mass affecting our solar system. But where and how big?
Biden exists miles beyond larger Sedna (pictured). Image source.
Two Spanish astronomers, Carlos and Raul de la Fuente Marcos, at the Complutense University of Madrid in Spain, have examined these distant dwarfs and noticed some unusual patterns. They have concluded that because Biden and Sedna are not large enough to exert much influence on each other, they must be kept in their place by not one but two large undiscovered planets that each has a mass of at least ten times that of the earth.
Furthermore, these mega planets are required to be at least 200 to 250 AU away from the sun (one AU or astronomical unit is equivalent to the distance between the sun and the earth). The Binary Research Institute has long hypothesized that there must be another large mass, most likely a companion star, that affects our solar system.
In BRI’s view, such a mass is required not only to explain the incline of these outer dwarf planet orbits to the plane of the major planets (for example Pluto’s orbit is inclined about 17 degrees) but also as a way to explain the changing orientation of the entire solar system to the fixed stars by about 50 arc seconds per year, a.k.a. precession. In such a model the orbits of these dwarfs are not unexpected. While the Spanish astronomers are not saying the mass affecting our solar system is a companion star, their assumptions concerning the large mass and great distance of their hypothetical planets, are clearly moving us in BRI’s direction. Year by year mainstream astronomy is getting closer to the idea there must be something big out there, and it is influencing our solar system in ways heretofore unknown.
But it is not just the position of these orbits that is so interesting. The most confirming fact from a Great Year perspective is that the orbital periods of these new dwarf planets are in resonance with known Great Year periodicities. And the Spanish astronomers are indeed talking about these resonances. Planets or moons moving in resonance with one another are a sign of gravitational influences and an indication that these bodies have been dancing together for very long periods of time – and not just due to some random star passing by disturbing a planet out of its orbit.
As stated, the resonances of the newly discovered dwarfs are quite confirming to anyone studying the 24,000-year precessional cycle. For example, Sedna orbits the sun in 12,000 years, once per Yuga or twice per Yuga cycle (one complete precessional cycle after applying Kepler’s laws to the current observed rate of about 25,770 years). And Biden’s orbit is in a 3:1 ratio to Sedna, meaning it orbits the sun three times per Yuga, and six times in a complete Yuga cycle. For those that study planetary resonances and understand the Great Year cycle, this supports the 24,000-year precession cycle to a tee!
Precessional movement of the Earth. Image Source: Wikipedia.
Commenting in NewScientist on the dwarf planets that are raising all this attention, Scott Shepard of the Carnegie Institution for Science, and one of the discoverers of Biden, said, "As there are only a few of these extremely distant objects known, it's hard to say anything definitive about the number or location of any distant planets, however, in the near future we should have more objects to work with to help us determine the structure of the outer solar system."
From the point of view of this Yuga observer that “structure” will eventually be found to contain a mass equivalent to a companion star. This mass, which along with our sun, appears to complete one revolution through the constellations of the zodiac in about 24,000 years. Please note, we mention the zodiac here only because it serves as a way to measure the observed motion of the sun as it moves through the sky. The sun, observed at the same time each year, can be seen to move through these twelve constellations at the rate of about 2000 years each. The pieces are coming together!
If it is realized that our solar system is being influenced by a large mass, such as a companion star, then we have the necessary ingredients for a vast cycle of time as described by so many ancient civilizations. Just as the celestial driven cycles of day and night, every 24 hours, and of the seasons, every year, cause an ebb and flow that affects all life, so too would there finally be a known celestial cause for the heretofore mythical Great Year.
Known to the Indians as the Yuga cycle with its distinct periods of rising and falling ages, and to the Greeks that broke these epochs into the Iron, Bronze, Silver and Golden Ages, ancient cultures around the world seemed to accept this cycle as a way of life.
If we find the solar system is not quite as we had thought we just might find that history too will be recast in a different light. Perhaps then our old myths of a long lost higher age won’t be so easily discarded. Small planets do matter.
To learn more about this topic please join us at the 9th annual Conference on Precession and Ancient Knowledge this October 17-‐19 in Rancho Mirage, California. Our speakers include: Dr. Dean Radin, Walter Cruttenden, Dr. Robert Schoch, Laird Scranton, Marie D. Jones, Dr. Amit Goswami and many more! or phone Sandy at 949-399-9000.
As I understand it, the trend that passes through all cultures is that a Celestial body is repeated. The zodiac is about anatomical parts and was suggested by our ancient ones that the relationship between the World body and the Celestial body were as denoted. The energies radiating from the Celestial body are received by the World at night when the sun doesn't obstruct the flow of these energies. The other bodies altering the flow are the positions of the moon and the planets. This is the basic concept building thousands of years of observations and calculations related to astrology.
The observation of the precession alters the relationship between the World body and the Celestial body. This was believed to alter the era as a change of energy was a result of the changing position due to the precession. The era was determined by the characteristic of the human psyche based on observations of individuals character as well as the character of global populations at the time. This was for example the character of say a Cancer born individual or the population of the Cancer [Stonehenge] peoples. These characteristics determined the energies of the Celestial zones and so produced the era's.
This article tosses around a lot of references to studies and reports, but I don't see any clickable links to those references. How do I know where this article's author got his information? I don't just believe things because somebody wrote an article - how about some reputable sources to back up conclusions and claims?
If the sun was to have a "sister", it would be OBVIOUS. We can detect micro-wave coming from the very edge of the univers (and their polarization a well!). We can map hundred of billions of stars in our milky way, as many galaxies in our observable univers but... we are still blind to a giant mass in the vicinity of our own solar system?
Maybe they are Rahu and Ketu as depicted in Hindu Shastras?
Is it selfish to hope I'm around long enough to really see the Golden Age in action? I'd be grateful enough for my children and future grandchildren to benefit, but I wanna see it and feel it too!
love, light and blessings