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All the latest news on finds, advancements, and research in archaeology and ancient history, from the No 1 Ancient History website in the world


Largest Iron Age monument

Swedish archaeologists uncover country’s largest Iron Age monument

Archaeologists in Sweden have uncovered the country’s largest Iron Age monument in Old Uppsala , an ancient pagan religious site. The remains of two rows of colonnades dating back to the 5 th century...
Neanderthal - Jersey Island

Archaeologists rediscover the lost home of the last Neanderthals

Archaeologists working on the Channel island of Jersey, England, have rediscovered a record of Neanderthal archaeology that was thought to be long lost. The study, published in the Journal of...
Denisova Cave

New Evidence that Ancient Humans Crossed Significant Sea Barrier

Three years ago the genetic analysis of a little finger bone from Denisova cave in the Altai Mountains in Siberia led to a complete genome sequence of a new line of the human family tree - the...
Greyfriars’ Coffin

A Twist in the Tale of the Greyfriars’ Coffin

Back in July we reported on a mysterious stone coffin found at the ruins of the 12 th century Greyfriars church in Leicester, England, the site where King Richard III was discovered last year...
Stonehenge Treasures

The mysterious golden lozenge of Stonehenge

Almost everyone has heard of Stonehenge, the prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England made up of huge megalithic stones arranged in a circular shape. But not many people know about the spectacular...
Agra Fortress

Archaeologists Dig For Treasure after Tip From Hindu Holy Man

Archaeologists have launched a furious dig for treasure beneath a 19 th century fort in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh in India after a well-known Hindu holy man predicted a substantial cache of...
1.8-million-year-old skull - Georgia

Does this 1.8-million-year-old skull rewrite the history of mankind?

A skull found in Dmanisi , Georgia, by anthropologists from the University of Zurich, is the best-preserved fossil find yet from the early era of our genus and has the potential to rewrite...

DNA study solves mystery of Himalayan Yeti, with surprising results

Tales of a fierce ‘Abominable Snowman’, otherwise called Yeti, Sasquatch or Bigfoot, is one of the world’s most enduring mysteries. Apparent eye-witness accounts, blurry home videos, and traces of...
Wari Culture

Pre-Incan Culture Didn’t Rule by Pillage, Plunder and Conquest

The Wari (Spanish: Huari) civilization flourished from about 600-1000 AD in the Andean highlands and forged a complex society widely regarded today as ancient Peru’s first empire. Their Andean...
Cairo Museum

“Irreversible Damage” has occurred to this history and identity of Egyptian people

The contrast couldn’t be greater – the extraordinary and enduring civilization of ancient Egypt in which cities were adorned with great and beautiful monuments is now left in ruins and many of the...
Chinese Mummy

Chinese Mummy Preserved for Centuries was Destroyed in a Day

A perfectly preserved Chinese mummy uncovered in a 300-year-old burial area, was almost instantly destroyed once archaeologists opened the coffin – it turned black within hours of the coffin being...
Otzi the Iceman

5,300-Year-Old Ötzi the Iceman Has 19 Living Relatives In Austria

Most people can trace their family tree back at least a few generations, while the more serious ones are able to accomplish many centuries. But imagine being able to trace your lineage back to a 5,...

Amesbury dig may unravel Stonehenge mysteries

Archaeologists are planning to begin a new excavation of Amesbury in an attempt to uncover some of the mysteries of Stonehenge. Amesbury is located in southern Wiltshire, England, and in recent years...
Mohenjo Daro

Experts say Mohenjodaro may disappear in 20 years

When the ancient ruins of Mohenjo Daro (which means Mound of the Dead) were first uncovered in Pakistan in 1922, its significance was not fully realised. Dating back 5,000 years, Mohenjo Daro is the...
 Columbus - America

Why NOT to celebrate Columbus Day

Columbus Day, which is celebrated today in the USA and honours the arrival of Christopher Columbus to the ‘New World’, is an example of outdated and misguided history. Rather than celebrate, we...
Henry IV - France

Mummified Head May Not Belong to King Henry IV

Three years ago, a decapitated mummified head was identified by a French osteo-archaeologist as that of the French king Henry IV. The claim was based on a forensic examination of the head which...
Persian Griffin

Griffin artefact returned to Iran from US is a fake

Last month we reported on a major development for ethics in archaeology when we saw the US return a historically significant artefact to Iran – a precious Persian silver chalice dating back 2,700...
Farmers and Hunter-Gatherers

Farmers and Hunter-Gatherers coexisted but did not mix for two millenia

New research published in the Journal Science has revealed that European hunter-gatherers and farmers lived alongside each other for more than 2,000 years but there was very little contact and mixing...
Australia’s Stonehenge

Australia’s Stonehenge Resurrected Part 2: Original Elders and Custodians on Site

This Original complex of “terraces, mounds and stone arrangements,” according to the President of the Australian Archaeological Research and Education Society, Frederic Slater, contained “the basis...

Supreme Court Judge Scalia and Why People Believe in the Devil

In an interview in New York magazine, published on 6 th October, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia declared his belief in a living, breathing Satan . Scalia said that “I believe in the Devil…..Of...
Gavdos - Ancient Plant used for Roman perfumes

Experts discover plant which is the mother of ancient Roman perfumes

Researchers have discovered a new plant growing on coastal areas in the eastern Mediterranean which is the maternal ancestor of Reseda odorata, a plant used in ancient Roman to make perfume and...
Lake Titicaca Bolivia Artefacts

Archaeologists in Bolivia find 1,500-year-old treasures

Archaeologists have discovered around 2,000 gold and silver pieces as well as bones and pottery at the bottom of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. The objects come from different eras, both Inca and pre-Inca...
Thessaloniki Byzantine Underground Road

Greeks rally to save ancient road on subway site

Archaeologists in Greece are fighting a battle to save an ancient Roman road which was found on a planned subway station. Around 200 state-employed archaeologists formed a chain around the site in...
Ashkenazi Jews Descend from Europeans

Surprising Discovery that Ashkenazi Jews Descend from Europeans

A new study published in the leading journal Nature Communications has discovered that Ashkenazi Jews, a Jewish ethnic group who trace their origins to the indigenous tribes of early Israel, have a...
