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Bones of birds used in the experiments

Stone Age Sunday Roast: Neanderthal Diet Included Roasted Birds

Archaeologists and anthropologists continue to search for artifacts and skeletal remains that will reveal more details about the daily lives and lifestyles of the Neanderthals, the human species that...
AI image representative of a Neanderthal child.	Source: robert/Adobe Stock

Neanderthal Child with Down’s Syndrome Received Compassionate Group Care

An anatomical study of a piece of a Neanderthal child’s skull showed that this young person had been born with severe health challenges, of a type commonly associated with Down’s syndrome. Yet...
Humans and Neanderthals started breeding together 47,000 years ago.     Source: Gorodenkoff/Adobe Stock

Geneticists Think Neanderthals and Sapiens Started Breeding 47,000 Years Ago

Most people alive today carry traces of genes inherited from Neanderthals, indicating a complex history of interbreeding between modern humans and their now extinct cousins. But when exactly we first...
Neanderthals Archaic Extinct Human Skull Vs Modern Human Skull Comparison Art Study.	Source: Winters860/Adobe Stock

Why Neanderthals Probably Didn’t Use Metaphors

Steven Mithen /The Conversation The Neanderthals ( Homo neanderthalensis ) fascinate researchers and the general public alike. They remain central to debates about the nature of the genus Homo (the...
Oldest human viruses found in Neanderthal DNA.	 Source: IRStone/Adobe Stock

50,000-Year-Old Neanderthal Remains Reveal Oldest Human Viruses

Analysis of Neanderthal skeleton remains from 50,000 years ago found 2 years ago in Russia’s Chagyrskaya cave has revealed fascinating genetic data. Genetic material from three prevalent viruses...
Dr Emma Pomeroy (University of Cambridge) with the skull of Shanidar Z in the Henry Wellcome Building in Cambridge, home of the University’s Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Studies. 	Source: BBC Studios/Jamie Simonds/University of Cambridge

A 75,000-Year-Old Neanderthal Woman's Face Unveiled

The unveiling of a 75,000-year-old female Neanderthal's reconstructed face marks a significant breakthrough in our understanding of our closest extinct relatives. This discovery, emerging from the...
Neanderthal warrior AI generated. 	Source:  dasom/Adobe Stock

Neanderthal - These Ancient Humans Were Freakishly Strong (Video)

Throughout scientific history, the narrative surrounding Neanderthals has often portrayed them as inferior to Homo sapiens, yet recent anatomical evidence challenges this notion. Neanderthals...
Prehistoric Couple. SpiralStone/Adobe Stock

The Strange Truth About Neanderthal Sex Lives (Video)

Recent genetic research provides compelling insights into the intimate interactions between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens , challenging previous assumptions about their isolated existence. DNA...
Rock art showing a hunter-gatherer ritual dance; Kondoa, Tanzania. Source: Nick Longrich/The ConversationAnchor

Why Did Modern Humans Replace the Neanderthals?

By Nicholas R. Longrich/The Conversation Why did humans take over the world while our closest relatives, the Neanderthals, became extinct? It’s possible we were just smarter, but there’s surprisingly...
Persian Plateau, the most likely place where the ancestors of all present-day non-Africans lived for the 20,000 years that followed their migration Out of Africa. Source: Vallini et al/Nature

Scientists Make A Great Step Forward in the ‘Where After Africa?’ Question

A growing body of evidence indicates that our ancestors left Africa between approximately 70 to 60 thousand years ago. Yet, it wasn't until around 45,000 years ago that they spread across Eurasia...
An artist's impression of ice age Earth at the Pleistocene era. Source: Ittiz/ CC BY-SA 3.0

First Ice Age May Have Led to Epic Hominin Migration 900,000 Years Ago

About one million years ago there was a mass exodus of hominin species out of Africa and into Eurasia. Human ancestors fled their home continent in droves, raising questions about why this would have...
AI representation of a Neanderthal couple wearing fur. Source: Ricky/Adobe Stock

Is Interbreeding Why Neanderthals and Denisovans Vanished? (Video)

A groundbreaking scientific discovery sheds light on the disappearance of Neanderthals and Denisovans , ancient human populations that once roamed Eurasia. Through an examination of their blood types...
Archaeologists analyzing the remains from excavations at the Cova dels Xaragalls burial cave in Catalonia. Source: IPHES-CERCA

Prehistoric Catalonia Burial Cave Reveals Over 7,000 Human Remains

Archaeologists in Catalonia, northeastern Spain, have unearthed human and animal remains and ornamental objects spanning from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age. The Cova dels Xaragalls cave, located in...
Reconstruction of how the stone artifact with the handle made of the bitumen-ocher mixture could be held by a Neanderthal woman. 	Source: © Berlin State Museums, Museum of Prehistory and Early History, illustration: Daniela Greinert

Adhesive Grips on Neanderthal Tools Reveals Species’ Advanced Creativity

A team of researchers from Germany and the United States recently published a study that suggests Neanderthals might have had far more creative intelligence than previously believed. The study,...
Modern human and Homo erectus man compared.   Source: AlienCat / Adobe Stock

Did a Superhuman Genetic Mutation Rewire Human Evolution? (Video)

Did a superhuman genetic mutation reshape human evolution ? The abrupt emergence of advanced human culture over a short period remains a mystery. Anthropological evidence suggests a radical shift in...
Analysis of over 1,000 animal bones from Ranis showed that early Homo sapiens processed the carcasses of deer but also of carnivores, including wolf. Source: Geoff M. Smith / CC-BY-ND 4.0 / Nature

New Evidence of Early Humans Crossing the Alps 45,000 Years Ago

Between 40,000 and 50,000 years ago, the lands of present-day Europe and Asia experienced a population exchange between Homo sapiens (modern humans) and Neanderthals , with the former steadily...
Tribe of four ancient humans wearing animal skin.  Source: Gorodenkoff/Adobe Stock

When Did Humans Stop Being Naked? (Video)

The origins of clothing are shrouded in the challenges of preservation, yet traces of ancient textiles provide glimpses into our sartorial past. In 1913, during an Egyptian excavation, William...
Image of an ancient skulls.  Source: Alexandra /Adobe Stock

Evaluating the Classification Split Between Neanderthals and Modern Humans (Video)

Exploring the enigmatic aspects of Neanderthal psychology reveals intriguing facets of their cognitive landscape. While understanding an extinct species' psyche is speculative, scholars offer...
AI representation of a Neanderthal man surveying the landscape. Source: Dr_Microbe/Adobe Stock

15 Leaps Forward in Our Understanding of Human Evolution in 2023

2023 could likely be viewed as a coming-of-age story for our Neanderthal cousins, as they further shed their brutish image, revealing themselves as skilled hunters and surprising artisans. We learned...
Image of a human skull from three perspectives.	Source: Liliya/Adobe Stock

Modern Human Brains Have More Neurons Than Neanderthals (Video)

The emergence of anatomically modern humans, Homo sapiens, marked a pivotal moment in human evolution, challenging long-standing debates in paleoanthropology. Approximately 100,000 years ago, a...
Homo heidelbergensis facial reconstruction.	Source:	Labrado/Adobe Stock

Scientists Just Found Human Evolution’s Missing Link in Europe (Video)

Recent fossil evidence challenges the prevailing narrative of human evolution, shifting the focus from Africa to Europe's westernmost reaches. Conventional beliefs, rooted in the Out of Africa theory...
Illustrative close up portrait of a Neanderthal child. Source: robert/Adobe Stock

What Was It Like to be a Neanderthal Child? (Video)

Neanderthal childhood, once shrouded in mystery, has gradually unfolded through the unearthing of fossilized remains. Recent archaeological revelations paint a vivid picture of the challenges and...
Representative image of a Neanderthal man. Source: sam / Adobe Stock

Do Morning People Have Neanderthals to Thank for Being Early Risers?

Are you a morning person? You might have Neanderthals to thank for that! In a revelatory study, scientists have unearthed a fascinating genetic link between modern humans and our Neanderthal...
Very muscular looking AI generated Neanderthal. 	Source: NorLife/Adobe Stock

The Dark Secrets of Neanderthals' Rapid Extinction (Video)

The abrupt vanishing act of Neanderthals , Europe's exclusive human metapopulation before Homo sapiens, raises perplexing questions about their mysterious and rapid extinction . A recent study sheds...
