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Mysterious Phenomena

This section of Ancient Origins will help you to discover some of the mysteries and unexplained phenomena of the world that remain unsolved even today.

Stone ringfort, “Ring of Kerry” in Ireland.

Irish Lore Keeper gives Dire Warning: US Company will be Cursed if Ancient Fairy Fort is Destroyed

Bad luck is sure to befall a US company if it builds a new factory over a fairyfort in Ireland, warns a traditional Irish lore keeper. West Pharmaceutical Services is building a new factory in...
Mysterious ancient tracks dissect the landscape in the Phrygian Valley of Turkey.

Controversial Claim by Geologist: Mysterious tracks in Turkey caused by unknown civilization millions of years ago

In what is sure to cause controversy, a researcher has claimed that the mysterious and ancient ruts which crisscross the Phrygian Valley of Turkey were caused by an unknown and intelligent race...
Elongated skull being unearthed, Arkaim, Russia

Skeleton with Elongated Skull Discovered in Russia

A skeleton with an elongated skull has been uncovered at Arkaim, known as the Stonehenge of Russia. Dating to the second or third century AD, the elongated skull has created a stir for alien...
Beetle with scratched stone, India

Scientists Unravel Secret behind Mysterious Marks on Stones in India

For the past few weeks, residents in the Indian states of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh have been worried about supernatural forces visiting them in their homes at night, leaving strange scratches...
The mythological Kappa

Are mummified remains of unidentified creature proof of the mythological Kappa?

In ancient Japanese folklore, the Kappa is a water demon that inhabits rivers and lakes and devours disobedient little children. While some believe the legend originated from sightings of the...
Artistic representations of the Paracas people

Ancient rock lines created by enigmatic Paracas culture predate Nazca geoglyphs

A new study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , has revealed the discovery of a complex set of geoglyphs constructed by the mysterious Paracas people of Peru...
Loch Ness

Buddhist Lama says Loch Ness monster is mythological water deity

The first Buddhist Lama in Britain, who is leading the project to create a new Buddhist centre in the Highlands of Scotland said the famous Loch Ness monster is a naga, a water deity which brings...
Voynich Manuscript

Can Mexican plant unravel the enigma of the Voynich manuscript?

The 15th Century Voynich manuscript is considered to be the most mysterious text ever uncovered as it has never been deciphered despite over a century of attempts to uncover its meaning and more than...
Legendary sea monsters - Kraken

Legendary sea monsters of the past may not be myth after all

According to Scandinavian mythology, the Kraken was a giant sea creature (said to be 1 mile long) believed to eat whales and devour entire ships, and generally described as being similar to an...
Lost City of Giants - Ecuador

Have explorers in Ecuador found ‘Lost City of Giants'? – Part 2

Further to the article published a few days ago relating to the discovery of a pyramid structure in the Ecuadorian jungle, author and researcher Bruce Fenton has released further details about this...
The Lost city of the Giants

Have explorers in Ecuador found ‘Lost City of Giants'?

Last year, a team of explorers and researchers discovered what they believed to be an ancient pyramid complex in a remote area of the Ecuador Amazonian jungle, one not known to the general public...
Alien Slime - Natural History Museum

Natural History Museum sets up unit to investigate unexplained phenomena

It is reassuring to see that there are still some brave scientists around willing to investigate the less conventional findings rather than simply placing them in the ‘too hard to solve’ basket – the...
Agra Fortress

Archaeologists Dig For Treasure after Tip From Hindu Holy Man

Archaeologists have launched a furious dig for treasure beneath a 19 th century fort in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh in India after a well-known Hindu holy man predicted a substantial cache of...
Sea Monsters

The Evolution of Sea Monsters on Medieval Maps

A recently published book published by the British Library charts the evolution of iconic sea serpents, mermaids and other mythical creatures found on world maps from the 10 th century through to...
Evil Eye

A 1,800-year-old ring and the curse of the ‘evil eye’

Last year, archaeologists in Croatia found a remarkable 1,800-year-old ring with an ‘eye’ that was used to protect the wearer from spells or a bad curse, often referred to as the ‘evil eye’. The...
 Ancient Egyptian Statue Moving - Manchester

Museum Curators Shocked by Ancient Egyptian Statue Moving on its Own

A 4,000-year-old ancient Egyptian statue locked away in a secure display case at the Manchester Museum in England has shocked curators by rotating on its own. The 10-inch tall statue of a man named...
Mysterious Voynich manuscript  'genuine message'

Mysterious Voynich manuscript has 'genuine message'

The 15 th Century Voynich manuscript is considered to be the most mysterious text ever uncovered as it has never been decrypted despite over a century of attempts to uncover meaning and more than 25...
Lone Signal Project - METI and SETI for Extraterrestrials

METI joins SETI in the hunt for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

For 60 years, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) has been scanning our universal horizons for signs of intelligent life, listening and waiting for a signal to come bouncing back to...
UFO entering Volcano

UFO entering Volcano in Mexico?

One of the most interesting latest videos of UFOs is the video of what appears to be an unidentified flying object (UFO) entering the Popocatepetl volcano in Mexico which was recorded on May 30 by...
Bacteria caused Justinian Plague

Justinian Plague probably caused by a bacteria - unknown how it appeared

Justinian was one of the most powerful emperors of Byzantine. His goal was to restore the power of the Roman Empire and for that reason started a series of military campaigns to reclaim land that was...
Tiny Alien Sirius

Controversy over Tiny Alien-Like Hominid Continues

Recently we reported on the discovery of a tiny 6-inch hominid skeleton found in Chile’s Atacama Desert with unusual characteristics, as shown in the Sirius Documentary . The specimen was subjected...
Passenger Plane UFO Sighting over Glasgow - Scotland

Pilot of Passenger Plane reports near-miss with UFO over Glasgow, Scotland

A passenger plane with 220 people on board came within 300 feet of colliding with a “blue, yellow and silver” object, which loomed ahead of the Airbus A320 and then flew underneath it. The startled...
UFO Documentary Alien Android

Humanoid images and more to be revealed in UFO documentary in April

A documentary by Dr Steven M. Greer , who is founder of The Disclosure Project and The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), will be released on the 22 nd of April, revealing...

FBI Struggles to Explain 1950 UFO Memo

A 1950 memo describing the recovery of three ‘flying saucers’ in New Mexico has been viewed millions of times since it was released in the FBI digital archive as part of the Freedom of Information...
