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land bridge

AI representation of Beringia migration with mammoths and humans.            Source: Skrotaa/Adobe Stock

First Americans May Have Arrived by Sea Ice Highway as Early as 24,000 Years Ago

By Liza Lester/AGU One of the hottest debates in archaeology is how and when humans first arrived in North America. Archaeologists have traditionally argued that people walked through an ice-free...
Top Of The Glacial ice wall.		Source: Ramunas / Adobe Stock

Ice Wall Blocked Americas Land Route Until 13,800 Years Ago Says Study

A long-standing debate about the peopling of the Americas has been whether the first humans arrived there over the Siberia-Alaska land mass called Beringia or by traveling along the Pacific coast in...
It Looks Like America’s First People Were Island Hoppers

It Looks Like America’s First People Were Island Hoppers

Standing right beside the question “are we alone in the universe” is “when and by whom was America first populated.” Now that question might finally be answered as a team of researchers propose a...
Stolbovoy Island, it would have been connected to the mainland. Source: Ilya Kravchenko (via Siberian Times)

Are These Tools Left by Paleolithic Travelers on the Beringia Land Bridge?

By The Siberian Times reporter Excavations are to be made after the discovery of evidence indicating the world’s most northerly paleolithic site on this remote island off the Arctic coast of Yakutia...
DNA, land bridge, Beringia, Ice Age, Americas, genetics, South America, humans, Paleoamerican, Naia, Luzia, skeletons, archaeology

Did Paleoamericans Reach South America First?

In “ Textbook Story of How Humans Populated America is Biologically Unviable, Study Finds ” , recently published in Ancient Origins, it was noted that DNA studies indicate that people could not have...
The tiny remains were found at the ancient Upward Sun River site in Alaska, USA.

Rare Bones and DNA of tiny children surprise scientists, support ideas about migration into the Americas 11,000 years ago

The small bodies of infants buried in an ancient campsite in the wilds of Alaska have given researchers a surprising and unprecedented look into the lives of prehistoric peoples and the ancient...
Crossing Beringian land bridge

Did first Americans make a 10,000-Year Pit Stop on Beringian land bridge?

It has long been debated whether the first human settlers of the New World arrived by walking over a land bridge across the Bering Strait from Siberia to Alaska, or whether they arrived by sea from...