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The Assyrian Lachish reliefs depict the Assyrian victory over the kingdom of Judah 701 BC.

Historical, Archaeological, and Theological Debates Surrounding the Kingdom of Judah

The Kingdom of Judah, an ancient state established in the Southern Levant during the Iron Age, has long been a focal point for historians, archaeologists, and theologians alike. This small but...
Thanks to 21st-century technology we are now able to examine ancient artifacts, like those found with a Judean shepherd, to learn fascinating details about his life. Source: sajis / Adobe Stock

Fascinating Details of Judean Shepherd’s Life 6,000 Years Ago Revealed by New Tech

New technology has allowed scientists to discover fascinating details about the life of a Judean shepherd that lived and died around 6,000 years ago. In the 21st century the deductive power of...
Kosher Female Figurines in Judah During The Biblical Period?

Kosher Female Figurines in Judah During The Biblical Period?

Israeli archeologist Dr. Aaron Greener asks “what are clay female figurines doing in Judah during the biblical period?” My non-archeologist answer is; they represent kosher (suitable for religious...
60 pieces of scroll have been reassembled in the latest scroll.

One of the Last Two Known Dead Sea Scrolls Is Deciphered

Researchers from the Haifa University have reconstructed the contents of one of the last two undeciphered Dead Sea Scrolls , disclosing a distinctive calendar used by a Jewish sect that lived in the...
Legends, Mysteries, Light and Darkness: The Secret History of the Biblical Cave of the Patriarchs

Legends, Mysteries, Light and Darkness: The Secret History of the Biblical Cave of the Patriarchs

The Cave of the Patriarchs is a very famous site in the Middle East. Known as Ibrahim Mosque or the Sanctuary of Abraham today, it appears in the Bible, the Torah, and the Quran. Legends tell of a...
Archaeologists search for the last Dead Sea Scrolls in the Cave of the Skulls

Archaeologists search for the last Dead Sea Scrolls in the Cave of the Skulls

The Israel Antiquities Authority have initiated comprehensive archaeological excavations in the Judean Desert caves, in order to find the last Dead Sea Scrolls, which are among the earliest texts...
1600–Year-Old Glass Workshop Discovered in Israel

1600–Year-Old Glass Workshop Discovered in Israel

A newly discovered glass workshop reveals that Israel was an important center for glass production in Roman times. During excavations prior to a road construction in the Carmel Mountains a team of...
One of the panels from the Lachish Reliefs depicting the Assyrian assault on Lachish.

The Siege of Lachish: History from Both the Victors and Defeated

The siege of Lachish was an event that happened in 701 BC. During this incident, the Israelite settlement of Lachish was besieged and conquered by the Assyrians. It is often said that “History is...