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Iron Age

LiDAR scan image of the Bodbury Ring Hillfort. 	Source: University of Chester

Bodbury Ring Hillfort Six Times Larger Than Thought

A remarkable discovery at Shropshire's Bodbury Ring Hillfort has shed new light on the region's Iron Age history. Archaeologists from Channel Four’s Time Team, alongside experts from the Universities...
Shield recreation team.			Source:   © 2024 The Trustees of the British Museum

How Was A Bark Shield From The Iron Age Made? (Video)

Sophia Adams, curator of the European Iron Age and Roman Conquest collection at the British Museum, provides insights into the intricate process of recreating an Iron Age bark shield discovered in...
Archaeologists at work in a large burial field in southeastern Norway, where 40 circular stone formations with cremated bone remains, mostly from children, were found placed in the middle.		Source: Museum of Cultural History/Science Norway

Ancient Stone Circles Cover 2,800-Year-Old Graves of Children in Norway

An ancient burial field in Norway that features more than 40 circular stone grave markers has been found to contain the remains of mostly children, all of whom died more than 2,000 years ago, Norway’...
A gold pendant from the Anglo-Saxon period

Treasure Trove of 19,000 Artifacts From Prehistory To Anglo-Saxon Britain Found!

Archaeologists have unearthed a whopping treasure trove - approximately 19,000 artifacts spanning from prehistory to the early medieval period at a rare and significant site in the United Kingdom !...
Top image: Left: Visualization of the central grave/main burial of the Hochdorf mound in Baden-Württemberg. Right: Grave goods from Eberdingen-Hochdorf

Ancient DNA Unveils Celtic Dynasties: Power and Kinship in Pre-Roman Germany

Genetic analyses of Celtic burial mounds dating back to 500 BC in Baden-Württemberg have revealed close familial ties among Celtic elites, providing new insights into their power structures. This new...
Horse pit being excavated at Villedieu, France.         Source: © Hamid Azmoun/INRAP

Poignant Discovery of Horse Burials Dating to the Gallic Wars in France

The tranquil town of Villedieu-sur-Indre in central France has become the focus of significant archaeological interest as an Inrap team is uncovering some fascinating horse burial pits. The burials...
Archaeologists found a gold earring hidden inside a jar that had been placed in a wall at the Iron Age settlement called Tossal de Baltarga. 	Source: Marco Ansaloni/Frontiers

Devastating Iron Age Hillfort Fire Linked to Hannibal

A violent blaze, possibly linked to the Carthaginian army crossing the Pyrenees to fight the Romans, flared up so quickly people couldn’t save their animals or their valuables. A Snapshot of Ancient...
The iron age lady remains found in Dorset, England, was found lying on carefully arranged animal bones.	Source: Bournemouth University

Archaeologists Discover Iron Age Murder Victim In England

Archaeologists have uncovered new information about the life and death of a young Iron Age woman in Dorset who they believe could have been murdered as a human sacrifice. By investigating the more...
Left; One of the mound burials, Right; A selection of grave goods from the necropolis.	Source: Superintendency of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape

2,700-Year-Old Iron Age Pit Tomb Necropolis Unearthed in Italy

During excavations launched ahead of an upcoming electric power plant construction project, archaeologists unearthed an approximately 2,700-year-old necropolis about 31 miles (50 kilometers)...
A the front of a copy of the bark shield. Source: University of Leicester/Fair Use

The Enderby Shield: A Bark-Made Artifact from the Iron Age? (Video)

​ In the annals of Iron Age history , the Enderby Shield emerges as a stunning revelation, challenging conventional notions of weaponry and craftsmanship. Discovered in 2015 near Leicester, this...
Aerial view of the triple enclosure. Source: © Jérôme Berthet/ Inrap

Remarkable Horseshoe Shaped Prehistoric Structure Discovered in France

Beneath the countryside landscape of Marliens, mere kilometers from Dijon in the heart of the Ouche valley, lies evidence of ancient life spanning through millennia. Before the expansion of a local...
AI generated abstract modern painting of a chieftain of ancient Britannia, possibly Catuvellauni. Source: Pana/Adobe Stock

The Catuvellauni, The Defiant British Tribe That Stood Against Rome

When we consider the history of Pre-Roman Britain, the Catuvellauni truly stand out as a formidable and enigmatic tribe whose legacy echoes through the ages. Nestled in the heart of Ancient Britannia...
AI image of a Celtic warrior (Durotriges) with a shield emblazoned with a boar’s head and a sword at his side, standing tall and proud ready to defend his tribe. Source: Justlight/Adobe Stock

Durotriges, the Celtic Fort Dwellers in Iron Age Britain

The Durotriges, an ancient Celtic tribe inhabiting what is now modern-day Dorset, Somerset, and Devon in southwestern Britain, were a very important ancient tribe of British history. Their legacy...
The Garamantes carved out a thriving civilization in one of the most inhospitable environments on Earth. Source: Superhero Woozie / Adobe Stock.

The Garamantes, Ancient Masters of the Hostile Sahara

In the heart of the Sahara desert, an arid wasteland the size of the US, it seems nothing can survive. But there were some who mastered this most inhospitable of landscapes, and turned an empty land...
Aerial view of the Badbury rings. Source: Aaron King/Wirestock/Adobe Stock

Badbury Rings, the Ancient Legacy of Dorset

One casual stroll through the English countryside is enough to tell you that this is a land brimming with history. Its fields, valleys, and plains are all dotted with the ancient remnants of all the...
The collection of 16 mostly Roman offerings found at the sacred spring site in Anglesey. Source: Museum Wales

Roman Offerings at Sacred Spring Whisper of the Druids’ Last Stand

In a significant archaeological find, a collection of sixteen ancient artifacts dating back to the Iron Age and Roman periods has been officially declared treasure by H.M. Senior Coroner for North-...
A computer generated image of what the iron age workshop might have looked like. 	Source: DigVentures

Iron Age Blacksmith Workshop in the Oxford Countryside Reveals Master Craftsman

Researchers have been “completely blown away” by the uncovering of an Iron Age workshop belonging to a "master blacksmith" in the English countryside, complete with bellow protectors and small metal...
Archaeologists excavating in Çorum, the capital of the ancient Hittite Empire in northern Turkey, unearthed an Iron Age saw dating back 2,250 years. Source: Anadolu Agency

Iron Age Saw Unearthed in Ancient City Hattusa Resembles Modern Tools

Hattusa, the historic city, is an ancient site that keeps on producing wonderful finds. After the piece of ivory decoration with a sphinx found last month, archaeologists conducting digs in Hattusa,...
Aerial image of Danebury Fort, an Iron Age hillfort in Hampshire, England. Source: Hampshire Hub and University of Southampton/OGL v1.0OGL v1.0

Danebury Fort, the Formidable Home of Iron Age Britons

Danebury Fort, also known simply as Danebury, is an Iron Age hillfort located in Hampshire, England. It is one of the most extensively studied hillforts in Britain and is known for its archaeological...
Close up of Old Croghan Man’s nails (National Museum of Ireland)

Why Does This Ancient Corpse Have a Manicure? (Video)

In central Ireland, beneath the looming presence of Croghan Hill, lies a mystery shrouded in history. Known simply as the Old Croghan Man , his true name remains a riddle lost to time. Archaeologists...
50 BC coin bearing the name Esunertos, a previously unknown Iron Age British king.	Source: Spinks Auctions

A New Iron Age King in Britain? Gold Coin Found Stamped with the Name 'Esunertos'

Britain’s history may have just undergone a significant addition, thanks to the remarkable discovery of a coin bearing the name of a forgotten Iron Age ruler. The coin was unearthed by a metal...
Top image: The burial at Maiden Castle Hillfort. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

Was This Burial from Maiden Castle Hillfort a Human Sacrifice? (Video)

In the heart of Maiden Castle , Dorset England, a site steeped in history, we delve into the ancient world of Iron Age hill forts . The rugged landscape, now softened by the passage of time, conceals...
Archaeologists have unearthed an adorned stela at Las Capellanías complex in Cañaveral de León, Spain.       Source: University of Durham

Newly Discovered 3,000-Year-Old Stela in Spain Upends Gender Stereotypes

Archaeologists performing excavations at the 3,000-year-old Las Capellanías funerary complex in southwestern Spain have uncovered a decorated stela (standing stone slab) that features a unique and...
Archaeologists have found an ancient canoe in Lake Neuchâtel. This find holds significant importance in advancing our knowledge of the region's prehistory.	Source: Cantonal Archeology of Vaud

Huge and Extremely Ancient Intact Canoe Recovered From Swiss Lake

In 2021, using a small plane, a team of Swiss archaeologists surveyed Lake Neuchâtel and spotted an unusual geometric shape in the water. Now, a well-preserved and intact 2,500-year-old wooden canoe...
