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Neanderthal DNA might play a role in autism

Study Reveals Stunning Link Between Autism and Neanderthal DNA in Humans

A fascinating new study has revealed a surprising possible source for the presence of autism in the human population. Performing a careful analysis of human genetic variations that have been linked...
AI generated composite of time, scrolls and ancient ruins.	Source: Bazoom

Human Measurement of Intelligence Through the Ages

Have you ever wondered how our ancestors measured intelligence? It’s a concept that has intrigued societies for millennia. From the examining of head bumps in ancient phrenology to the modern-day IQ...
Evolution of Europeans. Source: Gorodenkoff / Adobe Stock

Neolithic Revolution Spurred Mental and Physical Growth of Europeans

New research just published in the journal Frontiers in Genetics reveals fascinating details about the evolution of Europeans, the humans living in Europe during the Neolithic period (10,000 BC to 4,...
Middle Paleolithic flint cores from the Sontheim Neanderthal hunters camp in southwest German: By reassembling the original flint stone, the research team was able to understand the Neanderthal’s branched production concept.		Source: University of Tübingen

Neanderthal Hunters Had “Great Mental Flexibility” Says Recent Study

Between 52,000 and 45,000 years ago, Neanderthal hunters in the Swabian Alps, in southwestern Germany, possessed “great mental flexibility” concludes the latest study. The study authors go on to say...
Vandals Deface ‘Birthing Rock,’ 1000-Year-Old Rock Art in Utah

Vandals Deface ‘Birthing Rock,’ 1000-Year-Old Rock Art in Utah

Utah has become a modern center of vandalism, where the socially untethered who live outside the confines of the law that most of us adhere to commit crimes against both new and old creations. Now, a...
The discovery that a collection of shells were threaded onto 120,000-year-old strings, at a cave in Israel is an important discovery which advances our understanding of human evolution. Source: Bar-Yosef Mayer et al/Plos One/PA Wire

Evidence of 120,000-Year-Old String Discovered in Israeli Cave

A team of archaeologists excavating a cave in Israel have made the incredible discovery of a collection of shells that were once threaded onto strings and worn by humans as beads 120,000 years ago...
Neanderthal Reconstruction

Top Ten Myths about Neanderthals

Neanderthals are generally classified by palaeontologists as the species Homo neanderthalensis , but some consider them to be a subspecies of Homo sapiens ( Homo sapiens neanderthalensis ). The first...
Close-up of modern flax cordage showing twisted fiber construction. (S. Deryck) and a modern representation of a Neanderthal

Crafty Neanderthals Made String, More Evidence for Their Intelligence

Sometime between 41,000–52,000 years ago an innovative person took some fibers, twisted them together, and put them with a thin stone tool. Their creation may have been a handle, net, or bag for the...
Great Ape

Lucy Wasn’t As Smart As Today’s Great Apes

Researchers have found that early humans such as the famous ‘Lucy’ were not as smart as the great apes. Using new methods, they have been able to determine that early humans did not have the same...
Does the unique nature of our evolution mean we are alone in the universe? Source: CC0

Evolution Tells Us We Might Be the Only Intelligent Life in the Universe

Nick Longrich / The Conversation Are we alone in the universe? It comes down to whether intelligence is a probable outcome of natural selection, or an improbable fluke. By definition, probable events...
An image of white-tailed eagle talons from the Krapina Neanderthal site in present-day Croatia, dating to approximately 130,000 yars ago, may be part of a jewelry assemblage.

Did Neanderthals make jewelry 130,000 years go? Eagle claws provide clues

Krapina Neanderthals may have manipulated white-tailed eagle talons to make jewelry 130,000 years ago, before the appearance of modern human in Europe, according to a study published March 11, 2015...
Zhuge Liang cartoon image.

The Legend of Zhuge Liang Seeking a Wife

By Epoch Times Zhuge Liang was a famous politician, military strategist, and inventor during China’s Three Kingdoms Period. There are several versions of how he met his wife, known as Lady Huang. The...
Le Moustier Neanderthals.

New Research Suggests Neanderthal Knowledge Led Them from Caves Out to Sea

The acknowledgement of the diversity of Neanderthal knowledge and skills has been growing. Tool making , caring for each other , dentistry , jewelry making , language , and elaborate burial rites...
Artist’s impression of elderly Neanderthal male based on fossil found at La Chappelle-aux-Saints

Neanderthals Took Care of Deaf and Disabled Buddy Until Old Age

A new analysis suggests that an older Neanderthal from nearly 50,000 years ago, ended up being deaf and most likely depended on his friends in order to survive, after he had suffered several injuries...
The Four Great Beauties, and the Arts of the Courtesans in Ancient China

The Four Great Beauties, and the Arts of the Courtesans in Ancient China

The Four Great Beauties are four ancient Chinese women renowned for their beauty which they skillfully exercised to influence Chinese history. Although each of the Four Great Beauties frequently...
Shrinking Brain in Humans

Scientists are alarmed by shrinking of the human brain

A study published earlier this year confirmed what scientists have long believed to be the case – the human brain is shrinking. For more than 7 million years the hominid brain has grown increasingly...
Neanderthals organised

Ancient rock shelter reveals Neanderthals kept organised and tidy homes

Archaeologists in Italy have found a collapsed rock shelter which has revealed that Neanderthals kept an organised and tidy home with separate spaces for preparing food, sleeping, making tools and...
Stone Tools

You don’t need to be human to carve a stone!

If there is anything that gets my back up in human origins research, it is scientists, or reporters for that matter, who refuse to accept that species that preceded modern humans (Homo sapiens) were...
Neanderthals may have passed on tool-making skills to modern humans

Not so stupid after all? Neanderthals may have passed on tool-making skills to modern humans

Dutch scientists have discovered 50,000-year-old tools made from deer ribs in south-west France, which are believed to signify the transmission of knowledge and skill from Neanderthals to modern...
Our Brains are shrinking

Our brains are growing alarmingly smaller, showing evidence of devolution

In the past it was believed that a larger brain meant more intelligence. Indeed, according to evolutionary theory, the brain should grow bigger as a species evolves. However, rather alarmingly,...
Frontal Lobe and Human Evolution

Human intelligence is not because of the frontal lobe as believed

The frontal lobe is the part of the brain of humans (and mammals) that is responsible for our intelligence. Up until now it was believed that because humans have a more evolved frontal lobe compared...