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human evolution

The sedimentary outcrops at Orca

New Dating Places the First European Hominids in Southern Iberia

One of the most significant controversies in the study of human evolution and migration is determining when and by what route the first hominids arrived in Europe from Africa. Recent geological...

Denisovan Finds Reveal They Survived on Tibetan Plateau for 160,000 Years

Bone  remains found in a Tibetan cave 3,280 m above sea level indicate that Denisovans, an ancient group of extinct humans survived here for many millennia, according to a new study published in ...
: An artist’s reconstruction of a Neanderthal, displayed in the exhibition ‘Britain: One Million Years of the Human Story’. Source: The Trustees of the Natural History Museum, London

Modern Human DNA Has Neanderthal Traces – Except the Y Chromosome

By Jenny Graves /The Conversation Neanderthals, the closest cousins of modern humans, lived in parts of Europe and Asia until their extinction some 30,000 years ago. Genetic studies are revealing...
Left; The reconstructed skeleton of Lucy, found in Hadar, Ethiopia, in 1974, and Grace Latimer, then age 4, daughter of a research team member. Right; Reconstruction of a male (left) and female (right) A. afarensis at the Natural History Museum, Vienna. Right, Lucy skeleton, Cleveland Natural History Museum. Source: CC BY 2.0 /CC BY-SA 4.0/CC BY-SA 4.0/CC BY SA 2.0

Lucy Stood Just 3.5 feet Tall But Towers Over Our Understanding of Human Origins

Denise Su /The Conversation In 1974, on a survey in Hadar in the remote badlands of Ethiopia, U.S. paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson and graduate student Tom Gray found a piece of an elbow joint...
Homo Antecessor

Did Homo Antecessor Cause Its Own Destruction? (Video)

In the annals of human evolution lies a grim chapter marked by the ancient species known as Homo antecessor. Fossil evidence from around 800,000 years ago, unearthed in what is now Spain, paints a...
The Cradle of Humankind visitors’ complex in Maropeng, South Africa

Human Origins: Beyond a Single Cradle of Humankind

The quest to uncover the cradle of humankind has been a winding journey, marked by unexpected discoveries and shifting paradigms. Early efforts by paleontologists to locate the origins of humanity...
AI image of primitive man, delving into the mysteries of early human existence and survival in the ancient epochs of our evolutionary past.   Source: Alla/Adobe Stock

Prehistoric Africa: A Terrifying Reality for Early Humans (Video)

Prehistoric Africa served as a gruesome theater of survival for early humans, challenging their very existence. Anthropologist Raymond Dart's grim portrayal depicts our ancestors not as idyllic...
Humans and Neanderthals started breeding together 47,000 years ago.     Source: Gorodenkoff/Adobe Stock

Geneticists Think Neanderthals and Sapiens Started Breeding 47,000 Years Ago

Most people alive today carry traces of genes inherited from Neanderthals, indicating a complex history of interbreeding between modern humans and their now extinct cousins. But when exactly we first...
Forensic facial reconstruction of a Cro-Magnon man.  Source: Cicero Moraes/CC BY-SA 4.0

The Enigmatic Origins of Cro Magnon: Europe's First Humans (Video)

Cro Magnon Man , a robust and powerful hominid of the Upper Paleolithic era, emerges from the shadows of prehistory, leaving behind skeletal remains primarily found in southern France. Classified as...
Mountain River in East Siberia. Source: zhaubasar/Adobe Stock

Denisovan Artifacts Discovered in Siberian Ice (Video)

Archaeologists excavating the Siberian permafrost have uncovered a wealth of artifacts, shedding light on the enigmatic Denisovans and their ancient predecessors. Among the finds are finely crafted...
3d illustration of Australopithecus afarensis male.  Source: Sebastian Kaulitzki/Adobe Stock

How Bipedalism in Ancient Humans Led to Fur Loss (Video)

Humans underwent a significant evolutionary shift around 2 million years ago, marked by the emergence of Homo erectus and the transition to bipedalism. This transition likely played a pivotal role in...
Image representing ancient ancestors in field collecting food. Source: Joyce/Adobe Stock

How Did We Discover Fermentation? (Video)

The evolution of fermentation traces back millions of years, intertwined with the dietary habits of our primate ancestors . As they foraged on the forest floor, scavenging fallen fruits, they...
A cast of the skull of Homo heidelbergensis, one of the hominin species analyzed in the latest study. Source: The Duckworth Laboratory/ University of Cambridge

A Unique Twist Found In Path of Human Evolution

University of Cambridge Competition between species played a major role in the rise and fall of hominins -- and produced a "bizarre" evolutionary pattern for the Homo lineage -- according to a new...
Left: Liang Tebo burial features of the 29000-BC amputee of Borneo, Indonesia: a) A single adult inhumation (TB1); the skull is to the right of the scale bar; Middle: Artist ‘s impression of Tebo1, the oldest amputee on record; Right: Surgically amputated site of the left tibia and fibula showing the evidence of amputation.            Source: Maloney, et al. / Nature; Jose Garcia (Garciartist) and Griffith University / Nature; Maloney, et al. / Nature

Ancient Medicine: What Was the Earliest Surgery? (Video)

Around 30,000 years ago in Borneo, an ancient surgeon performed a groundbreaking operation on a child with a severe leg injury. Using rudimentary tools likely made of stone, they skillfully severed...
Neanderthal warrior AI generated. 	Source:  dasom/Adobe Stock

Neanderthal - These Ancient Humans Were Freakishly Strong (Video)

Throughout scientific history, the narrative surrounding Neanderthals has often portrayed them as inferior to Homo sapiens, yet recent anatomical evidence challenges this notion. Neanderthals...
Prehistoric Couple. SpiralStone/Adobe Stock

The Strange Truth About Neanderthal Sex Lives (Video)

Recent genetic research provides compelling insights into the intimate interactions between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens , challenging previous assumptions about their isolated existence. DNA...
tatue of the Peking man from the entrance of the Zhoukoudian site. Source: Diego Tirira / CC BY-SA 2.0

Zhoukoudian Homo Erectus: Peking Man was an Evolutionary Dead-End (Video)

Zhoukoudian , home to the renowned Peking Man , serves as a pivotal site for understanding the enigma of Homo erectus and its place in human evolution. This location, situated approximately 42...
AI image of a cave. Source: ToonArt/Adobe Stock

Bizarre Archaeological Finds That Rewrote History (Video)

Archaeology serves as a key to unlock the mysteries of our past, offering glimpses into ancient civilizations that challenge conventional historical narratives. One such revelation emerged from a...
AI image of early humans and the taming of fire. Source: Alla/Adobe Stock

How Taming Fire Changed Everything for Early Humans (Video)

The emergence of fire mastery represents a transformative juncture in human development, potentially initiated by early hominins like Homo erectus around 1.6 million years ago . Although the precise...
AI image of early human migration. Source: AI Generated

When Ancient Humans Took Over the World (Video)

The global expansion of Homo sapiens , originating in Africa approximately 300,000 to 350,000 years ago, underscores the species' remarkable adaptability. With a behavioral flexibility that allows...
Adam and Eve illustration.  Source: Mariephotos/Adobe Stock

The Two People We're All Related To (Video)

Embedded within each individual lies the potential to unlock the profound saga of their ancient lineage . Mitochondria, inherited solely from the maternal line, and the Y chromosome, passed down...
AI representation of a Neanderthal couple wearing fur. Source: Ricky/Adobe Stock

Is Interbreeding Why Neanderthals and Denisovans Vanished? (Video)

A groundbreaking scientific discovery sheds light on the disappearance of Neanderthals and Denisovans , ancient human populations that once roamed Eurasia. Through an examination of their blood types...
A tribe of human ancestors, Homo erectus, wanders through the savannah past mammoth skeletons. Source: ratpack223/Adobe Stock)

The Risky Paleo Diets of Our Ancestors (Video)

The excavation of KNM-ER 1808, a Homo erectus specimen, in Kenya unearthed insights into the perilous dietary choices of our ancestors. The skeletal analysis revealed intriguing anomalies, such as...
AI illustration of prehistoric tribe using their spears. Source: de Art/ Adobe Stock

Weapons of the Stone Age - How Throwing Evolved in Ancient Man (Video)

Ancient humans , in their quest for survival, honed their skills in weaponry, evolving from rudimentary tools to sophisticated arms. One pivotal development was the utilization of throwing rocks, or...
