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holy man

Dancing Figurine from Ancient India Travelled Silk Road To Siberia!

Dancing Figurine from Ancient India Travelled Silk Road To Siberia!

During excavations along the shore of the Ob River near Novosibirsk in southwestern Siberia, a tiny, sculpted object was unearthed that has archaeologists and historians puzzled. The object was a...
The Medieval Meme’ That Has Britain Excited

The 'Medieval Meme’ That Has Britain Excited

A silver badge which is described as the medieval equivalent of today’s popular meme phenomenon is one of the thousand or so antiquities that has been discovered by metal-detectorists in the UK over...
Triumphant Diagoras held aloft by his sons by Auguste Vinchon.

Mistaken Belief has Turkish Locals Seeking Blessings at Olympic Boxer’s Tomb

According to reports from the Greek City Times and other news outlets, a 2,300-year-old tomb in Turkey once revered as a holy man’s shrine is no such thing. Instead, the ‘shrine’ is actually the...
Shiv temple

Archaeologists condemn India’s Treasure Hunt based on Holy Man’s Vision

Earlier this week we reported on an excavation taking place in Uttar Pradesh, India, after Hindu swami Shobhan Sarkar relayed a dream to an Indian government minister in which the spirit of a former...