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Pyramids of Giza at Night

The Significance of Planetary Harmony: Creating Megalithic Structures Through Music

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Over the last 7,000 years, hunter-gathering humans have been transformed into the 'modern' norms of city dwellers through a series of metamorphoses during which the intellect developed ever-larger descriptions of the world. Past civilizations and even some tribal groups have left wonders in their wake, a result of uncanny skills - mental and physical - that, being hard to repeat today, cannot be considered primitive. Buildings such as Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid of Giza are felt to be anomalous because of the mathematics of their construction. Our notational mathematics only arose much later, and so, a different mathematics must have preceded ours.

Ancient Sumerian Texts (CC0)

Ancient Sumerian Texts (CC0)

Ancient Texts Encrypting Numbers to Create Prehistoric Monuments

We have also inherited texts from ancient times. Spoken language evolved before there was any writing with which to create texts. Writing developed in three main ways: pictographic writing evolved into hieroglyphs, like those of Egyptian texts, carved on stone or inked onto papyrus;  the Sumerians used cross-hatched lines on clay tablets to make symbols representing the syllables within speech; cuneiform allowed the many languages of the ancient Near East to be recorded, since all spoken language is made of syllable and; the Phoenicians developed the alphabet, which was perfected in Iron Age Greece through identifying more phonemes, including the vowels. The Greek language enabled individual writers to think new thoughts through writing down their ideas, which was a new habit that competed with information passed down through the oral tradition. Ironically though, writing down oral stories allowed their survival, as the oral tradition became more or less extinct. And surviving oral texts give otherwise missing insights into the intellectual life behind prehistoric monuments.

The texts and iconography of the ancient world once encrypted the special numbers used to create ancient and prehistoric monuments, using a numeracy that modeled the earth and sky using the invariant numbers found in celestial time, and in the world of number itself. Oral stories spoke from a unified construct, connecting the people to their gods. Buildings were echoes of an original Building, whose dimensions came to form a canon within metrology, the ancient science of measure. But the language of the gods within this Building was seen to be that of musical tuning theory, the number science that concerns us here


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Richard Heath is a development engineer with degrees in systems science and computer-aided design. His interest in megalithic astronomy and metrology has resulted in 4 books, including The Harmonic Origins of the World, Sacred Number and the Origins of Civilization. He lives near Cardigan, Wales.

Extracted from The Harmonic Origins of the World

Top Image: Pyramids of Giza at Night.  (Public Domain)

By Richard Heath

Richard Heath's picture

Richard Heath

Richard Heath is a development engineer with degrees in systems science and computer-aided design. After decades of technical and spiritual training, Richard Heath became interested in megalithic astronomy and its numerical skillset. He has written five books on the sacred... Read More

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