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Roman soldier in front of ancient writing. Source: Nejron Photo / Adobe Stock.

Real Letters from the Roman Front Lines – What Do They Say? (Video)

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Real letters from the Roman front lines offer a fascinating glimpse into the everyday lives of ancient soldiers. These letters were the primary means by which soldiers kept in touch with their families and friends, and they provide valuable insights into the social, political, and cultural realities of the Roman Empire. The process of writing a letter in ancient Rome was complex and required access to specialized tools like papyrus scrolls, ink pens, and scribes.

Once the letters were written, they had to be sent across the vast expanse of the Roman Empire, which was accomplished through both public and private couriers. The Cursus Publicus was the primary means of public communication, using a relay of riders to deliver messages across the Empire at incredible speeds. Private couriers, on the other hand, relied on merchants who traveled at their own pace, criss-crossing the Empire to deliver messages. The contents of these letters varied widely, ranging from personal greetings and family news to accounts of battles and other military matters.

Top image: Roman soldier in front of ancient writing. Source: Nejron Photo / Adobe Stock.

By Joanna Gillan



Pete Wagner's picture

This (from the video) is a good example of something you question because the artifacts in question, the letters, should NOT have survived.  Where evidence is used that should not have survived, you HAVE TO question the validity of them, particularly when they are used to support a narrative that is itself dubious or lacking in supporting evidence, is the existence of an expansive tyrannical empire of that ancient day run by a ruling class of sorts (who ethnicity is not well understood) based in Rome, who themselves left no written records, just some dubious narratives by so-called Roman historians, like Pliny and Herodotus, who is often called ‘the father of lies’ for (we deduce) his creation of ‘fake history’.  So let’s have a good, hard look at these letters to validate them. How many letters are there?  Where did they come from and where are they now, in whose hands?  What condition are they in?  Who translated them? What local dialects are they in?  How many families and ethnic communities are represented?

Let’s also compare the letters, which should show very diverse styles, grammar and handwriting, and paper and ink, etc.  If they are TOO SIMILAR, they should all be seen as dubious.

And if these letters exist, why don’t Roman gov’t records exist?  And why aren’t there any Roman paintings or portraits, ...other than the few wall murals in classic ancient Greek style, which probably pre-dates the Roman era?  

Could Rome be a creation out of thin air, all sitting on what was left by the demise of the Atlanteans?

Nobody gets paid to tell the truth.

Joanna Gillan's picture


Joanna Gillan is a Co-Owner, Editor and Writer of Ancient Origins. 

Joanna completed a Bachelor of Science (Psychology) degree in Australia and published research in the field of Educational Psychology. She has a rich and varied career, ranging from teaching... Read More

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