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Joshua passing the River Jordan with the Ark of the Covenant by Benjamin West (1800) Art Gallery of New South Wales (Public Domain)

The Ark Of The Covenant: A Fearsome Weapon Of Destruction

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The Ark of the Covenant must be thought of as two or even three separate things. First of all it is a box with a cavity in the middle of it that can contain a medium-sized object, such as an electrical device of some kind. Secondly, the ‘Ark’ can be that object inside of the box, something powerful and destructive. Thirdly, there is the Mercy Seat and Shekinah Glory that rest between the golden statues of two angels facing each other on a slab of gold, which is also the lid of the box. All three of these things have their functions but each is separate from the other. There is a further description of the Ark as a flying vehicle, which seems to be something completely different again.

Designs of the Ark of the Covenant ( Bruno Marques Designer /Pixabay)

Designs of the Ark of the Covenant ( Bruno Marques Designer /Pixabay)

Dimensions Of The Ark

Normally an ark was a chest of wood and metal that held a statue of a god, or other sacred objects, and was carried by four to six men in front of a marching army. The Egyptian army was well known to have an ark containing a statue of the god Amun which was carried in front a troop of Egyptian soldiers to the many forts at the edges of the Egyptian realm.

Exodus describes the Ark of the Covenant as a vehicle for Yahweh to communicate with Moses. As a vehicle for Yahweh, we know this about the Ark of the Covenant:

  • Yahweh is a talking cloud of energy on Mount Sinai.
  • Yahweh is also a cloud of energy between the golden angels on the Ark lid.
  • Moses (and others) can hear this cloud talk to him.
  • This cloud of energy can light up the room.
  • This cloud of energy can zap people with energy and cause skin problems.
  • This cloud of energy can zap people and kill them.
  • The Ark can levitate and fly through the air.
  • The Ark can part rivers and make thick city walls fall down.
  • The Ark is the power and will of Yahweh, the Lord.

Given the construction of the ark, layered with gold and carried on gilded poles, it is possible that it could act as a simple electrical capacitor that would, over time, generate static electricity and focus it in a ball of light similar to St. Elmo’s fire in the central gold dish area between the two golden cherubim statues.


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David Hatcher Childress, is a captivating speaker and the author or coauthor of over 20 books. He is the founder of the World Explorer’s Club and this excerpt is from his book called ARK OF GOD: The Incredible Power of the Ark of the Covenant

Top Image: Joshua passing the River Jordan with the Ark of the Covenant by Benjamin West (1800) Art Gallery of New South Wales (Public Domain)

By David Hatcher Childress



Hello David,

Okay then since Egypt had a Ark of the Covenant Chest then the question is how many more in the Ancient World had one?

The possibility that there may have been other Arks created must have come from those 200 Watcher Angel's, Enoch taught about God did say that those particular Angel's began behaving as though they were God they and their off-spring as well.

I'm aware some Biblical Scholars believe that 3 Arks were built instead of the one Ark. I know that the original Ark is Up in Heaven in God's Country.

I say God's Country because when Christ stood before Pilate and Pilate asked Jesus where did He come from? Jesus replied "My Kingdom is Not of This World".

Exodus chapter 20 God speaks too Moses an All of Israel at the Foot of Mt. Sinai. He talked to everybody before that Ark of the Covenant was even built. Moses got too see God's back part's as he walked away from Him; and only after God removed His Hand from Moses Eyes for No Man or Animal may look upon My Face and Live.

God's Face is brighter than the Sun yet even The Seraphims who spends their days before The Throne of God can handle The Brightness of His face; they use their wings to cover their Eyes, and their other wings to cover their Feet.

Such is one of the many mysteries of God.

Both the Tabernacle and the Ark were built at the same time together so The Holy of the Holiest Places could be made ready fro The Ark of The Covenant Chest.

It's important to remember The Ark was built after Israel Sin with the Bull-Calf yes it resulted in the Death of 3000 people.

Then Israel began worshipping the Ark instead of God, God allowed in 1st Samuel for The Philistines; too take The Ark, He was attempting to teach His People too Worship Him, Not the Box.

Thank you for sharing this article David it was incredible.

Hello David,

Okay then since Egypt had a Ark of the Covenant Chest then the question is how many more in the Ancient World had one?

The possibility that there may have been other Arks created must have come from those 200 Watcher Angel's, Enoch taught about God did say that those particular Angel's began behaving as though they were God they and their off-spring as well.

I'm aware some Biblical Scholars believe that 3 Arks were built instead of the one Ark. I know that the original Ark is Up in Heaven in God's Country.

I say God's Country because when Christ stood before Pilate and Pilate asked Jesus where did He come from? Jesus replied "My Kingdom is Not of This World".

Exodus chapter 20 God speaks too Moses an All of Israel at the Foot of Mt. Sinai. He talked to everybody before that Ark of the Covenant was even built. Moses got too see God's back part's as he walked away from Him; and only after God removed His Hand from Moses Eyes for No Man or Animal may look upon My Face and Live.

God's Face is brighter than the Sun yet even The Seraphims who spends their days before The Throne of God can handle The Brightness of His face; they use their wings to cover their Eyes, and their other wings to cover their Feet.

Such is one of the many mysteries of God.

Both the Tabernacle and the Ark were built at the same time together so The Holy of the Holiest Places could be made ready fro The Ark of The Covenant Chest.

It's important to remember The Ark was built after Israel Sin with the Bull-Calf yes it resulted in the Death of 3000 people.

Then Israel began worshipping the Ark instead of God, God allowed in 1st Samuel for The Philistines; too take The Ark, He was attempting to teach His People too Worship Him, Not the Box.

Thank you for sharing this article David it was incredible.

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David Hatcher

David Hatcher Childress, known as the real-life Indiana Jones to the many fans of his books, is a captivating speaker and the author or coauthor of over 20 books. He has traveled the world several times over, seeking adventure... Read More

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