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Ancient Origins articles related to General in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and legends.

The Annunciation by Leonardo da Vinci

It’s March 25 – Happy Medieval New Year!

March 25 this year will fly by for most of us as just another day in the Gregorian calendar. But the date was far more significant in the past. For over a millennium across Europe and beyond this was...
Welsh Nationalists Want Stonehenge Bluestones Returned to Wales

Welsh Nationalists Want Stonehenge Bluestones Returned to Wales

A group of Welsh nationalists and a tourism leader have stated that if Greece is able to actively reclaim the controversial Elgin Marbles , then Wales should consider reclaiming the Stonehenge...
Representational image of a baby dinosaur in an egg. Source: KtD / Adobe Stock

Dinosaur Was Sitting on Fossilized Eggs with Babies Inside When it Died

In May 2021, scientists made a major discovery in Ganzhou City in China’s southern Jiangxi Province. They found the remains of a dinosaur sitting on its nest of fossilized eggs. The dinosaur, an...
Mammoth DNA Breaks Record for World’s Oldest Sequence

Mammoth DNA Breaks Record for World’s Oldest Sequence

Researchers have sequenced the oldest known DNA in the world. Using material from the Early and Middle Pleistocene sub-epochs, the ancient DNA analysis shatters the record for the world’s oldest...
Baroque library hall in the National Library of the Czech Republic in Prague. A collection of 13,000 occult and witchcraft books that were once part of Himmler’s “witch library” were found in the library.

Was Heinrich Himmler’s 'Nazi Witch Library' Discovered in a Czech Library?

In 2016, along with a vast array of international publications, the Daily Mail picked up a story that had been published by a Norwegian-based paper prior to a conference about the confiscation of...
Mythological Bridge of Scylla & Charybdis Would Unite Italy with Sicily

Mythological Bridge of Scylla & Charybdis Would Unite Italy with Sicily

Desperate to jump-start a stalled economy, in 2020 Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte revived a long-dormant infrastructure project. If approved, it would lead to the construction of the longest...
Charles Darwin (pict rider /Adobe Stock) was puzzled by flowering plants. (Pixabay License)

New Study Solves Flower Mystery that Baffled Charles Darwin

In 1879 Charles Darwin wrote a letter to his close friend, the botanist and explorer named Dr. Joseph Hooker. He expressed his annoyance at the puzzling mystery of how the first flowering plants...
Ending the Historical Atrocity of Virginity Tests?

Ending the Historical Atrocity of Virginity Tests?

Since medieval times, many Muslim communities have regarded the hymen, the tiny piece of skin known as the vaginal membrane, as proof of virginity and a woman’s moral virtue. Even today in the United...
He famously raided the Lost Ark, explored the Temple of Doom and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and he even undertook a Last Crusade

Will Indiana Jones Battle the Nazis Again in Upcoming Computer Game?

He famously raided the Lost Ark, explored the Temple of Doom and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and he even undertook a Last Crusade. Now, the legacy of Indiana Jones, our favorite silver screen...
Somewhere in Southwestern North America during the late Pleistocene, a pack of dire wolves (Canis dirus) are feeding on their bison kill, while a pair of gray wolves (Canis lupus) approach in the hopes of scavenging. One of the dire wolves rushes in to confront the gray wolves, and their confrontation allows a comparison of the bigger, larger-headed and reddish-brown dire wolf with its smaller, gray relative. Source: Mauricio Antón/ Nature

Beyond Game of Thrones: Study Reveals Secrets of Real Dire Wolves

Have you ever heard of dire wolves? You’ll probably say “Yes” if you are a fan of the TV show Game of Thrones . This canine species appears in the iconic TV series, where it is known as a ‘direwolf’...
Luke De Garis is the apprentice who has joined forces with Martin Tyler at Dry Stone Walling Dry to learn the ancient craft of stone walling, thanks to the Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust. Source: Kristie De Garis

Saving the Forgotten Craft of Dry Stone Walling in Scotland

Dry stone wall building is one of Scotland’s oldest crafts, dating back as far back as 5,000 years ago, during the Neolithic period. Unfortunately, this ancient construction technique is disappearing...
Top 10 Archaeological Discoveries of 2020

Top 10 Archaeological Discoveries of 2020

In many ways this has been a difficult year, but in the realm of archaeological research some major discoveries have been made around the world. Lost cities and tombs have come to light, the...
The birthday of a Sun God became the birthday of the Son of God.

Why Christmas is Held on December 25th

According to popular tradition, Christmas is celebrated on December 25th to honor the birth of Jesus. However, no records exist in the Bible or elsewhere to suggest that Jesus was actually born on...
Representation of holy nails of the Crucifixion and crown of thorns.	Source: vetre / Adobe Stock

More Hope For “The True Holy Nail”?

Archaeologists in the Czech Republic have discovered a secret chamber beneath a 12th century monastery floor. In it, they discovered an ancient box with a gold plate, inscribed with “Jesus is King.”...
Origins of Popular Christmas symbols

The Holly and the Mistletoe: Ancient Roots of Christmas Symbols

Christmas is a very popular holiday tradition that is celebrated by some 2 billion people worldwide. This popular celebration is of course linked closely to Christianity and is intended to honor the...
Augmented Reality Monolith At Ancient English Site Confuses UK Press

Augmented Reality Monolith At Ancient English Site Confuses UK Press

As the global fad continues, low-grade reflective monoliths have been discovered in the UK at Dartmoor, the Isle of Wight and Glastonbury Tor. The latest report grabbed by the tabloids is that...
The 500-Million-Year-Old Evolutionary Arms Race Towards Better Vision

The 500-Million-Year-Old Evolutionary Arms Race Towards Better Vision

A new study suggests a half-billion-year-old “evolutionary arms race” might have been sparked by developments in the vision of deep-sea giants called “radiodonts.” The “Cambrian explosion” occurred...
Andy Hook from Blackfriars Restaurant in Newcastle has joined forces with Giles Gaspar from Durham University’s Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies, along with a group of scholars and chefs, to create a series of courses aiming to teach students about medieval food. Source: Eat Medieval

Calling Medieval Foodies! Online Courses for Cooking Medieval Food

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. This old adage has now been taken to a whole new level in the northeast of England. A team of...
The LEGO Colosseum: Biggest Brick Set Brings the Ancient Roman World Home

The LEGO Colosseum: Biggest Brick Set Brings the Ancient Roman World Home

LEGO, one of the world’s most popular toymakers, has announced a new brick set. What is unusual about this launch is that it is a model of one of the most famous structures from the ancient Roman...
Halloween Spirits Will Be Illuminated By A Rare Hunter’s Blue Moon

Halloween Spirits Will Be Illuminated By A Rare Hunter’s Blue Moon

Astronomers around the world are polishing their telescopes for a set of rare lunar phenomena happening this Halloween night. That’s because a full moon will be visible this Halloween, Oct. 31, for...
Defacing of Cerne Abbas Giant

Defacing of Cerne Abbas Giant by Amazon Provokes National Trust Wrath

A movie PR team at Amazon have defaced a British monument to increase box-office takings for their new Borat film. The National Trust claims they willfully “defaced” the iconic English monument. The...
It’s still possible to celebrate Halloween during the coronavirus pandemic.

Halloween CAN Go on With These Fun Ancient Traditions

It’s official. Ireland – the home of Halloween traditions – has banned Halloween parties and traditional trick-or-treating festivities this year as tackling Covid-19 remains top of government’s...
Human consciousness is one of the wonders of life and also a mystery that has not been fully understood yet. An English neuroscientist claims he has solved the problem. But no so fast!  Source: Benjavisa Ruangvaree / Adobe Stock

Is The Final Frontier Of Human Consciousness An Electrical Field?

Human consciousness is created by the brain's “energy field,” which comes from the electric signals of the organ's neurons, claims an English scientist of neuroscience . The earliest use of the word...
Lewis Kirkbride 1066 Battle Walk

Medieval Warrior Undertakes ‘1066 Battle Walk’ for Men’s Mental Health

An Englishman marched 250 miles from York to Hastings wearing heavy medieval armor to raise cash for a mental health charity. Lewis Kirkbride, of Pittington, County Durham, England, marched from the...
