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Ancient Origins articles related to General in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and legends.

Ancient subterranean city of Cappadocia

Ancient subterranean city of Cappadocia takes on a new purpose

For thousands of years, people have inhabited caves and tunnels in the Cappadocia region of Turkey. Cities, empires and religions have risen and fallen around these unique underground havens –...
Portuguese in Australia

Did Portuguese beat Captain Cook to Australia by 250 years?

Several years ago, a teenage boy stumbled upon an old swivel gun in Darwin, Australia that was found to predate the arrival of the acclaimed Captain James Cook to the continent in 1770. New research...
Ancient relics unearthed by rabbits

Ancient relics unearthed by rabbits leads to discovery of treasure trove

In February last year, a family of rabbits won some favour amongst archaeologists in England when they dug up an ancient artifact in Cornwall. Researchers quickly picked up where the busy rabbits had...
Maya Glyphs

NASA book explores how archaeology could contribute to understanding Extra-terrestrial Communication

A new book released by NASA as part of the official NASA History Series examines the contributions that archaeology and anthropology can make to contemporary SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial...
Mesopotamia - Images from the Metropolitan Museum

Metropolitan Museum releases thousands of ancient images

The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York has just announced the release of more than 400,000 high-resolution digital images from its world-renowned collection, according to a news release in Art...
Yungang Grottoes

Rescuing the ancient Buddhist artifacts of the Yungang Grottoes

The Yungang Grottoes are ancient Chinese Buddhist temple grottoes near the city of Datong in the province of Shanxi. They are excellent examples of rock-cut architecture and one of the three most...
Saffron crocus flowers - Minoan fresco

Saffron: Ancient Healing Powers Confirmed by Science

By Sayer Ji , Clearly there is something magical about the Crocus sativus flower, from which the spice saffron is derived. If its striking beauty does not immediately cast a...
Ancient Chinese artifacts have extremely rare iron compound

Ancient Chinese artifacts found to have extremely rare iron compound

A new study published in the journal Scientific Reports has revealed that the unusual coating on ancient Chinese tea bowls, known as Jian tea ware, is actually an extremely rare form of iron oxide,...
The Ancient Silk Road

New Project seeks World Heritage status for Ancient Silk Road

A major project is underway by China , Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan to get dozens of heritage sites established on UNESCO’s World Heritage List, according to a news report in CCTV. The sites are all...
Image of the world - Medieval Theory of Multiple Universes

Medieval bishop’s theory resembles modern concept of multiple universes

A 13th century bishop’s theory about the formation of the universe has intriguing parallels with the theory of multiple universes. This was uncovered by the Ordered Universe project at Durham...
The Miracle of the Slave

Researchers chart thousands of miracle stories recorded about saints of the British Isles

A conference which took place in the Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic at the University of Cambridge saw the launch of a project to categorise and chart the thousands of miracle stories...
Prehistoric people using hallucinogens in ritual

Prehistoric people used hallucinogens as part of sacred burial rituals

Unlike modern Man, the prehistoric people of Europe did not use mind-altering substances simply for their hedonistic pleasure. The use of alcohol and plant drugs – such as opium poppies and...
Suleiman the Magnificent

Researchers getting warmer in the hunt for heart of Suleiman the Magnificent

Archaeologists in Turkey have uncovered a historical document which points to a mosque complex in Szigetvar, Hungary, as the site where the heart and internal organs of the Ottoman Sultan, Suleiman...
Megalithic site of Gunung Padang

Remarkable megalithic site of Gunung Padang must be preserved

Gunung Padang is a remarkable archaeological region located 120 kilometres south of Jakarta in Indonesia, known for having the largest number of megaliths in the country. It has been the subject of...
Cornish Monument

5,000-year-old Cornish monument to be restored to its former glory

The Carwynnen Quoit is an ancient dolmen which once sat in a field a few miles from the town of Camborne in Cornwall, in South West England. The 5,000-year-old structure collapsed in 1967 and plans...
Depiction of Jesus - Egypt

Egyptologists discover unusual structure with a possible early depiction of Jesus

A team of Catalan Egyptologists from the Catalan Egyptology Society and University of Barcelona claim to have found one of the earliest-known pictures of Jesus in a 6 th century tomb unearthed in...
Decapitation of King Louis XVI

DNA test on bloody gourd reveals it is not from decapitated King Louis XVI

A new study published in the journal Nature Scientific Reports has cast doubt on a centuries-old belief that the blood contained in a decorated gourd (container made from a hard-shelled fruit)...
Western Wall Chisel

2,000-year-old chisel found at the Western Wall may have been used in its construction

Archaeologists have uncovered an ancient chisel that may have been used in the construction of the Western Wall in Jerusalem, according to a report in Haaretz . The chisel was found along with a...
Christopher Colombus

First colonists led by Christopher Columbus hit by severe scurvy

Forensic archaeologists have published a new study in the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, which suggests that Christopher Columbus's crew was struck with scurvy, a fatal disease caused by...
Ancient Cahokia Mounds

Ancient Cahokia Mounds on their way to national historic park designation

Efforts are underway to urge Congress to designate the Cahokia Mounds , and similar sites in St. Louis, Illinois, as a national historic park or a national monument, which would give the ancient...

Three-Thousand-Year-Old Living Language Loses Last Monolingual Speaker

Less than 20 Native American languages spoken in the United States are projected to survive another 100 years and the Chickasaw language, or Chikashshanompa', is just one of many tribal languages...
Prehistoric rock art sites in Northumberland

Historically important prehistoric rock art sites in Northumberland receive National recognition

In its undeveloped landscape of high moorland in the north east of England, Northumberland harbours well over a thousand examples of ancient occupation in the form of rock art, made by Neolithic and...
Ancient Manuscript - Athos, Greece

Ancient manuscript returns home to Greek monastery on Mount Athos

The Getty Museum is returning a 12th century illuminated New Testament to the Monastery of Dionysiou on Greece's Mount Athos after it came to light that it had been illegally removed from the...
Angkor Wat - Panoramic View

90,000 panoramic photos bring to life ancient sites of Cambodia on Google Street View

Google has brought to life the richness and beauty of more than 100 temples built over five centuries and spanning over 400 square kilometres in Angkor, Cambodia, by making the sites accessible in...
