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Ancient Origins articles related to General in the sections of history, archaeology, human origins, unexplained, artifacts, ancient places and myths and legends.

The Satanic Temple are influencing children in American schools (grandfailure / Adobe Stock)

Satanic Temple Weaponizing US School Children In Spiritual Wargames

A new “Satan Club” has opened in a US school for children as The Satanic Temple pushes back on the success of Christian Good News clubs. The term “Spiritual warfare” describes the ancient Christian...
Weekly Top Stories: A Quick Catch Up On What You Missed

Weekly Top Stories: A Quick Catch Up On What You Missed

In last week’s top stories; doubts cast on Neo-Darwinist theory, where did you get your features from? European traits tracked, Nottingham’s man-made cave system, fantastic 5,000-year-old drum...
Rock cut houses south of Nottingham Castle, with the castle building just visible above. The city of Nottingham predates Anglo-Saxon times and was known in Brythonic as Tigguo Cobauc, meaning Place of Caves (known also as "City of Caves").            Source: CC BY-SA 4.0

Nottingham’s 1000-year-old Man-made Caves Are Focus of Regeneration

A new project has been launched by archaeologists and historians from the University of Nottingham to make the city’s medieval underground cave network the focus of a regeneration plan for the city...
The haunting beauty of the deep labyrinth of Buda Castle. Source: CC BY-SA 3.0

The Labyrinth of Buda Castle: Caves Inexplicably Evacuated by Police

Deep under the imposing stone walls of the 13th century Buda Castle, the Labyrinth of Buda contains, in its twisting paths and pitch-black corridors, the dark history of the ancient castle district...
Weekly Top Stories: A Quick Catch Up On What You May Have Missed

Weekly Top Stories: A Quick Catch Up On What You May Have Missed

In last week’s top stories, we had a shock revelation that the Hopewell culture collapsed after a comet strike, prehistoric cave dwellers were unbelievably clever about where they placed their fires...
A Chinese New Year banner, incorporating Tiger imagery for 2022.	 Source: Kororo / Adobe Stock

Chinese New Year 2022 and the Legend of Nian

Millions of people across China, Korea, Vietnam, Japan and other countries around the world are today celebrating the Lunar New Year and welcoming in the Year of the Tiger as part of an ancient...
Top Stories This Week: A Big Stink, a Sacred Clean Up, a Magic Brooch and More

Top Stories This Week: A Big Stink, a Sacred Clean Up, a Magic Brooch and More

In this top story overview, we highlight our most read articles this week, including a look at a study dispelling the ‘meat made us human’ hypothesis, an almighty stink in London, and a controversial...
Illustration of King Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castille, who feature in one of the card games. Source: Ciudades en Juego

Spanish Card Games Bring the Kings and Queens of Spain to Life

History is naturally captivating, filled with mind-boggling plot twists and all the elements that make for fantastic fiction. Or at least, history can be captivating when, and only when, it is taught...
Artist’s impression of how the completed Caithness Broch will look.	Source: Bob Marshall / Caithness Broch Project

A ‘Functional’ New Iron Age Broch To Be Built in Northern Scotland

An Iron Age broch will be reconstructed in northern Scotland using 2,000-year-old techniques to build the stone tower. Not just that, but it will be filled with Iron Age tools, and folk! A broch, or...
Left, Clootie Well site before the unauthorized clean-up; Right Ashley Cowie at the site	Source: Left, F Leask / CC BY-SA 2.0; Right, @ashleycowie

Ancient Highland Clootie Well Has Been Stripped of Its Cloots!

An anonymous ‘cleaner’ has kind of destroyed an ancient site in Scotland. But unlike most acts of cultural destruction, this person performed a ‘pro-clean-up’ of the Highland’s famous Clootie Well...
Top Stories Last Week: Roman Oddity, Unique Skulls and A $3/4million Coin

Top Stories Last Week: Roman Oddity, Unique Skulls and A $3/4million Coin

In this week’s top story overview, we highlight our most read articles this week, which includes the asphalt covered skull mystery, a silver pill used for medicinal purposes dubbed a ‘paranormal...
Top Stories This Week: Arabian Chivalry, Polish Treasures & The Lost City of Lagash

Top Stories This Week: Arabian Chivalry, Polish Treasures & The Lost City of Lagash

In this top story overview, we highlight our most read articles this week, including a look at the little-known subject of Arabian Chivalry and exploring Lagash, a lost city from Mesopotamia. Among...
Example of Vai script, which researchers believe can provide insight into the development of writing. Source: British Library

Vai Script Invented in the 1800s Sheds Light On the Development of Writing

An isolated African script is revealing secrets about the unknown evolutionary origins of handwriting and the development of writing. The Vai script was created just two centuries ago to solve the...
The surface of a petroglyph stone in the Indian Head area of Grand Bend National Park, where four vandals wrote their names and the date on December 26, 2021.					Source: National Parks Service

Big Bend National Park Petroglyphs Irreparably Damaged by Vandals

Big Bend National Park in Texas on the Mexican border is home to enormous diversity and crucial Native American history. Native Americans left behind many abstract geometric designs and petroglyphs (...

Top Stories This Week: Child Snatchers, Haunted Mirrors & A Pharaoh’s True Face

In this top story overview, we highlight our most read articles this week, including a look at the Erkling, a strange mythical snatcher of children, and the fascinating mythology and superstitions...
The 10 Most Exciting and Extraordinary Artifact Finds Of 2021

The 10 Most Exciting and Extraordinary Artifact Finds Of 2021

2021 was a bumper year for the discovery of obscure, odd and unexpected artifacts all around the world – and even beyond! From the golden tongued mummies of Egypt, a bullet-shaped metal anomaly in a...
An ancient classic Greek poem taught to first year classics student at the University of Reading in England has been censored to avoid upsetting some students. Greek caryatids pillars depicting Greek women on the Acropolis of Athens, Greece. 		Source: Dimitrios / Adobe Stock

UK University Censors “Domestic Violence” in Ancient Greek Poem

English university chiefs censored an ancient Greek poem because it “seemed” like it “might” offend snowflake students - very sensitive students who are easily hurt or offended. Snowflakes that the...
Weekly Wrap Up - Witch Trials, Tunisian Atlantis & Hallucinogenic Tea!

Weekly Wrap Up - Witch Trials, Tunisian Atlantis & Hallucinogenic Tea!

As we begin the first days of 2022, we highlight our most popular articles of the last week, from the tragic Pendle witch trials of 1612, to new research on hallucinogenic tea, a theory that the...
The battle of Wadi al-Khazandar in 1299, depicting Mongol archers and the Mamluk cavalry.		Source: Public domain

A Brief Overview of the Mamluks, the Elite Slave-Soldiers of the Islamic World

It is a sad fact that our ancient history was filled with slavery and injustice of all kinds. Great empires and powerful rulers often relied on their slave forces both for building of cities and for...
Fireworks are popular in New Year's traditions around the world

Amazing New Year’s Traditions Around the World

In many countries around the world, New Year’s Day is celebrated on January 1st with fireworks and festivities the evening before. But this is not the only type of New Year’s celebration and not...
Imperial succession in Japan is up in the air as the choices get more complicated: could be a woman or a young man. Japanese Emperor Naruhito at his enthronement ceremony in Kyoto, October 2019.		Source: Imperial Household Agency / CC BY 4.0

Japan’s Succession Crisis: No Male Heirs Means Ancient Monarchy May Soon Disappear!

The Japanese monarchy is the oldest continuous monarchy in the world, but it faces a clear succession crisis in the 21st century. Imperial descendance and inheritance is only passed through male...
Declaration of Christmas Peace in 2014 in Porvoo, Finland.	Source: CC BY-SA 3.0

Christmas Peace: Finnish Criminals, You’ve Been Warned For Over 600 Years

An ancient Finnish law promising harsher sentences for Christmas criminals was read out to an empty town square. Christmas is nearly upon us, and if you haven’t already outright cancelled family...
The purest traditional Indian cuisine is created by following the principles of the ancient yogic saatvik diet.		Source: Dash / Adobe Stock

Health Concerns Drive Revival of Ancient Saatvik Foods in India

India, particularly when viewed from the Western lens, has always occupied a particular place in popular imagination. The Indian subcontinent was a land of mysticism, yoga, ayurveda, alternate...
Part of the Upper Tote Cairn that has been destroyed by the landowner.	Source: Crown Office

Scottish Farmer Fined For Destroying Prehistoric Burial Cairn

A Scottish island farmer has been charged for ripping apart a Neolithic burial tomb to build a new shed. You might think the judge’s £18,000 fine sounds quite stiff, but the cairn is damaged beyond...
