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first peoples

A painting of Cahokia Mounds State Historic site by William R. Iseminger. Source: William R. Iseminger

Cahokia: The Rise and Fall of an Indigenous Empire

A young Indigenous man, a Pilgrim, has been walking all day carrying a large bundle basket on his back. His long black hair is tied up in a bun at the back of his head, and he has new, round,...
An artistic depiction of the Maritime Archaic culture, at the Port au Choix Archaeological Site. The Maritime Archaic peoples were the first to settle Newfoundland. (David W Enstrom / CC BY-SA 4.0)

Maritime Archaic Culture: The Red Paint People Of Newfoundland

About 5,000 years ago, when the Phoenicians dominated the Mediterranean trade routes and were, perhaps, beginning to venture out into the Atlantic as far west as North America, and when a mysterious...
A closeup of the 37,000-year-old New Mexico mammoth bones discovered during excavations at the site. This random mix of ribs, broken cranial bones, a molar, bone fragments, and stone cobbles is a refuse pile from mammoth butchering. Source: Timothy Rowe / The University of Texas at Austin.

New Mexico Mammoth Bones from 37,000 years ago “Upend” Clovis Theory

A team of scientists led by researchers from the University of Texas have uncovered compelling evidence to prove human beings settled in North America much earlier than had once been believed. That...
Canoti: The Sioux’s Malevolent Little Tree Dwellers

Canoti: The Sioux’s Malevolent Little Tree Dwellers

The canoti (or canotila) are small creatures found in Sioux culture , canoti meaning “tree-dweller” and canotila signifying “small tree-dweller.” Considered tiny messengers of beings who exist in the...
24,000-Year-Old Butchered Bones Found in Canada Change Known History of North America

24,000-Year-Old Butchered Bones Found in Canada Change Known History of North America

Archaeologists have found a set of butchered bones dating back 24,000 years in Bluefish Caves, Yukon, Canada, which are the oldest signs of human habitation ever discovered in North America. Until...