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Homo Antecessor

Did Homo Antecessor Cause Its Own Destruction? (Video)

In the annals of human evolution lies a grim chapter marked by the ancient species known as Homo antecessor. Fossil evidence from around 800,000 years ago, unearthed in what is now Spain, paints a...
Rock art showing a hunter-gatherer ritual dance; Kondoa, Tanzania. Source: Nick Longrich/The ConversationAnchor

Why Did Modern Humans Replace the Neanderthals?

By Nicholas R. Longrich/The Conversation Why did humans take over the world while our closest relatives, the Neanderthals, became extinct? It’s possible we were just smarter, but there’s surprisingly...
An artist impression of a group of Gigantopithecus blacki within a forest in southern China. Source: Garcia/Joannes-Boyau, Southern Cross University/Nature

The Extinction of the Giant Ape: A Long-standing Mystery Solved

Giants once roamed the karst plains of southern China, three-meter-tall apes weighing in at 550 pounds (250 kilograms). These very distant human ancestors - Gigantopithcus blacki - went extinct...
Image of an ancient skulls.  Source: Alexandra /Adobe Stock

Evaluating the Classification Split Between Neanderthals and Modern Humans (Video)

Exploring the enigmatic aspects of Neanderthal psychology reveals intriguing facets of their cognitive landscape. While understanding an extinct species' psyche is speculative, scholars offer...
Very muscular looking AI generated Neanderthal. 	Source: NorLife/Adobe Stock

The Dark Secrets of Neanderthals' Rapid Extinction (Video)

The abrupt vanishing act of Neanderthals , Europe's exclusive human metapopulation before Homo sapiens, raises perplexing questions about their mysterious and rapid extinction . A recent study sheds...
What was the true cause for the extinction of the dinosaurs? Source: Herschel Hoffmeyer / Adobe Stock

Pulverized Rock Dust Killed the Dinosaurs, New Study Says

As enduring as the mighty dinosaurs were, they couldn’t survive the catastrophic climate disaster set off by the crash of a large asteroid into the ocean off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula in...
Human ancestors overlooking a bleak, ice-covered landscape. Source: Dr_Microbe / Adobe Stock

Near-Extinction of Our Human Ancestors Revealed by Genetic Research

Approximately one million years ago, the Earth was populated by a few hundred thousand or so ancient human ancestors. But about 900,000 years ago there was a sudden and dramatic crash in this...
A frigid apocalypse 1.1 million years ago led to an archaic human extinction in Europe. Source: Lazy_Bear / Adobe Stock.

Massive Climate Catastrophe Froze Europe’s Earliest Humans to Death

An interdisciplinary team of archaeologists, anthropologists and earth scientists have found evidence that a severe cooling event in the North Atlantic region approximately 1.1 million years ago...
Neanderthals. Source: Mikolaj Niemczewski / Adobe Stock.

What Really Killed the Neanderthals? (Video)

Unraveling the mystery behind the Neanderthals' extinction has captivated scientists for decades. In the fascinating world of paleoanthropology , theories abound, shedding light on the fate of our...
An Australian lab-grown meat company has created a so-called mammoth meatball made using mammoth DNA. Source: studioaico/ Wunderman Thompson

Scientists Create Potentially Deadly Prehistoric “Mammoth Meatball”

Scientists have successfully created a hybrid of elephant, sheep, and mammoth DNA in a laboratory, which they have misleadingly dubbed the “mammoth meatball”. Despite their success, producers of the...
Amazing African elephant with dust and sand and large ivory tusks. Source: byrdyak/Adobe Stock

Blood-Stained Ivory: The Dark History of the Trade in Elephant Tusks

The ivory trade is a story as old as human civilization, filled with tales of adventure, greed, and exploitation. For millennia, ivory has been prized for its beauty, rarity, and versatility, making...
Illustration by John Tensile of the Dodo from Lewis Carroll’s “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.” Source: Archivist / Adobe Stock

Scientists Plan to De-Extinct the Dodo!

Have you ever wondered where the phrase “dead as a dodo” comes from? Used to describe something obsolete, unimportant and unquestionably dead, the saying was inspired by the sad story of the long-...
This dinosaur leg from 66 million years ago was cleanly severed from the dinosaur’s body by the Yucatan asteroid impact event. Nothing like this has ever been found before!		Source: (Video screenshot / BBC)

Fossilized Leg of Dinosaur Ripped Off by Catastrophic Asteroid Impact Found

Scientists now know that a massive Yucatan asteroid struck the earth 66 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous Period, ultimately causing most species of dinosaur to go extinct. It was the...
Researchers over the last decade have narrowed in on the cause of Neanderthal extinction in prehistoric Spain and the answer is that they were unable to trap or capture smaller prey, especially rabbits.		Source: Akkharat J. / Adobe Stock

How Rabbits Led to Neanderthal Extinction in Iberia and Elsewhere

There were undoubtedly many reasons why the Neanderthals finally went extinct in Europe 40,000 years ago. One hypothesis states that the inability of the species to adapt to hunting small animals...
Sir David Attenborough with some of the Steppe mammoth bones found in the gravel quarry near Swindon. 	Source: Julian Schwanitz / BBC / Windfall Films

Neanderthal Hand Axe Leads to Steppe Mammoth Graveyard

Five ancient prehistoric Steppe mammoth skeletons have been unearthed in Britain. How did they get there, and how did they die? The deeply ancient Steppe mammoth site was discovered at a quarry near...
The Vanguard Cave, part of the Gorham’s Cave Complex.	Source: Gibraltar Government

40,000-Year-Old Chamber Of Secrets Discovered At Gorham’s Cave Complex

A Neanderthal child’s tooth was discovered in Gibraltar’s Gorham’s Cave Complex four years ago, declaring their presence. Now, a lost chamber has been discovered in Vanguard Cave, one of the four...
Ancient DNA Sample From Indonesia Is From An Extinct Human Lineage

Ancient DNA Sample From Indonesia Is From An Extinct Human Lineage

Genetic researchers have confirmed what archaeologists had previously suspected. A 7,200-year-old fossilized skeleton found in a cave on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi in 2015 cannot be linked to...
Scientists discovered the northernmost Palaeolithic settlement on Kotelny island. Source: Innokenty Pavlov/The Siberian Times

Northernmost Palaeolithic Settlement Reveals Mass Butchering of Woolly Mammoths

Scientists and archaeologists have discovered the world’s northernmost Palaeolithic settlement on Kotelny Island, 990 kilometers (615 miles) north of the Arctic Circle! Ancient hunters resided on...
Neanderthal Extinction Tied to Disorder Caused by Mating with Humans

Neanderthal Extinction Tied to Disorder Caused by Mating with Humans

There has been much speculation about Neanderthal extinction and why they disappeared 40,000 years ago. The latest research suggests they lived side-by-side with modern humans (Homo sapiens) for up...
Holocene Extinction, Anthropocene Extinction, or Merely the Dust in the Wind?

Holocene Extinction, Anthropocene Extinction, or Merely the Dust in the Wind?

The Holocene extinction is considered by most scientists to be Earth’s sixth mass extinction event that has been occurring since the last ice age 11,700 years ago. But what exactly does it mean and...
Dinosaur extinction Source: dolimac / Adobe Stock

THAT Asteroid Only Accelerated Inevitable Dinosaur Extinction

A team of scientists have discovered dinosaurs were on a downturn about 76 million years ago, 10 million years before the asteroid hit Chicxulub in modern Mexico causing the mass extinction of non-...
A color drawing of the largest rhino ever based on the remains found in Linxia, China.

World’s Largest Rhino Species Ever Found in Chinese Animal Graveyard

China continues to be a land of mystique and wonder, with many facets of its culture and society yet to be fully understood. But it is also a country known for amazing dinosaur fossils and the latest...
For 2 million years prehistoric humans were super predators and then all the easy prey went extinct, and we had to evolve to a new dietary paradigm: farming.       Source: anibal / Adobe Stock

The Super Predators That Killed Everything They Could. Humans

A team of scientists in Israel have made the news for having made the rather obvious discovery that humans “have been super-predators for 2 million years.” However, this is the dumbed down media take...
New Testing Indicates European Neanderthals Vanished Earlier

New Testing Indicates European Neanderthals Vanished Earlier

In a game-changing Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences article , a multinational team of archaeologists and paleoanthropologists have produced persuasive evidence that shows northern...
