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Evolution & Human Origins

We bring you all the latest news and discoveries relating to human origins and evolution. The more fossils that are unearthed, the more researchers admit that there is much that is still unknown about the evolution of humans.

Neanderthals and their Thinking Ability

Neanderthals and their Thinking Ability

At the El Castillo Cave in Spain, a series of rock artwork puzzles anthropologists. While initially the artwork was thought to be over 40,000 years old, making it the work of Homo sapiens, recent...
Frontal Lobe and Human Evolution

Human intelligence is not because of the frontal lobe as believed

The frontal lobe is the part of the brain of humans (and mammals) that is responsible for our intelligence. Up until now it was believed that because humans have a more evolved frontal lobe compared...
Minoans not Egyptians

New Study Reveals that Mysterious Minoans Were not Egyptian

A new study published in the Journal of Nature Communications has revealed that the founders of the first advanced European civilization were European and not Egyptian as previously believed. The...
Ancient Fossil - Human Origins

Ancient Fossil Discovery May Reveal Important Clues on Human Origins

A new study conducted by an international team of researchers from the US, Italy and Spain could shed new light on the earliest existence of human beings. The study, published this week by the...
Life Origins - Organisms like Archaea

Origin of Life, Do we have the Answer?

Researchers at the University of Georgia have embarked on an important discovery providing genetic hints regarding the life and history of specialized micro-organisms known as Archaea and...
Gap in DNA

Mysterious Gap in European DNA Puzzling Scientists

According to a new study conducted at the University of Adelaide in Australia, researchers have discovered that the genetic lineage of Europe mysteriously transformed about 4,000-5,000 years ago. The...
Belief in God programmed in Brain

Belief in ‘God’ is programmed in our brains

Old news but current. Back in 2009 a scientific study had shown that the belief in ‘God’ or supernatural force that is above everything is programmed in different parts of our brain. This is...
Ancient DNA - Human Exodus

Ancient DNA Ages First Human Exodus

Until now, scientists have been unable to trace where and when the first modern humans left Africa, an event that is considered to be one of the most important in human evolution. However, a team of...
Yeast research increase life span

Humans Could Live to be 800 Years Old

According to an announcement from PLoS Genetics, a team of Geneticists at the University of Southern California may have found a way to extend human life by 800 years and the dramatic discovery is...
Human Genes - Alien Connection?

Human genes may have the answer as to whether Aliens exist

To find the answer to the question of Aliens existence we can follow two paths. The first path is the actual physical evidence, which can be UFOs, extra-terrestrials or any kind of communication with...
Ancient Artifacts in America

Ancient Humans in America May be Older than First Thought

Researchers in Texas have suggested that ancient people arrived in America between 15,000 and 20,000 years ago, which is much earlier than originally believed. Evidence comes from more than 2.6...
Million year human ancestors

New discoveries surrounding 1.5 million-year-old human ancestor

Researchers studying ‘Turkana Boy’, a well preserved 1.5 million-year-old child or adolescent from the Homo erectus species, have discovered that he may not have had a congenital bone disorder such...
DNA Mutation Rate

DNA research challenges major dates in Human Evolution

A team led by Johannes Krause of Tuingen University has done research on genomes using samples from some of the oldest human fossils in Europe. The research has shown that hunters from before the ice...
Early Humans Footprints

Early humans probably walked in a different way

In a recent research at the University of Liverpool in the UK publishes in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Karl Bates and a team of researchers have analysed how a footprint is associated...
Neaderthal genetic map

Complete Genetic Map of a Neanderthal Revealed

Scientists from Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology have sequenced the entire genome of a Neanderthal using a toe bone found in a cave in Siberia. The research team used...
Genetic Mutations

Genetic Mutations evident in ancient human skull

A new research led by Erik Trinkhaus, an anthropologist at Washington University suggests that research done on a 100,000 old skull found in China, shows rare or unknown genetic abnormalities. It may...
Gene for Aging

Scientists Identify and Block Gene Responsible for Brain Aging

A new study published in the journal Neuron has revealed that researchers from the Yale School of Medicine were able to reverse the aging process in the brains of mice by blocking a particular gene...
Extra-terrestrial life

Building Blocks of Life May Have Extra-terrestrial Origin

The results of a recent study published in the Astrophysical Journal have suggested that complex molecules necessary for the formation of life may have arrived on Earth via a comet or meteorite,...

Chromosome Discovered in Humans Dates Back 338,000 years

Scientists from the University of Arizona discovered that chromosome Y in humans, which is the chromosome which determines the hereditary of the male sex, goes back 338,000 years. In other words, it...

Theories about Neanderthals May Need to be Revised

A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal may lead to a revision in current understanding about when the last Neanderthals walked the Earth. Neanderthal...
