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Spurn Point beach in East Yorkshire at Sunrise, where remnants of the medieval port town known as Ravenser Odd are believed to reside under the sea. Source: Tim Hill / Adobe Stock

Searching for Ravenser Odd: Medieval English Port Town Lost to the Sea

England’s sea-swept coasts were always at the mercy of the elements. Those remotest towns and villages, lying directly on the seashore, always existed on the brink. Their inhabitants never knew if...
Skara Brae Neolithic settlement, Orkney. Source: Manel Vinuesa / Adobe Stock.

Orkney: The Island Whose History Is Eroding Into the Sea (Video)

In an era where knowledge is easily accessible, it's disheartening to realize that valuable fragments of our history slip away, forever lost in time. Nestled near the parish of Deerness in Orkney ,...
Dust deposits carried by the wind to other places created fertile soils in the Fertile Crescent.   Source: Lukasz Janyst / Adobe Stock

New Study Proves How Desert Dust Deposits Created The Fertile Crescent

We consider dust to be a nuisance and worse, but without it, the history of humanity may have been very different. This is because dust deposits played a crucial role in creating an important fertile...
Marcahuasi rock formations in Peru.

Marcahuasi: Vestiges of a Forgotten Global Civilization, or Just Weird Rocks in Peru?

The world is full of difficult-to-explain wonders. In the last century, archaeologists have discovered many civilizations, such as the Hittites , which were previously not thought to exist. As a...
Ajina-Tepa remain in Tajikistan                     Source: Aleksandar/ Adobe Stock

Ajina-Tepa, Tajikistan – Abandoned Buddhist Cloister on the Famous Silk Road

Although Central Asia is no longer inundated by tourists, in the past it was a dynamic and diverse area, largely thanks to the Silk Road . One of the many remarkable sites in this region is the...
An aerial photograph of Dinas Dinlle Iron Age Hill Fort from the north (suffering from coastal erosion); Gwynedd, Cymru / Wales. Cromlechs & Ancient Sites. (CADW/Visit Wales/CC BY SA 3.0)

Experts Scramble to Study Ancient Fort Before It’s Lost to the Sea

Archaeologists working on the 2,500-year-old Dinas Dinlle hill fort on the Gwynedd coastline in Wales are racing a climate change clock to uncover the site’s secrets before they are lost to the sea...
Queen’s Head Rock

Yehliu Geopark Holds Natural Wonders in a Fantasy Landscape

There are many astounding geological formations in the world that are almost works of art. Some of the most remarkable natural formations in all of the Asia-Pacific region are to be found in Yehliu...
A large Iguanodontian footprint.

Dinosaur Footprints of Unimaginable Age Found Romping Along England’s Coastline

Experts in the United Kingdom have announced a major discovery of dinosaur footprints , that are at least 100 million years old and possibly older. The prints were found in Hastings, Sussex on the...
St. Thomas Island. (Inset:12th – 14th century monastery)

Sunken Fortress and Ritual Pits Discovered at Holy Island in Bulgaria

Archaeologists in Bulgaria have discovered a Late Middle Ages Byzantine settlement, in the form of a sunken fortress, and a small monastery on Bulgaria’s tiny St. Thomas Island in the Black Sea. In...
The Palace at Sayil, a Maya city on the Gulf of Mexico side of the Yucatan Peninsula. Heavily damaged by ancient floods, complete reconstruction is impossible because of scattered stoneworks.

The Maya Controversy: Startling New Evidence for an Antediluvian People who Influenced the World

The oral traditions of Native Americans are historical content that most academics refuse to reference, even in the face of startlingly accurate perceptions of early earth conditions and human...
Hirbat Midras, in Adullam Grove Nature Reserve in Israel, part of what geologist Dr. Alexander Koltypin hypothesizes to be a massive complex of prehistoric underground structures stretching across the Mediterranean.

Is This a Huge Million-Year-Old, Man-Made Underground Complex?

By Tara MacIsaac , Epoch Times Most archaeologists and historians agree that human civilization only emerged some 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. Yet many researchers have drawn attention to artifacts...
Remains of Medieval Monk in Wales

800-year-old remains of medieval monk found poking out of cliff face

The thigh bones of a medieval monk were exposed in a cliff face by a spate of bad weather along the British coastline. A beach walker was surprised to see the monk’s leg bones sticking out of the...