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Viking explorers  Source: Vlastimil Šesták / Adobe Stock

Pre-Columbian Explorers in the Americas: The Hard Evidence

These days, few people still believe Christopher Columbus was the first explorer to travel to the “New World.” But there is still a debate over whether adventurers and explorers from Europe, Asia,...
Hernando De Soto and Spanish Conquistadores seeing the Mississippi River for the first time.

The Forgotten Story of Spanish Conquerors in North America

Official history says that the Spanish colonizers in America were focused on the territory from Mexico to the end of South America. For centuries, there was the question of why the Spaniards didn't...
Portuguese in Australia

Did Portuguese beat Captain Cook to Australia by 250 years?

Several years ago, a teenage boy stumbled upon an old swivel gun in Darwin, Australia that was found to predate the arrival of the acclaimed Captain James Cook to the continent in 1770. New research...
 Columbus - America

Why NOT to celebrate Columbus Day

Columbus Day, which is celebrated today in the USA and honours the arrival of Christopher Columbus to the ‘New World’, is an example of outdated and misguided history. Rather than celebrate, we...