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  • Reply to: Prehistoric Lines Across Malta Defy Explanation: The Cart Ruts of Misrah Ghar il-Kbir   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: sheri

    a possible explanation for 'cart ruts'....from "These Were The Greeks" by H.D. Amos and A.G.P. Lang; Dufour Editions, Inc., published 1979, reprinted 1997; pg.9, 2nd paragraph, "Although the Corinthians built a paved roadway across the Isthmus, with grooves for wheels on which ships could be transported, it was usually necessary for travellers to and from the west side of Greece to make the long voyage round the Peloponnese."

  • Reply to: Archaeologists Discover that Earliest Known Arabic Writing Was Penned by a Christian   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Rashed

    That's obvious because many Arabs were Cristian before Islam. The language belong to Arabs either they were Cristian or Muslim. When Islam came the Quran came in Arabic the language of the people first received Islam and the gods messenger (Mohammad) P. Was Arabic

  • Reply to: Prehistoric Lines Across Malta Defy Explanation: The Cart Ruts of Misrah Ghar il-Kbir   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: LOUIS MILLETTE

    Ok now i could prove what they were use for We have to go back at least before 10,000 BC and I could tell you that it will part of what we know(not much) about the period 10,000 BC to 35,000 BC Most of the archaeologist word on Greece,Italy,Egypt in fact were there is a lot of artifacts to find.For the last 44 years nobody have done search on Stonehenge…???

    This is so strange So with 3 pictures i could explain those cart ruts,and that will change for ever your mind

  • Reply to: Megalithic Temples of Malta still the oldest ones in the World   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: LOUIS MILLETTE

    I am surprise that you do not talk about the cart ruts(another article.?) I have found the use of them ,an it go back before 10,000 years ago

  • Reply to: Archaeologists Discover that Earliest Known Arabic Writing Was Penned by a Christian   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Hameed

    Referring to "Trump" as a name or a verb (meaning uttering vulgar language and menthioning myths and utter hallucinations and preoccupations as facts (all Muslims are terrorists and should be banned and denied entry in the promiosed paradise of USA . All Mexican immigrants are rapists, druggists and criminals who should be outcast and shipped back to Mexico . I will build a wall, 10 feets high to barricade paradise (aka USA) off hell (aka Mexico)) ...... C.A Martin is using the same rehotoric when he mentions that Muslims are denying their women education !!!!! Or Muslims are disagreeable to Education !!!!! very funny indeed !!!!! Especially from someone who believes in words like 1 Cornithians 1:19-21 (For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate." . Where is the wise person? Where is the teacher of the law? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?. For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.) ..... Through Trump's foolishness , America will be great again (may be with the resurrection of the Ko Klux Klan , White Supremacy and re-introduction of slavery !!!!!! The Klan undeniably supports this rhetoric of Trump) ...... So, somebody who is preached with "Foolishness" is mocking about the lack of education of people whom the first word in their sacred book was "Read !"..... In psychology we call this as "Psychological Projection" , i.e. projecting someone faults and personality disorders on others ( e.g. a thief would quiten his conscience which is troubling him by convincing himself that all the people are thieves someway or the other! Or a fool or lunatic who is accusing all other people around him that they are the fools or lunatics ! ) !!!!!! Islam is not ISIS or Taliban except in the minds which are as sick as those of ISIS and Taliban !
    Thank you for your lecture about slavery and law of slavery of Hagar and her son !!!!! That proves my point that I stated above !!!! No sane mind will approve slavery or invent a law for it except the same mind who considers that human blood "of the innocent" is required for atonement of sins " of the perpetual sinners" !!!!!
    Well, back to the main topic !!!!!! The writer of this "twisted" article mentions "However, the Islamic text makes no mention of the numerous Christian and Jewish communities across the Saudi peninsula that flourished during the days of Mohammed. " .... I proved that Quran and Islamic texts about the biography of Muhammad were not ashamed to mention the presence of Christian minorities on the periphery of the Arabian peninsula in Iraq, Shaam (northern Arabia) and Yemen. Also Jews were present , and still present, in Yemen and lived as neighbors with the new Islamic state in Yathrib (Medina) ! That is the first fallacy !!!!
    The second fallacy is attributing Arabic writing to just 100 years before the birth of Prophet Muhammad and that Christians were the writing ones ..... The Mo'allaqat which are the gems of Arabic Poetry and pinned to the walls of the holiest place in Arabia (Kaaba) have history predating that and none of the poets of those gems was Christian !!!!
    Last thing, there is always the mix between Arabs and Muslims which is a funny mix that denotes poor knowledge and poor education ..... Not all Arabs are Muslims , and not all Muslims are Arabs or speak Arabic !!!!
    Muslims do not believe that Islam was an "advent" and Muhammad established Islam ..... They believe Islam was the religion of Abraham (was Abraham a Christian or a Jew from the Judo-Christian view, did he believe in Jehovah or in Jesus as deity?) and Muhammad just revived the old religion ! ..... Surah 6. Al-An'am, Ayah 163, Abraham talking about God (He has no peer; thus am I commanded and I am the first of the Muslims) ..... Yet, you have to prove from the bible that Jesus (aka , Joshua Ben Pandera) called his new religion as Christianity or that he declared that he was preaching a new religion , not a reform movement or a sect of Judaism !!!!!

  • Reply to: What Became of Atlantis: The Flood from Heaven   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Veronica Roach

    could you give a link to that piece of information, I have not yet met that !
    I believe the concept of the continents shifting over time, I think there have been many crustal movements and possibly more violent upheavals than the experts want to believe in, ever since they discovered Gobekli Tepe it has been very obvious that those 'experts' can be just as easily wrong on all ancient history as correct, so we are free to speculate on anything - eventually more truths arise and the picture gradually changes. So for me nothing is beyond possible.

  • Reply to: technical problem   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: ancient-origins

    Thank you for letting us now. It is now fixed :-)

  • Reply to: Was Heinrich Himmler’s 'Nazi Witch Library' Discovered in a Czech Library?   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: osiris

    Very interestin Aliya. Perhaps you could supply AO with information to do an article on the ancient Bulgarian history. Considering the close proximity of the Bosnian pyramid to Bulgaria, it speaks volumes of the high civilization which once inhabited that area, long before the divisions of ‘countries’.

  • Reply to: The Enigma of the Roman Dodecahedra   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Athavulf

    One instance of wax found inside of one of so many mean very little in terms of relevance. It is a curiosity, but not a determining factor as it would be if many or most were found with wax. This could simply be due to an adjacent candle melting into one.

  • Reply to: Archaeologists Discover that Earliest Known Arabic Writing Was Penned by a Christian   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: C.A.Martin

    Edit: "God had already promised to make of Abraham a great nation" in last the paragraph should have been in parentheses to be more easily understood.

  • Reply to: Archaeologists Discover that Earliest Known Arabic Writing Was Penned by a Christian   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: C.A.Martin

    Did you not read in the article that they are speaking of Nabatean Arabic? What in the world does Trump have to do with this? It's a shame Islam is disagreeable to education, especially towards it's females.("Love for the poorly educated" !!!!!) You proved nothing wrong in the article, you merely added to it.
    Advent simply means, the coming or arrival of something or someone that is important or worthy of note: such as the advent of the computer, you seem to have misunderstood it to mean the religious meaning of the word.
    Ishmael was born under slavery to Hagar an Egyptian and slave (handmaid) of Sarah, Abraham's wife, and are still under spiritual slavery today but it was through Isaac birthed by Sarah his wife, not concubine or slave (not under slavery but freedom) the the promises would be fulfilled. (we are freed from the law of sin and death)
    You intimate the Jews do not count Abraham as their father, that simply is not true. The Muslims seem to want to claim an exclusivity to Abraham but Moses wrote quit clearly, as God was quite clear to Moses that the promise would come through Isaac born of his wife. Yet he said that God would make of Ishmael a great nation as well God had already promised to make of Abraham a great nation because God saw the grief of Hagar, Sarah's slave (handmaid) When Ishmael was born their names were Abram and Sari, before the birth of Isaac God changed their names to Abraham and Sarah.

  • Reply to: The Truth About Father Crespi and His Missing Artifacts Finally Revealed   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Carol Ann1

    I use AO Members Chat feature for private conversations and for security.  I am recently widowed and reluctant to give out my personal email address.  The Members Only chat feature allows me to get to know members a bit better first, without conversations being ‘public’.  I check in each day there at 12:00 pm Central Standard Time for the USA :-)  I am excited to hear your news!

  • Reply to: technical problem   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: stipsburg

    First of all i want to thank you very much, i received the book that i ordered with the redeeming points.

    The problem that i want to report is that after i ordered the book, i still can see my whole amount of points (254) and i should have 220 points less (34), because that was the value of the gift i ordered.


  • Reply to: Eight More Statues of the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Sekhmet Found in Luxor   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Native

    “In ancient Egypt, Sekhmet was a solar deity and a warrior goddess who was very popular, especially during the New Kingdom Period. She was also a goddess of healing for Upper Egypt”.

    Goddess Sekhmet is NOT a solar deity – and neither is Ra. They both belongs to the Story of Creation which is directly connected to the Milky Way Mythology.

    The very same is the case with the Egyptian goddess Hathor –

    “Hathor, along with the goddess Nut, was associated with the Milky Way during the third millennium B.C”

    When having no knowledge of the Milky Way Mythology, scholars confuses the central Milky Way Light as the Sun and ascribes the Milky Way deities to the Sun and to the “Solar Disc” instead of to the Milky Way Disc.

    Read more in this discussion here –

  • Reply to: Archaeologists Discover that Earliest Known Arabic Writing Was Penned by a Christian   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Paracelse

    Whatever, you may say what you want history will not change because you order it to do so.

  • Reply to: The Giants of Doddridge County: Body Snatching and Buried Notebooks – Part II   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Chandini

    5 feet 11 inches are not 228,60 cm. And 160 cm are NOT gigantic- rather SMALL, even today! So either the size in feet /inches is wrong or the size in cm. Please correct these important details. Thank you.

  • Reply to: Decoding the mysterious ancient Indus Valley script will shed light on powerful ancient civilization   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: donald fernandes

    Historically, all events must follow an order. Large scale human disasters tend to scatter people. Sometime around c.4000 BC(a new date is 6000 BC), A large scale disaster happened in the region of the Indus valley, and the people fled(or migrated). The book of Genesis describes the arrival of the "black headed" people from the east to Mesopotamia, who brought the art of brick making, town planning, metallurgy, writing and recording, public health concepts, and who built the Ziggurats. They were also masters in surveying, mathematics, and literature. They were also known as the "watchers". Watching for whom? No doubt- their enemies. A section of people from the Indus valley would have sailed southwards. Some would have landed in Srilanka and the rest would have continued their long voyage to Indonesia, Australia and finally to the Easter Islands. They preserved their script and handed it down to their descendants. When this race died away, the new settlers took upon themselves to guard the manuscripts, because it contained knowledge. However, the secret of reading the script was lost, and today we have no clue as to what are the contents of the Rongorongo script. Some workers believe that the Egyptian and Cretan civilisation could be ascribed to the unknown migrants. Perhaps in the near future, someone will discover the secret of the script. Until then we may have to wait.

  • Reply to: Rats, Exploding Toilet Seats and Demons of the Deep: The Hazards of Roman Sewers   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Daniel Damgaard

    Just a correction: the public latrine in Ostia is not from the second century, but from the fourth century.

  • Reply to: Was Heinrich Himmler’s 'Nazi Witch Library' Discovered in a Czech Library?   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Aliya Osho

    There must have been something very special and very powerful in the most Ancient human spirituality which has always made it a subject of constant attempts to suppress it, hide it, appropriate it in secret societies, condemn it.
    Truth is that people were special and powerful in spirit in the prehistoric times of humanity dawn. Therefore their spirituality was also very powerful. Ancient Bulgarian language traces all the human spirituality history back to its roots. Ancient Bulgarians were the first human beings the giant enlightened sages who lived in full unity with God Existence. Their priests called Zhretsi used to wear horns and masks of animals, wings of birds, etc. while performing their spiritual rituals in honor of Godess Allmather of Creation. They called this Godess Ba from where the Bulgarian word Ban arose. Ban means Godly. Later on Ban became a major deity in Roman empire, created by Ancient Bulgarians. Ancient Bulgarians called Ban all Godly priests who performed the spiritual rituals. They called them also Volkish which means Like Wolves, because they used to wear wolves masks as well. With the spreading of Ancient Bulgarians around the globe priests themselves started being perceived as Gods which gave birth to Ancient Hellenistic, Egyptian, Roman, Indian, American Indian gods. Main part of them have all Bulgarian naming. Swastika is the sign of God Sun the Son of Godess Ba Allmather. The original Sanscrit name of Swastika is SuAz-tika whereas Su Az is a Bulgarian naming meaning With the Soul. Swastka was a symbol one had always to have with himself and and that is the meaning of SuAz-tika - with the soul. Sanscrit is Ancient Bulgarian language written down with a different alphabet.

  • Reply to: Archaeologists Discover that Earliest Known Arabic Writing Was Penned by a Christian   8 years 2 months ago
    Comment Author: Hameed

    The extent of historical misinformation in this article qualifies it to be a Trump's speech who loves the "poorly educated" !!!!!
    Christianity and Judaism were present in Arabia long before Islam was "revealed" (not "advent" as intentionally erroneous as mentioned in the article )...... There was a huge Jewish community in Yathrib or Medina (the city where Prophet Muhammad moved to after leaving Mecca and the site of the first Islamic community and state). This community lived in peace with the Islamic community till they allied with the infidels of Mecca and betrayed the Muslims in the battle of the Trench (Ghazwah al-Khandaq) when they allowed some infidel troops to pass through their territories which were excluded from the trench and stab the Muslims in the back !!!!! They were then deported from Medina in a series of battles !
    There were a Christian state, a satellite of the Christian kingdom of Abyssinia in Yemen. In the year Prophet Muhammad was born, Abraha , the Abyssinian, the assigned ruler of the Christian state of Yemen ( built a church in Yemen and invaded Mecca to destroy the Kaaba and convert the Arabian infidels to Christianity !!!!! He tried to use a huge elephant to crumble the Kaaba ...... The campaign was disastrous and the army of Abraha vanished in the perimeter of the Kaaba though he met no resistance on the way there and the people of Mecca fled and left their sacred place totally defenseless !!!!!
    Neither Quran, Muhammad or Muslims deny the presence of Judaism or Christianity in Arabia before Islam. Christianity was present in Iraq (Lakhmids) (a satellite under the Persian rule , like East Germany during the cold war era!)( and the Ghassanids in Shaam (adjacent areas of northern Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon) ( (They were satellite state of the Roman Empire like West Germany during the cold war) ...... Both states (Lakkmids and Ghassanids were Christians but with different doctrines (Lakhmids were mostly Orthodox while Ghassanids were mostly Catholic) as a sequel of the rivality between the two dominant superpowers of the pre-Islamic era (Persians and Romans). But both were Arabs. In addition, it is mentioned in the books which narrate the life, acts and teachings of Muhammad (Sera) that when the Kaaba was rebuilt during the life of Muhammad, it was built by a Christian mason. One of the earliest followers of Muhammad (Suhayb , the Roman or Suhayb ar-Rumi) ( was a Roman Christian living in Mecca !!!!
    About Arabic Writing, Arabic as as old as Hebrew as Arabs belong the the first son of Abraham (Ishmail) as Jews refer to Isaac as their father. The Arabs used to write the best Arabic poems in Gold and hang them on the walls of the most revered place (Kaaba) in what is called as the Mu'allaqat or (Hanging Poems)('allaqat). Their number is controversial but mostly they were 10 Mu'allaqat . These poems are still preserved till today (not the writings) and are considered as the gems of Arabic poetry ! This tradition was present hundreds of years before Muhammad or the revelation (no advent) of Islam !!!! So, Arabic writings were extremely older than what you are "Trumping" in this article !!!!
    "Love for the poorly educated" !!!!!
