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Caractacus: The Indomitable Celt.	 Source: Public Domain

Caractacus: The Powerful Celtic King Who Defied Rome

Caractacus: The Powerful Celtic King Who Defied Rome Caractacus was a king and tribal leader of the ancient Britons during the Iron Age and ruler of the Catuvellaunui, a powerful British tribe.  He...
Image of a woman from a pre-Roman tribe, possibly the Dobunni of ancient Britain. Source: Stanislav/Adobe Stock

Dobunni Tribe Thrived as Peaceful Ancient Farmers of the Cotswolds

The ancient Dobunni tribe holds a significant place in the Celtic era of British history, and its legacy is etched deeply into the fabric of pre-Roman Britain. Hailing from the area now known as...
Aerial image of Danebury Fort, an Iron Age hillfort in Hampshire, England. Source: Hampshire Hub and University of Southampton/OGL v1.0OGL v1.0

Danebury Fort, the Formidable Home of Iron Age Britons

Danebury Fort, also known simply as Danebury, is an Iron Age hillfort located in Hampshire, England. It is one of the most extensively studied hillforts in Britain and is known for its archaeological...
Tribes in Britain gave allegiance to the Romans. Source: Bernard GIRARDIN / Adobe Stock.

Britons Gave Allegiance to Romans in Exchange for Protection (Video)

In ancient Roman Britain , business practices took a unique turn, driven by the empire's strategy to establish dominion over the region. The native tribes' constant discord presented an opportunity...
A Roman legion. Source: mehaniq41 / Adobe Stock.

A Brief History of Roman Britain: A Land Transformed

For the Romans, ancient Britain was the final frontier. Situated at the edge of the known world at the time, it was a symbol for the ultimate expansion of the Roman Empire. Conquering it meant...
Anglo Saxon Chieftain( Archivist /Adobe Stock)

Bretwaldas: The Early Anglo-Saxon Kings Of Post-Roman Britain

Current literature on the early medieval period in England and the Anglo-Saxons in general, supporting an outdated curriculum taught 40 years ago, postulating that waves of Anglo-Saxons warriors...
Bronze age man. Source: Gorodenkoff / Adobe Stock

Ancestry Shock: Britain Got Half its Genes from France!

A new DNA analysis of 793 Bronze Age skeletons from all over Britain and mainland Europe has revealed genetic secrets about a mass human migration that occurred around 3,000 years ago. Not Just...
Boudicca, the Celtic Queen, (

Boudicca: The Celtic Queen Who Unleashed Fury on the Romans

We British are used to women commanders in war; I am descended from mighty men! But I am not fighting for my kingdom and wealth now. I am fighting as an ordinary person for my lost freedom, my...
Anglo Saxon Helmet, Sutton Hoo, Suffolk. A reproduction of the helmet rebuilt from the fragments found in mound 1 in 1949.

The Anglo-Saxon Conquerors: Creators of Medieval England

The people of England got their name from the Angles, who, along with the Saxons, invaded in the early- to mid-5th century AD, after the Roman Empire began to groan under the weight of barbarian...
Medieval teaching scene.

In Medieval Britain, If You Wanted to Get Ahead, You Had to Speak French

The study of modern languages in British secondary schools is in steep decline. The number of students taking French and German GCSE has more than halved in the last 16 years. But as the UK prepares...
Ancient Britons by Nicholas Subkov.

Did Dutch Invaders Wipe Out Bronze Age Britons During the Construction of Stonehenge?

A new gene study suggests that large groups of newcomers arrived in Britain during the building of Stonehenge, around 2500 BC. The new study also implies that the possible invaders could have...
Saint Columba converting King Brude of the Picts to Christianity, Scottish National Portrait Gallery

Does the Fierce Reputation of The Picts Reflect Reality?

It’s not that the Picts, a group of British Isle inhabitants, were that different from native Britons around the fourth century, a historian suggests in a new book. It’s just that Julius Caesar didn’...
Bronze Age skeleton found at Stragglethorpe, during archaeological work on the Highways Agency scheme, England.

Bronze Age Britons Mummified the Dead: Smoked over Fires, Preserved in Bogs

Mummification may have been more common in Bronze Age Britain than previously believed, and the ancient Britons may have purposefully mummified their dead with unknown funerary rituals—but why and...
Human skull with well-preserved teeth

New study shows ancient Britons had less gum disease than the modern day

A new study published in the British Dental Journal has revealed that ancient Britons had significantly less gum disease compared to that seen in the modern day, despite the advent of the toothbrush...
Boudicca, the Celtic Queen

Boudicca, the Celtic Queen that unleashed fury on the Romans – Part 2

(Read Part 1 ) Queen Boudicca had every reason to hate the Romans – by 60 AD, the lands of the Iceni clan of Britain had been captured, her people had been killed or taken as slaves, she was publicly...
stonehenge bones

Druids and archaeologists battle over display of human remains at Stonehenge

A heated debate is currently taking place between archaeologists, who insist that bones of ancient Britons buried near Stonehenge should be put on display in the new £27 million visitor centre, and a...