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British Isles

Stone Age Peoples Made Bone Arrowheads - From Human Bones!

Stone Age Peoples Made Bone Arrowheads - From Human Bones!

A recent analysis of artifacts obtained from North Sea beaches has revealed a surprising fact about life in ancient Europe. It seems that some Ice Age peoples carved weapons from human bones. This...
Researchers have re-evaluated a helmet discovered in the 1950s in Yarm, Stockton-on-Tees. Known as the Yarm helmet, this is the first Anglo-Scandinavian helmet to have been discovered in Britain and is the second nearly complete Viking-era helmet discovered in the world to date. Source: Durham University.

First Ever Viking Helmet Discovered in Britain

A re-evaluation of a helmet discovered in Yarm has led experts to believe that it is the earliest Anglo-Scandinavian helmet ever to have been found in the British Isles. The remarkable Yarm helmet is...
The harsh conditions did not deter Viking Hrafna-Flóki from settling Iceland   Source: Sergio / Adobe Stock

Settlement of Iceland: Viking Hrafna-Flóki’s Real Journey

Iceland is a large Nordic island country, and one of the most sparsely populated nations in Europe. This remote island is known for its iconic North Atlantic climate and somewhat inhospitable nature...
Representative example of an ancient log boat.        Source: Juhku / Adobe Stock

Irish Schoolboy Finds Ancient Log Boat While Out Paddling

In Ireland, a schoolboy went for a paddle and found a log boat that could date to the Stone Age . The boy, while playing in a nearby lake, came across a well-preserved boat that is possibly 4000...
Four famous stone circles in the British Isles: Callanish Standing Stones (Fredy Jeanrenaud /Adobe Stock), Merry Maidens in Cornwall (Newlands Aerial /Adobe Stock), Castlerigg (Y. Jorzik-Brzelinski /Adobe Stock), and the Ring of Brodgar. (David Woods /Adobe Stock)

6 of the Most Magnificent Stone Circles of the British Isles

The enigmatic tradition of Europe’s Neolithic and Bronze Age stone circles, megaliths, and henges is by far the most mysterious glimpse into the lives of our ancestors. Today, stone circles dot...
Roman and Celtic coins found at the excavation site in Jersey.            Source: Jersey Heritage

Enormous 2000-Year-Old Celtic Coin Hoard Sets New World Record

Persistent archaeological treasure hunters have set a new Guinness World Record for the largest coin hoard ever discovered in the British Isles. This treasure story begun in the early 1980s after Reg...
Vision of Iron Age cremation

British Archaeologists Find First Ever Evidence of Cremation in Mesolithic era

Archaeologists have just a few ways to study how humans lived in the distant past; one of them is how people handled bodies after their loved ones died. In southeast England about 7,600 years ago,...
The Roman conquerors are waited for by the men of Albion.

Waves of invaders came to Britain but left few genes, new study says

People who came from prehistoric Germany, Belgium and France beginning about 11,000 years ago seem to have contributed the most genetic material to modern Caucasian Britons, according to a new study...
The Miracle of the Slave

Researchers chart thousands of miracle stories recorded about saints of the British Isles

A conference which took place in the Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic at the University of Cambridge saw the launch of a project to categorise and chart the thousands of miracle stories...