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Skeleton in mass grave Durham, England

Mysterious Mass Graves Contained Oliver Cromwell's Prisoners

In November 2013 archaeologists from the University of Durham in northern England found two mass graves near Durham Cathedral. At first the archaeologists thought the bodies belonged to the Cathedral...
Deriv; Sculpture depicting the King Tutankhamun as a child, gold plate with Tutankhamun and Ankhesenamun.

The Twin Tragedy of Tutankhamun: Death of a Dynasty

Tossed away callously in a dark corner of the lavish Treasury in the subterranean tomb of Tutankhamun was possibly the most poignant remnant of the boy king’s short life. Positioned next to the...
Historic Cold Cases: Five Ancient Archaeological Murder Mysteries

Historic Cold Cases: Five Ancient Archaeological Murder Mysteries

Nothing sticks in the mind quite like an unanswered question, such as a historic murder mystery, an unsettled death, an impenetrable enigma or even an ancient cold case just waiting to be resolved. A...
Paris Catacombs

The Dark Underworld of the Paris Catacombs

Paris, the capital of France, is often called La Ville Lumière (meaning ‘The City of Light’), however, beneath this bustling European city of 12 million people, lies a dark subterranean world holding...
One of the mummies found in the Tuna El-Gebel burial site.

50 Mummies of Men, Women and Children Found in Ancient Egyptian Family Tomb

Egyptian Minister of Antiquities Dr Khaled El-Enany announced today the first significant archaeological discovery of 2019 at the Tuna El-Gebel archaeological site in Minya, south of the Cairo. Fifty...
Moai Statues

Photos Reveal Giant Easter Island Moai Statues are Covered in Mysterious Symbols

Images from the 2012 excavation of Easter Island’s iconic statues reveal the renowned heads are not only connected to giant bodies, but the bodies are covered in mysterious designs and symbols, which...
Restored statue platform with standing moai on the south coast of Rapa Nui. Note that one of the moai is adorned with a red scoria pukao.

How the Easter Island Statues Received Their Hats: Final Report

How do you put a 13-ton hat on a giant statue? That's what a team of researchers is trying to figure out with their study of Easter Island statues and the red hats that sit atop some of them. "Lots...
A pirate burial ground has been located in Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

A Pirate’s Death for Me: Black Bellamy’s Drowned Crew Found in Largest American Mass Buccaneer Burial Ground

The notorious pirate “Black Sam” Bellamy sailed the seven seas, plundering and pirating, becoming the richest buccaneer ever known. But the crew drowned when their ship was wrecked, and the 102 lost...
The Windover Bog Bodies, Among the Greatest Archeological Discoveries Ever Unearthed in the United States

The Windover Bog Bodies, Among the Greatest Archeological Discoveries Ever Unearthed in the United States

It was only after the bones were declared very old and not the product of a mass murder that the 167 bodies found in a pond in Windover, Florida began to stir up excitement in the archeological world...
Vaulted royal tomb of Haft Teppah (Haft Tepe), the Bronze Age Elamite city where archaeologist have uncovered a mass grave filled with unfortunate victims.

Researchers Study Mysterious Deaths in Mass Grave at Ancient Haft Tappeh

A mass grave containing the remains of more than 250 people was discovered by archaeologists at the ancient city of Haft Tappeh, Iran. Scientist are now working to determine how these people perished...
What befell the ancient Elamite city of Haft Tappeh? Detail of the sack of Susa.

Human Tragedy Revealed at ancient city: Excavations uncover mass grave at Heft Tappeh, Iran

The skeletal remains of several hundred bodies piled high behind a ruin wall are testimony to the terrible tragedy that unfolded in the ancient city of the Seven Mounds. Archaeologists have uncovered...
Volunteers carefully clean and store the abandoned bodies in the hopes relatives will retrieve them. If not, the bodies are eventually cremated.

Thai Buddhists observe an ancient tradition of honoring the unclaimed dead

A medieval Buddhist tradition started by a Buddhist monk centuries ago has people this month in Thailand exhuming and painstakingly cleaning the remains of 3,890 people who were buried without their...
The nearly 100 skeletal remains, some charred, were found in the ruins of a tiny, 5,000-year-old house. They are believed to have been victims of a pestilence.

Prehistoric Disaster: Nearly 100 Bodies Found Stacked in Ancient House in China

The skeletal remains of nearly 100 bodies have been found crammed into the ruins of a tiny wooden house in northeast China, and archaeologists are trying to piece together the puzzle of what happened...
Image from an illuminated manuscript depicting a Byzantine siege of a citadel. A tactic of ancient biological warfare was to hurl infected dead bodies over city walls.

The Devastating and Diabolical Ancient Origins of Biological Warfare

History paints a bleak picture of the devastating effects that disease, contamination, or poison can have on humans. But with those hard lessons came experience and knowledge, and mankind has...
Ancient Ritual Wand in Syria

9,000-year-old ritual wand etched with human faces discovered in Syria

Archaeologists made an incredibly unique and unusual discovery during excavations at Tel Qarassa, a site in southern Syria, when they unearthed an ancient wand carved with two realistic human faces...
Masacre in a well

1,200-year-old murder mystery – dozens of bodies found in ancient well

Archaeologists have discovered the remains of a mass grave at the bottom of a 1,200-year-old well in the town of Entrains-sur-Nohain in Burgundy, France. It appears the discovery relates to the...