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Part of the extensive East Bay Wall network. Source: Chris/Adobe Stock

Unravelling the Mystery Behind the East Bay Walls: Who Really Made Them and Why?

In the hills around East Bay and elsewhere near San Francisco, there is a series of stone walls that extend discontinuously for miles. The walls are about 3-4 feet (a meter or so) high in most places...
The mass grave in Dahwa, Oman, where prehistoric silver jewelry was unearthed, along with pottery, stone containers, and personal ornaments

“Intriguing” Prehistoric Silver Jewelry in Omani Tomb Evidence of Regional Trade

Several important archaeological discoveries that shed light on ancient trade settlements in the Oman region have been unearthed by nearly a decade of excavations at a site from the early Bronze Age...
This composite photograph shows the bison herd with one of the newly discovered petroglyphs overlaid on the sky. Source: Wanuskewin Heritage Park

Bisons Help Find Rare Petroglyphs at First Nations Site in Canada

Rare rock art was discovered by an indigenous archaeologist ‘with help from bison,’ at Wanuskewin Heritage Park near Saskatoon in Canada. According to a report in Smithsonian Magazine , the park’s...
Rendering of bison in Niaux Cave      Source: Valette, C / CC BY ND 2.0

Follow Ancient Footsteps to the Famous Rock Art of Niaux Cave

France is famous for its beautiful scenery, historic cities, and of course, wine. The country also has many spectacular cave systems such as the Bournillon Cave which has the highest cave opening in...
Blue Babe

Blue Babe: Would You Eat 36,000-year-old Bison Meat?

The Alaskan Gold Rush, which began around the end of the 19th century, brought many miners and prospectors to this American state. During their mining operations, many miners have come across the...
White Buffalo

Mythological Creatures Are Among Us: Guardians of the Sacred White Bison

Cynthia Hart-Button and husband Charles are the Guardians of the Sacred White Bison. They have cared for and nurtured a small herd of these rare creatures for nearly two decades. This couple’s...
Artist’s Vision of Ptesan Wi (Courtesy of Pamela McCabe)

Mythological Creatures Are Among Us: Tatanka Ska - The Sacred White Bison

Iconic myths about the American White Bison are scattered among the oral tradition of various Native American tribes stretching from Canada to Mexico. Respected mythologist Joseph Campbell sometimes...
‘Shoshone Indian and his Pet Horse’ (1858-1860) by Alfred Jacob Miller.

The Nomadic Survival Tactics of the Shoshone Tribe

The Shoshone Tribe would better be described as a nation or a people than a tribe. They are scattered over a big area in three main groups in three states, Nevada, Idaho, and Wyoming, with their...
Charlie Lake Cave Inside

Charlie Lake Cave: A Gully of Buried Treasure 10,500 Years Old

Although the vast majority of archaeologists agree that ‘Paleoindian’ cultures were well-established throughout the Americas dating to the end of the last glacial period (about 12000 BC), when their...
Depiction of a bonnacon in a medieval bestiary.

Do Not Attack the Bonnacon, A Medieval Beast with a Toxic Defense

The bonnacon is a strange beast believed to have existed in the ancient world. The first attestation to the existence of the bizarre creature is traced to the Roman natural historian, Pliny the Elder...
Bison from Magdalenian occupation of Altamira Cave. In black charcoal, c. 16500 – 14000 years ago.

A Pearl of Prehistoric Spain in Danger of Disappearing: Can the 35,600-year-old Art of Altamira Cave be both Witnessed and Preserved?

The cave located at Altamira was inhabited thousands of years ago and contains remarkable examples of sophisticated art from Prehistory. The first paintings appeared there most probably around 35600...
Ancient Cave Art Reveals Origin of Mysterious Bison Hybrid

Ancient Cave Art Reveals Origin of Mysterious Bison Hybrid

More than 30,000 years ago, early cave artists in what is now southwestern France ventured deep underground into limestone caves, where they painted elaborate and detailed frescoes of the huge...
Montana burn

Montana burn reveals ancient stone effigies, cairns, rock formations and buffalo slaughter areas

U.S. government archaeologists set a controlled fire in April 2015 to reveal a unique site in northern Montana that has large Native American stone effigies, cairns, circles and structures used...