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Detail of the entrance to the barrow at the D35 Plotiště-Sadová highway site, Czech Republic.	Source: Department of Archaeology UHK

Monumental Long Barrow Burial Discovered in the Czech Republic

Recent archaeological research on the D35 Plotiště-Sadová highway in the Czech Republic has unveiled an extraordinary long barrow, shedding light on the funerary practices of the Eneolithic period...
The excavation site at Crowland has revealed an ancient henge used by Saint Guthlac as the site of his hermitage. Source: The Anchor Church Field Project /

Saint Guthlac’s Realm: Massive Stone Age Henge Discovered in Lincolnshire

Archaeologists from Newcastle University have been working for years in Crowland, Lincolnshire around the purported site of the hermitage of Saint Guthlac, a local cult figure. What they found there...
Overhead view of the Saint-Bélec slab.          Source: Denis Glicksman / Inrap

A Bronze Age Rock Has Become a 'Treasure Map' for Researchers

A piece of rock, adorned with mysterious markings that have remained largely unstudied for 4,000 years, has emerged as a remarkable "treasure map" for archaeologists. This ancient artifact, known as...
A Representation of a wolf skull.   Source: igor kisselev/Adobe Stock

Grave Robbers in Ancient Romania Used Wolf Skulls to Ward off Evil Spirits of the Deceased!

Around 2,000 years ago, grave robbers would place a wolf skull on top of a burial site, in a bid to protect themselves from the vengeful spirit of a deceased individual buried in a mound. No, this is...
Bronze Age barrows under excavation by Cotswold Archaeology’s Andover team. Source: Cotswold Archaeology

Excavations Near Stonehenge Reveal Early Bronze Age Barrow Cemetery

A team of archaeologists digging at the site of a planned housing development near Salisbury , England got quite a shock when they unearthed the remains of a sprawling cemetery that could be anywhere...
A Roman ritual center has been discovered in Northampton, which had been in use since the Bronze Age. Source: International Council of Museums / Twitter

Highly Significant Bronze Age and Roman Ritual Center Discovered in England

A team of archaeologists from the Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) have uncovered a 4,000-year-old treasure trove of ritual and religious activity in Overstone, near Northampton, England. This...
Stonehenge and surrounding earthworks.

Natural Harmony: How did the Stonehenge Druids Measure the Landscape?

What were the Proto-Druids up to at Stonehenge? Advances in GPS technology and other sophisticated mapping software allow their prehistoric surveying activities to be investigated in ways that were...
Wayland the Smith: The Lost Germanic Legend of the Flying Blacksmith

Wayland the Smith: The Lost Germanic Legend of the Flying Blacksmith

The world of ancient Europe is full of unique myths, legends, heroes, and gods, many of which have survived through time to the present day. In many ways, these legends shaped the identities of...
The burial of the Amazon with a ceremonial golden headdress.          Source:

Scythian Burial With Golden Headdress Found in Russia

Akson Russian Science Communication Association Investigations at the Don excavation site in Russia have unearthed a burial mound containing four Scythian women with impressive grave goods that...

Mysterious Megalithic Monument Found at Carrowmore is Unlike Anything Seen in Ireland

In Ireland, archaeologists have found a remarkable monument in the heart of the extensive Stone Age complex of Carrowmore Megalithic Cemetery in Sligo. They were expecting to find a burial site or...
Inside the planned mid-England Barrow.

A Return to Ancient Burial Traditions: Want to Be Buried in a Barrow?

Humanity has buried their dead in a variety of ways, down the ages. In the distant past the dead were often buried in barrows. It has been many millennia since one of these burial sites has been...
The coffin and remains of the Egtved Girl. Researchers have discovered the high-status teen was born and raised afar from her burial site in Denmark.

The Surprising and Iconic Bronze Age Egtved Girl: Teenage Remains Tell a Story of Trade and Travel

One of the best-known Danish Bronze Age burials, the well preserved Egtved Girl was found in a barrow in 1921. Her woolen clothing, hair, and nails were perfectly preserved, but all her bones were...
The handles of a large cauldron in the tomb are decorated with the Greek river God Achelous

A rich Celtic Iron Age tomb discovered with stunning artifacts

In 2015, archaeologists in France excavated the huge funerary chamber of what they believe was a rich 5th century BC Celtic Prince. The burial held his chariot, a decorated bronze cauldron, a vase...
ANU Archaeologist Dr Catherine Frieman & co-director James Lewis with funerary pot in situ.

Cornish Barrow Dig Uncovers 4,000-year-old Human Burial

An archaeologist from The Australian National University (ANU) has hailed her excavation of a Bronze Age burial mound in south west England a huge success with the discovery of an intact 4,000 year...
Shows Dr. Catherine Frieman in a field in Cornwall with survey equipment. Credit: ANU.

Property Owner Reports ‘Lump’ on His Land – Archaeologists Find 4,000-Year-Old Burial Mound

An Archaeologist at The Australian National University (ANU) has discovered a prehistoric Bronze-Age barrow , or burial mound, on a hill in Cornwall and is about to start excavating the untouched...
Tumulus F at the Neolithic Tumulus of Bougon necropolis.

The Outstanding Megalithic Necropolis that is the Tumulus of Bougon

The Tumulus of Bougon (known also as the Necropolis of Bougon) is a group of barrows dating to the Neolithic period. This site is located in Bougon, a commune in the Deux-Sèvres department of the...
Seventy-five graves with about 150 skeletons have been uncovered at the construction site in Pocklington, England. Workers halted construction so an archaeological firm could excavate and document the site. Usually when human remains are exhumed they are returned to the earth later, but grave artifacts go to museums.

Why Did Iron Age People Bury a Chariot and Two Horses?

Yet more fantastic finds are coming out of an Iron Age burial site in England that dates back about 2,500 years. The latest discovery was a burial of a chariot and two horses on the periphery of a...
Deriv; Silbury Hill, Avebury, UK. Inset, the humble earthworm

Was Neolithic Silbury Hill Designed as a Welcoming Home for Omnivorous, Upwardly-Mobile Earthworms?

Silbury Hill, said to be the largest prehistoric man-made mound in Europe, looms over the landscape. Yet so little is understood about this enigmatic British site. However, surprising as it may seem...
The child's skull after excavation; scientists hope to determine a lot about the person buried, such as diet, place of habitation, any diseases and cause and year of death.

Body of 4,000-year-old teenager near Stonehenge may give clues about Bronze Age lives

Archaeologists have unearthed a 4,000-year-old adolescent who lived near Stonehenge and was buried in the fetal position with an amber necklace. Now archaeologists working at the site of Marden Henge...
4,400-year-old ruins found near ceremonial site in Britain

4,400-year-old ruins found near ceremonial site may be the oldest house ever found in Britain

Archaeologists are excavating the remnants of a house up to 4,400-years old on the site of Marden Henge, England, which lies halfway between the World Heritage Sites of Stonehenge and Avebury. Marden...
Ancient skeleton of a man buried with a shield in England

Archaeologists find ancient skeleton of a man buried with a shield in England

Archaeologists have unearthed the ancient remains of a man buried with a shield in England, which is characteristic of an Iron Age burial belonging to the Arras culture, a civilization that existed...
The Funeral of a Viking

The 10th century chronicle of the violent, orgiastic funeral of a Viking chieftain

For the 10 th century holy man and jurist Ahmad Ibn Fadlan, the violent, orgiastic, drunken spectacle put on by mourning Vikings in Bulgaria must have been shocking. In Ibn Fadlan’s Muslim tradition...
Neolithic henge and barrow in Kent

6,000-year-old Neolithic henge and barrow uncovered in Kent

Archaeologists in Britain have unearthed an ancient Neolithic henge on housing development grounds in Kent, England. According to a report in Culture24 , the massive structure may have been used...