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Medieval arrow fletchings. Source: David Pimborough / Adobe Stock.

The Exceptional Craftmanship Behind Medieval Arrows (Video)

Discovering the craftsmanship behind medieval arrows is a journey into the precision and dedication of ancient fletchers and arrow smiths. These arrows , such as the one modeled after a 1545 Mary...
Overview of the Mörigen arrowhead. Source: Thomas Schüpbach/Science Direct

Swiss Scientists Identify Bronze Age Iron Arrowhead Made from a Meteorite!

A team of scientists recently completed a study of prehistoric metal artifacts collected in Switzerland over the past couple of centuries, with a very clear purpose in mind. They were looking to see...
Does Bone Arrowhead Prove Biblical Account of Epic Battle of Gath?

Does Bone Arrowhead Prove Biblical Account of Epic Battle of Gath?

In the Hebrew Bible, the Book of Kings tells a story about how an Aramean king named Hazael conquered and destroyed the famed Philistine city-state of Gath, the home of the legendary giant Goliath...
Artifact recovered from the Williams Lake area and believed to be an arrowhead from the early Nesikep period.          Source: Sugar Cane Archeology

6,000-year-old ‘Arrowhead’ Found in British Columbia

An ancient pointed chert stone dating to the early Nesikep period is believed to be the oldest arrowhead ever recovered in the Williams Lake area. But is this interpretation accurate? Lake Williams...
Arrowhead recently found at Jotunheimen.   Source: Secrets of the Ice

Huge 1,500-Year-Old Arrowhead Released From Melting Glacier

Archaeologists in Norway uncovered a 1,500-year-old iron arrowhead in a melting glacier in the summer of 2020. The team of investigators inspecting Jotunheimen , a massive melting Norwegian glacier,...
Ancient Maya obsidian arrowhead

Human Blood Found on Ancient Maya Arrowheads, Bloodletting Rituals to Feed Life Force to the Gods

Five hundred years ago at a remote temple in Guatemala, sacrificial blood was spilled during cutting ceremonies using razor-sharp obsidian arrowheads. Archaeologists say this ritual was done to feed...
A Neolithic axe created by the Aboriginals of what is now Australia.

Written in Stone: Neolithic Weapons and Tools of the Australian Aboriginals

The groundswell of interest world-wide in artifacts from our prehistoric past reveals our shared humanity at a time when no written records exist to bear testimony to it. Indeed, 99% of our history...
Prehistoric People

Scant Evidence that Early Prehistoric People were Warlike, Anthropologist claims

The earlier Stone Age seems to have been a time of peace and not war, says an anthropologist specializing in war who has studied the published work of dozens of researchers. Unfortunately for many...