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Representational image of human skeletons. The discovery of anomalous skeletons suggests humanity may be older than we think.

Ancient Anomalous Human Skeletons: Humanity Could be Much Older Than We Think

There are many reported human skeletal finds which are in discordance with current evolutionary beliefs dating back to anomalously ancient geological periods in the distant past, way before it is...
New research looking at the density of particles called muons has found an empty space (shown in this illustration) more than 98 feet (30 meters) long right above the pyramid's Grand Gallery.

Hidden Chamber Found? Cosmic Ray Tech Reveals Large Void in Great Pyramid

Scientists looking to uncover hidden chambers and other ancient secrets of the Egyptian pyramids using powerful scanning technology, have detected a large space within the Great Pyramid, which could...
“Bust of a child” first century AD (Public Domain), Antique bust of girl (Nerissa’s Ring/CC BY 2.0) and On A Misty Morning (Vinoth Chandar/CC BY 2.0); Deriv

The Green Children of Woolpit – An Otherworldly Tale That Just Might be True

The story of the Green Children of Woolpit, Suffolk, has always been one of the strangest medieval folktales, and that's up against some pretty stiff competition. If you don't know it, it goes a bit...
A still from the NASA footage of the 1996 Tether Experiment

Orbs in Space: An Unconventional Phenomenon, and the Tether Experiment

The term orb describes those unexpected light manifestations in spherical form which appear in photographs and on film. Authentic orbs have their own flight trajectory and they emit their own light...
Scanning of the Great Pyramid of Egypt.

Thermal Scan of Egyptian Pyramids Reveals Mysterious Anomaly in the Great Pyramid

Scientists looking to uncover hidden chambers and other ancient secrets of the Egyptian pyramids for the first time using powerful scanning technology, have detected an ‘impressive’ anomaly within...