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ancient civilization

Nora, the Ancient Sardinian Trading Town that Everyone Wanted

Nora, the Ancient Sardinian Trading Town that Everyone Wanted

Nora is arguably the first town ever built on the island of Sardinia, one of the largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea. Their rich and remarkable history includes occupation by Phoenicians,...
Professor Charles Hapgood believed strange, unexplained maps were signs of a long-forgotten civilization of ancient sea kings. Source: Freesurf / Adobe Stock

Charles Hapgood and the Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings

Charles H. Hapgood began his book, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings , by stating, after studying composite maps at least partially derived from ancient sources, that ancient voyagers traveled from pole...
Ancient Pyramids in an Icy Landscape: Was There an Ancient Civilization in Antarctica?

Ancient Pyramids in an Icy Landscape: Was There an Ancient Civilization in Antarctica?

In 2016 the World Wide Web was all abuzz with Google Earth images of Antarctica that appear to show pyramids in the icy landscape. The images show what appears to be three pyramids with four sides...
Aerial view of the Shuanghuaishu site in central China's Henan Province.        Source: Li An/Xinhua/SCIO

Discovery of Ancient Chinese City Rewrites History

In China, an ancient city has been brought to light that could transform our understanding of the origin of civilization in the region. Experts believe the ruined urban settlement in Zhengzhou dates...
Ancient Poop Busts Myth of Lost Cahokia Tribe

Ancient Poop Busts Myth of Lost Cahokia Tribe

A University of California, Berkeley, archaeologist has dug up ancient human feces, among other demographic clues, to challenge the narrative around the legendary demise of Cahokia , North America's...
Mesopotamian seals and cuneiform tablets found in Marad, Iraq.      Source: Universita di Pisa

Cuneiform Tablets and ‘Envelopes’ Tell of Mesopotamian Sophistication

A team of Italian and Iraqi archaeologists has unearthed hundreds of cuneiform tablets in central Iraq. They also uncovered some clay coverings and seals with the tablets. The collection of cuneiform...
Sphinx of Balochistan

Is The Sphinx of Balochistan Really Just a Natural Rock Formation?

In Pakistan in 2004, the Makran Coastal Highway which links Karachi with the port town of Gwadar was opened. The new road finally allowed tourists easier access to the Hingol National Park, 240 kms (...
Miles-long band of mysterious and unexplained holes in Pisco Valley - Peru

Miles-long band of mysterious and unexplained holes in Pisco Valley, Peru

A mysterious site spans the landscape of Pisco Valley, Peru. On the same plateau where the famous Nazca Lines are found, thousands of holes have been carved into rock, creating a band that stretches...